First Meeting : Chapter 2

First Meeting

"Dr Kang Mo Yeon?"

It took her several seconds, to register his question-like affirmation before she uttered in befuddlement. Caught surprised. 


Her pretty face, bewildered. With eyebrows drawn together, open and close several times without forming any other words. Hastily, she sweep away the remains of tears pooled at the corners of her eyes as if she was embarrass of them and struggled mentally to put a name to his person.

He decided to put the poor dear out of her woe. 

"Ah, this is the first time we met. I am Yoo Young Geun, Yoo Si Jin's appa," he smiled kindly.

There was a beat. And several expressions flickered across her face before settling at a cross between mortification and somewhat, horror. Possibly at addressing him with such impudence just a minute ago. Yoo Young Geun thought it rather amusing as she turned a shade of red before quickly bowing and attempting to correct her err.

"Ah! Please forgive me. It is an honor to meet you."

Still bowing over, he found himself without a choice but to go slightly to her level and corrected her.

"No, Dr Kang. It is MY honor."

He meant it. From the depths of his heart. From the first moment he had heard about this mysterious 'woman doctor' his son got detained for, he was intrigued.His curiosity peaked when Si Jin (who should be rejoicing that he gets leave in advancement; a rare opportunity, thanks to the general) came back from his deployment disinterested in everything, except trying to distract himself into oblivion. Even after Si Jin broke the good news to him, he had nothing much on this particular Dr Kang his boy is head-over-heels with except that she is 'very pretty'. Twice. Once by the boy himself and the other by Mrs Cha's daughter who works in Seoul and occasionally comes home on offdays. He would heard of how Mrs Cha's daughter gushes on the beauty of the broadcast doctor she so often serves in the Subway she worked just across Haesung Hospital. He remembered listening to her borderline-idolizing tales of Dr Kang (the girl aspires to be a doctor and he has no doubts she will be successful seeing how hard-working she is, working and studying at the same time) over a cup of his freshly brewed coffee, torned between amusement and curiosity. He saw the famed Dr Kang after that, several times on TV and thought her pretty too, however nothing could threw him off his balance when he discovered his son's Dr Kang is THE Dr Kang on EBS's weekly 7pm slot. Ever since then, he was waiting to be introduced. A woman like her, who seems to have everything in life, in a relationship with his son? He almost echoed his wife's thoughts eons ago. Insane. 

Noticing his hands are occupied and wanting badly to put the woman at ease, he swiftly lay down the flowers at the foot of the slab. A little apologetic to Si Jin that his thoughts and actions favor another person at present. It's not like Si Jin would mind anyway. Extending his right hand, he offered her a handshake.

"It is really nice to finally meet you. Even though this is not how I envisioned it," he tried.

She took his hand with both of hers and awkwardly bow and attempted to shake at the same time. Clearly still embarrassed and outright flustered. It was really cute. Yoo Young Geun like her. He decided. She come across as genuine and there is something about her countenance that is just so pleasing. He didn't have to add that she really is very beautiful in person. Si Jin truly did know how to pick. 

He chuckled lightly. Already feeling the weight of his sorrow slightly lifted. 

Then, Yoo Young Geun took a closer look at her and narrowed his eyes. Inwardly, he cursed at his ignorance. She really looked drenched. How could she come without an umbrella? It was raining almost everyday and did she not see the weather forecasts lately? Is the poor child so busy with her job that she has no time for even news? Instantly, he extended his umbrella to her and motioned with his other hand for her to step into its shelter. 

"Ani..Ani...I'm fine...really.." she protested.

"Dr Kang, please. I insist. The drizzle does not seem to be stopping just yet."

"It's fine..I...." And she struggled with a sneeze. Yet, she still have the audacity to wave her hand at him to gestured she is all good. Her body betrayed her as she lets out another sneeze.....And another...

"Dr Kang, you wouldn't argue with a poor old man now, would you?" he said in exasperation. Does she wants to die in the cold?

She hesitated and he grew impatient. Oh, the stubborn child! He took a few steps closer and promptly shield her. Caught surprised yet again, her lips twitched as she tried to figure something to say.

"Dr Kang. I am a soldier. And even though I've retired, I am always one in my heart. I carried with me my job to protect children, the elderly and beautiful women like yourself even if it is just from a drizzle."

At that, she barked into laughter. Now, it was his turn to be suprise.

"Now I know where that come from." she said in between her now mellowed fits.

He smiled wistfully.

"Quite correct. I hammered that into him from very young. I did well, didn't I?"

Dr Kang tilted her head towards him. A bright tender smile graced her lips. Eyes glazed over, she nodded. As she looked away into the distance somewhere between the iron-wrought gates and the trees that stood by its side, she seemed a little lost in thought and Yoo Young Geun thought she would cry again but she answered with a quiet, unwavering voice. 

" raise him very well".

When she raised her eyes to meet his, they were bright though slightly wet. Her sincere smile won him all over again.

From that day onwards, in a most unlikely encounter, among the dark glooms and heavy grey skies, the musk breath of rain on greens and mud, a friendship was formed. Two persons from different times and generations sharing one thing in common, their love for a departed love one. 




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cnsd13 #1
Chapter 3: I hope u will continue this story.
kazakiyo #2
Chapter 4: beautiful story, please continue this story.
cnsd13 #3
Chapter 4: Hope u will update soon. Thank you
Chapter 4: I've been missing out so much on reading other DotS fanfics and I can't believe this story has four chapters already :') Thank you for the good read. Will be waiting for the epilogue :) Take your time writing, and all the best! :)
Lynne22 #5
Chapter 4: Ooohhhh catwhiskerssssss i loveeew this episode ... just like what i envisioned....
selenity #6
Chapter 4: Thanks for updating! Now this is a cliffhanger :)) I was wondering when Si-jin would enter the story. XD
CatWhiskers2011 #7
Thank you for liking this fanfic. It is really exhausting to write standing from Si Jin's dad's POV. So much emotions. Next chap should take some time as it would be the epilogue. I do agree that we should have been shown how Mo Yeon met the father. It would have been interesting.
seesea #8
Chapter 4: Its A very sweet, lovely story and very touching T.T..
I cant wait for the next chapter,where the three of them would meet..
Another chapter pleasssee...cant wait for it..
goldenmellow #9
Chapter 4: I really enjoy MY spending time with his father. I really feel she should have met him in drama as well while SJ gone.