Chapter 1


It's been over ten minutes since Yoongi was standing in the balcony. The wind was blowing strongly, but not even that eased the heat of his body. Anger. Jealousy. Impotence. That was what he was feeling at that moment. Angry for letting himself feel like this, jealousy because someone else was inside of the house hugging the person he cares the most, and impotence because he couldn't do anything but to see his lover being taken away. As he leaned over the balcony and stared ahead aimlessly he whispered to himself, Please remember. Remember me, Jimin.

Jimin was the only person on earth that he actually cared about, his sunshine, his happiness, his reason to smile. And he had forgotten about Yoongi. He had forgotten about his lover, his friends and everything that happened before the accident. The accident that changed everyone's life, the one that Yoongi never wanted to remember but it still kept on haunting him on his dreams.


-----------------Seven months ago------------------

It was 11:50am when Yoongi woke up. He stretched and ran his fingers over the hair strings falling on his eyes, combing them. He forced one eye open and looked around at his bed and found it drown in music sheets. After finding the courage to pull himself off the king-size bed, he decided to organize the sheets. Last night he had worked until dawn and he must have fallen asleep. Ruffling his hair, he walking to the cupboard in from of the bed, pulled a t-shirt and some old shorts and wore them. He dragged his feet out of the room and roamed through the stairs towards the kitchen. As he approach the kitchen Yoongi noticed that the lights were on. Juno must have been playing with the switch again.

"Stupid cat. I'm going to make him pay the electricity himself if he keeps on doing this", he grumbled.

 At the devil was spoken, the small cat appeared from the living room and curled his tail around one of Yoongi's legs. Yoongi yanked his leg, sending the cat flying to the ground. "Let go. You're not even mine. Once Yoonguk comes back from his holidays you won’t have the luxury to be living with me anymore, so don't get too attach-"

A silent groan interrupted his thoughts. What was that? A person? It came from the kitchen. Is there another person in the house? Yoongi felt his heart beats fasten.  He didn't remember leaving the front door or the balcony door open, so how could a person sneak inside of the house without waking him up? As he was approaching the kitchen he could hear the sounds becoming clearer.

"Dad, pl-please don't. Spare mom. She said she loved you." It was a pleading voice and it sounded like a boy in pain. "Don't hurt her, d-dad."

Yoongi took three steps back frightened and confused. He gulped loudly and looked around the hall. He spotted the two crossed swords hanging on a wall, gathered his courage and grabbed one. His body froze when he entered the kitchen and saw a baby-faced boy sat on his island countertop sleeping. The boy’s body was shaking frenetically as if he was trying to escape from a cage. Quietly, Yoongi got closer to him. He looks so young, he thought. He only realized how close he was when he almost tripped over a stool and made noise.

The boy's eyes snapped open at the sound and he looked slightly disoriented until he met Yoongi's wide eyes. They stared at each other with the same perplexed expression. As if he pressed play in scene, Yoongi suddenly took two steps back and pointed the sharp object at the boy.

"Who are you and how the hell did you get inside my house?" Yoongi interrogated trying to show a little more confidence than he actually had. When the boy gulped loudly and remained quiet staring at Yoongi's sword, he tried again "Hurry up and answer me before I call the police." Silence again. Realizing that he wouldn’t get an answer, Yoongi his heels and walked towards the telephone on the wall. "I was going to call them anyway, so.", he murmured.

"No! Don't call the police, please!" Yoongi heard shout from the kitchen. He went back to there and found the boy still sat on the island holding the edge of the table strongly. His legs were still shaking and his knuckles were as white as his face.

"So what do you expect me to do in this situation? You ing broke into my house!" Yoongi was getting seriously annoyed with the boy.

The boy blinked repeatedly and lowered his head "I'm sorry. I panicked and started to run from my d-" The younger one lifted his head brutally as if he said something he shouldn’t and looked at Yoongi's confused face. Then he refocused again and continued. "Anyway, when I was already out of breath I stopped and, and, and I looked at my left and your house was there. I saw a cat sat on the window seal and the window was, was open, so I just jumped in without thinking. I swear I didn't mean to spend the night here but I was really, really tired." said the boy without holding his breath.

Yoongi was considering kicking the boy out, but now he felt... Compassion? Pity? No, that can't be. Either way he felt that he would be kind of an if he just threw the boy out. He stood there with crossed arms over his chest, glared at the boy with a blank expression making the younger one feel small and vulnerable. He could not dare to look at Yoongi so he picked at his nails instead.

Yoongi cleared his throat startling the young boy. "What's your name?" He turned around and opened the freezer's door.

Surprised with the sudden question the boy responded, "Jimin, sir. My name is Park Jimin."

Yoongi snorted, "Don't call me sir. I don’t look that old." He took two packs of cold noodles and placed them on the countertop.

"Sorry, Mr..."

"It's Yoongi." He said and heard the boy making a mental note of his name. He took two bowls from a cabinet under the sink and placed them on the island countertop. "So, you're a fugitive? What did you steal? Candy from a shop?", he mocked the kid.

Jimin was little offended by that. Does he think I'm a kid? "Hum, no. I didn't steal. I was... I was running from...” he gulped “From my dad."

Yoongi cooked the noodles in the pan silently and settled in a chair across the boy. Now that he was close to him he took a good look at Jimin's face. He's cute. His skin is perfect. He definitely doesn't look like a burglar. He only realized that he was staring at his face when Jimin twitched on his seat uncomfortably.

Yoongi flushed and looked away "Eat." He pointed at the bowl in front of Jimin. There was a moment of silence before the boy picked his chopsticks and started to eat. "Running from your dad, huh? Why?"



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