Summer Dress

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I’m going out with Jessica. Just a couple of hours of catching up. I’ll be home by 5. I love you babe. :)


Jiyong immediately replied to the text message.


Have fun babe. Say hi to Jessi for me. I love you too. :D


He felt relieved that Taeyeon is getting more active nowadays. She hasn’t left their house for weeks now because of her morning sickness. Although the situation has gotten better, there are days that Taeyeon really felt under the weather.



Blend Café



“Woah woah woah. Hey there mommy!” Jessica exclaimed as soon as she saw Taeyeon. She did not expect to see her visible baby bump. They hug each other as soon as they met. They haven’t seen each other for months and missed each other for sure.


“You’ve got some nice abs here.” As Jessica slowly rubbed Taeyeon’s bump.

 Taeyeon chuckled. “You’re definitely Jessica Jung. You and your comments.”

“Well… Kidding aside, you have that different glow, Taeyeon. Let’s take a seat so that we could finally have our much awaited girls talk. I’ve already got your favorite.”



After two hours…


“Jay and I will be leaving tomorrow for vacation.” Jessica shared.

“Where are you going?”

“He’s keeping the exact location a secret but he told me to pack some nice bikinis.” She whispered playfully.

“Oooooh. Jessica Juuuung.” Taeyeon teased. “That’s so sweet of him. I never imagined that Jay is this romantic. Don’t forget to update me.”

“Of course.” And they both laughed heartily.

“Were just imagining our own fairytales just like what? Five years ago? And now we’ve found our own happy endings.”

“I know.”

“So? When’s the baby coming?”

“5 months to go.”

“That’s quite near. I’m so excited! I’m going to be an aunt finally.”

“I’m quite jealous on your vacation with Jay but with my condition right now, going on a trip is not even included in our conversations.” The soon to be mommy sighed. Jessica noticed the hint of sadness in Taeyeon’s voice.

“Why not? You should try going on a trip with Jiyong you know. It will be harder once you give birth. You don’t have to go far. Maybe Busan or any place nearer to Seoul. Spend the night there and just relax. You’re quite stress because of your morning sickness. Just think it like your second honeymoon. Or should I say baby moon?” Jessica pointed Taeyeon’s belly while emphasizing the word baby moon. “I bet you haven’t done it for quite a while now. I must say that you’ve got a very patient and understanding husband.” She winked.

“Yah!” Taeyeon is now beet red.

“You should suggest it to Jiyong. I’m sure he’ll like the idea of you going on a trip.”

Taeyeon just smiled and shook her head.



Taeyeon’s and Jiyong’s Home


“Babe, I’m home!”


“Ooh. Did the sun set in the east? What’s with the cooking?”

“Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes. How’s Jessi?”

“She’s doing fabulous.” Taeyeon laughed.

“Invite her and Jay for the weekend. We should have lunch here.”

“Uhm… they’re leaving tomorrow.”

“Ow. To where on earth again? They’ve been travelling a lot these past few months huh.”

“Jess doesn’t know where. Jay’s keeping it a secret. I never thought that Jay is that sweet.”

“I’m sweeter Princess” Jiyong suddenly hugged Taeyeon from behind and caressed her bump.

“Whatever.” Taeyeon said as she lean her frame to Jiyong. “Let’s go somewhere this weekend.”

“Huh? This weekend? Why? I mean where?” Jiyong was surprised to this sudden suggestion.

“An overnight trip maybe? Just a change of environment. We’re both stressed and we haven’t went to a trip since I got pregnant. What do you think?” Taeyeon looked up to Jiyong.

“Uhm. Of course. Sure why not. I’ll look for somewhere near here in Seoul so you don’t have to bear that long ride. Besides, the weather is really perfect right now. How about a beach? I’ll take care of everything. Accommodation, activi

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yoghurtssi #1
Chapter 5: rereading all my stories because i can't even remember where i left. hope to have an update next month but we'll see.
tae7881 #2
Chapter 5: niceee. i would love to quit my corporate job too. thanks for the update and good luck on your cafe!
Tiatioot #3
Chapter 5: Oh, it's okay, I know running a business is super busy furthermore a cafe, hope future runs smoothly for you!
amethyst7861 #4
Chapter 5: Loved this chapter. Good luck on your cafe!
Chapter 5: Good luck on your business!
Chapter 5: Good luck for ur cafe..hope to read more from u
Veeolet #7
Chapter 5: Good luck for your new work and your cafe!!
Chapter 4: U made my day. Laughing like a fool
Chapter 4: Update soon