Chapter 2


The boy stopped eating and settle the chopsticks down. He looked at Yoongi and rapidly averted his eyes. Jimin didn't know why but being this close to Yoongi, although they were touching, made him feel hot all over. He ruffled his swett brown hair uncovering his forehead. "Forgive me, but I would rather not talk about it."

Yoongi chuckled "Kid, I don't think you really have a choice, because entering other people's property without permission it's still a crime. He brought the noodles to his mouths.

Jimin didn’t answer right away, he took his time to find the right words. "My dad attacked my mom. He always does whenever he's drunk. Normally, mom would yell at me telling me to stay in my room." He paused and lifted his head to meet Yoongi's incredibly open eyes. Closing his eyes for a few seconds, he continued "But last night I could hear his belt hitting something but I didn't hear mom crying, so I got worried." He had forgotten about the noodles long ago and his hands were now squeezed together with anger. "I decided to go downstairs and..." Jimin's tears were threatening to fall as he remembered his father's face. "I saw my dad whipping my mom's back with his belt, but mom wasn't responding." His eyes were red with rage. Yoongi looked at Jimin's shaking hands and placed over his. Somehow it gave Jimin courage to proceed. "I started shouting, grabbed a chair and hit him with it on his head. He fell on the ground and that was when my mom started to cry and stumbled into her room. I wanted to run to her but then I felt dad's hand gripping my arm, almost breaking it." Jimin sobbed quietly and rubbed his arm touching the bruise that his father left. "In a split of a second I jumped free from his hands and ran outside house. Only then I remembered that mom was still in her room and could be in danger. But it was too late for me to return because when I glanced back I saw dad getting into the car to follow me. I ran so fast that I thought that would be the last thing I'd do before I die." He cleaned his tears with his t-shirt and looked at Yoongi. "And that’s how I ended up here. I don't know what to do from now on. I can't go back but I need to make sure mom is okay."

Realizing he was still drawing small circles with his finger on Jimin's hands, Yoongi suddenly rose up from his chair, rushed out of the kitchen and locked himself in the toilet. Placing both hands on the sink he stared at his flushed cheeks. He didn't know the reason but the fact that his heart broke a bit when Jimin told him what he had been through, meant that he kind of cared about the younger boy; which was odd because Yoongi never really bothered to think about other lives besides his. Not even his older brother's, Yoonguk, who was the only person in the family that called once in a while to check if he was still alive. So what was it about Jimin that made him feel so protective? He splashed water on his face and gave little slaps on his cheeks. What the are you thinking? You just met the kid. Why would you give a crap about some kid that sneaked into your house? He composed himself and entered the kitchen, but not before he grabbed Juno and take it with him.

Jimin was sat in the same position, but now his head was hanging on his chest. As soon as he heard footsteps he lifted his head. He didn't think Yoongi would come back and he would have to leave eventually. He glanced at the small animal on Yoongi's lap. Jimin's face immediately lightened up as he watched the cat's tail swaying from side to side.

Yoongi sighed loudly catching the boy's eyes "Do you like cats?"

Jimin blushed and nodded. Yoongi made his way towards him and his cheeks turned into a darker shade of red. He had only realized Yoongi's intentions when the older one placed the kitten on Jimin's lap. He was left dumbfounded staring at the little cat as Yoongi turned to get a small bowl and poured milk in it. Jimin the pet's back twice and it curled its tail around Jimin's wrist. Jimin understood that the kitten liked it and he kept on massaging its back.

"Feed him." Yoongi said firmly making the boy jump. "I need to do some work in my room, and you've already taken a lot of my time."

The boy didn't have the chance to say anything because Yoongi was already gone. "By the way, he's name is Juno." Yoongi shouted from upstairs. And with that, he was left alone in the kitchen with a hungry cat. Tentatively he lowered the cat and placed the bowl on the floor in front of Juno. The cat must have been really hungry because he the milk so fast as if he hadn't eaten for months.

Jimin took the opportunity to stand up and glance around. Last night he was too agitated to pay attention at the area around him. He was surrounded by white walls and black modern counters with white cabinets. Everything was equipped with the latest kitchen utensils. Is Yoongi a professional chef? He ambled towards the glass double door that led to the balcony. He pushed the door but it didn't open, so he tried pulling it but the door was still on its original position. Only then he realized that there was a switch next to the door. He pressed it and the doors slid open automatically. Is he rich?

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