Chapter 3


Stepping outside Jimin instantly felt the soft whisper of the summer breeze tickling his face. The paradise in front of him was so stunning that he didn't realize he was gaping. Just how rich is Yoongi? From where he was standing he could see small Forget-Me-Not flowers gently dotted around the seas of wild grass. The sun was arisen in the sky and it spread its vivid light throughout the fields. Jimin had never seen anything so beautiful. Where am I? This view is amazing. If only the view from my room was as good as this one, he suspired. Reluctantly, he stepped back into the kitchen and let himself absorb the luxury around him. Damn, I'm really out of place. I don't belong here.

It was true. Jimin wasn't poor, but he knew that it would be impossible for him to ever live in a place like this. It was hard for his parents to pay the rent of their small apartment, let alone a modern detached house.

Gradually, he started to feel bad about himself. He does not belong here. Then again, why did Mr. Yoongi just leave me here, instead of kicking me out? "I shouldn't be here. I need to find Mr. Yoongi and apologize to him." He walked towards the entrance hall. He spotted the stairs and was about to climb them when something bright caught his eye. Jimin approached the glass display cabinet placed next to the exit door, and once again he was left with his mouth hanging open. Before his eyes sparkled platinum and golden discs, and each shelf was filled up with trophies and diplomas. Something among the trophies drew Jimin's attention. It was an old photo of a blonde-haired boy screaming to the microphone on a stage. Jimin realized that was Yoongi, and couldn't help to admire his posture and the way he owned the stage. Even through the picture, the man's adrenaline could be sensed. He looks so cool. Yoongi's hair was dampened in sweat as well as his white t-shirt. Is he a singer? He remembered Yoongi saying that he was going to work in his studio. On the right bottom of the picture it was written "Suga '93" He pulled his eyebrows together in confusion. '93? 1993? "Was this photo taken in 1993? He doesn't look old at all." he murmured to himself.

"I'm not." Jimin startled and turned to where the deep voice was coming from. Yoongi was leaning over the handrail glaring at Jimin from the top of the stairs. His sudden presence made Jimin shiver all over. "Actually, that was the year I was born in." he claimed after a few seconds. He was born in 1993? He's not as old as I thought. We only have two years of difference. The guy with grey hair descended the stairs slowly with hands inside his pockets, purposely giving Jimin enough time to take a good look at him. Yoongi had changed into a black t-shirt which had the words "Death Note" printed on it, a pair of shorts and Converse shoes. Although he was dressed casually, Jimin found himself staring and his ears becoming red. He's so attractive. How can his skin be so white and fair? He let his eyes trace Yoongi's jaw, cheeks and hair, holding his gaze a little longer on his thin and pink lips. At that moment, Yoongi cleared his throat and the sound brought Jimin's eyes back to his.

Remembering what he was supposed to do, Jimin made a ninety degrees bow and said in a military tone "Sir! I want to apologize for entering your house without permission, and I want to thank you for not calling the police." He rose up and bowed with his head "I'll take my leave now." He turned around and walked towards the door.

Yoongi frowned and gave him a perplexed look. "Wait.”

He got closer to the boy who was now facing him with two wide eyes. Was there anything else to say? "First of all, don't you ever call me sir again, I told you before." Jimin was about to apologize when Yoongi stopped him holding his hand up. "And second, you don't really seem like a bad person and I want to believe that you didn't steal anything while I was upstairs… Did you?" Jimin quickly shook his face. “Good” Silence.

Yoongi had nothing else to say, he just knew that he didn’t want this kid to leave his sight just yet. He ruffled his hair and said “Where were you going anyway?”

The question seemed so simple but hard at the same time. Jimin couldn’t go home. Not now, at least. He was scared to death to face his father. He knew so well that the worst time to confront him was in the morning after a drunken night. His father would always wake up furious with a heavy hangover. Jimin couldn’t go to his favorite places either because he was sure that his father would look for him there. He had nowhere to go.

“I…I don’t know.” He said mildly, dragging his gaze to the floor.

“So why were you in a rush to leave?” Yoongi glanced at his Rolex. 12:30pm. He had a meeting in 30 minutes. Without giving the boy a chance to reply, he walked past him and opened the door. “Look, I have a meeting in a bit and I don’t want to leave you in the house alone. So why don’t you come with me, and then we figure out what to do with you?”

Jimin looked down to his shoes thinking, “I don’t know. I don’t want to be a burden.” He looked up expecting to meet Yoongi’s eyes but instead he was facing the open door.

“Just pull the door. It locks by itself.” He heard from inside the black Volkswagen parked in front of the house. He did what he was told and ran to the car.

During the journey they were both in silence. It was making Jimin nervous. He discreetly glanced to his right and found himself hypnotized by the handsomeness of the man next to his. Only then he realized that Yoongi had pulled out some shades which made him look hotter and somehow mysterious. Jimin felt his cheeks heating up and quickly shift his vision to something random outside the window. He bet he wasn’t the only person who this Yoongi guy affected. I mean, he’s so hot! He mentioned that he was attending to a meeting. Is a singer? Or model? Or-or even better! A singer and model! Just my luck, to be driving with someone who is probably famous. He giggled.

That drew Yoongi’s attention to him. He smirked “What’s funny?”

Jimin was startled from his thoughts. “W-What?”

“You just laughed. Care to share?”

Jimin pondered for a second. Sharing his embarrassing thoughts? No, thank you. “Hum. You-your cat is cute.” He lied. He hoped Yoongi didn’t notice his red ears.

Yoongi chuckled without looking away from the road. “You were laughing because my cat is cute?”

Jimin could see a raised eyebrow through the sunglasses. He blushed and refocused his attention to the window.

Yoongi silently chuckled. “He’s not mine. Juno is my brother’s cat. He went on holidays and he decided to pass the responsibility to me while he’s having the time of his life with his girl.”

Jimin simply nodded and hummed at the piece of information. So he has a brother.

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