Serendipitous (FINAL)


A year passed and your relationship with Hoseok was still blooming. He moved in together with you and the twins and your children has grown comfortable with him, regarding him now as their father. Hoseok has learn to love them like they are his own children and that made him think of having his own with you one day. You felt that your life was complete and nothing can come between you and your family until that one particular day.

You were making breakfast on a Saturday morning. Hoseok didn’t have any classes to teach so both of you decided to spend quality time together at home with the kids and you heard the door bell rang. You wiped you greasy hands onto the apron you’re wearing and you head towards the door. You looked through the peep hole and saw a lady and a man, standing right in front of your front door.

“Who is that at the door, jagi?” Hoseok asked and you just replied with a little ‘I don’t know’ and you opened the door.

“Are you Miss Y/L/N Y/N?” the lady asked you as she stepped in front of you with a smile.

“Yes, and can I help you?” You asked questioningly, completely puzzled and annoyed with the two strangers at your front door. The woman and her partner smiled at you.

“I’m Park Ji Hyo and this is Kim Jae Min, we are from the family social service. We need to have a talk with you, regarding Yoon Min Jae and Yoon Min Rae.” You swore your heart almost stopped when they said the words Family Social Service and you hesitantly opened the door and invited them in. Hoseok looked over and saw your stunned expression as the two made their way into your house.

“He wants what?!” You semi shouted, almost losing your cool after hearing the explanation from the both of them. Your head was in a clutter and you couldn’t control yourself as anger and rage came across you.

“He wants to see his children. Miss Y/N, you need to understand that he has the rights to do that because they are, of course his children and he is their biological father.” Ji Hyo explained to you but you weren’t buying it.

“He left my sister as soon as she gave birth and she is even dead now. I’ve been a legal guardian of the kids ever since they were 1, I took care of them, I didn’t even have an social service to help me, I already signed the damn papers and it states that they will be legally under my care till they turned 18 and they are only 6 now for god’s sake! and that bastard’s name didn’t even appear in my sister’s will. She gave them to me, so I have the rights. They are my children now and I’m not letting him take them away from me.” You said, almost sobbing out your words. You couldn’t believe that it was happening. This was your worst fear, worst nightmare and it was all coming through. Hoseok sat with you throughout it all. This was the first time that he saw you, cursing, looking so broken over the news. Anger ran through him but he kept his composure because he knew it wouldn’t help any of you if you both lost your cool.

“What do we have to do now?” Hoseok slowly asked as he looked at you, facing down, covering your face and he felt you sigh. You slowly looked up to him and then to the 2 people sitting right in front of you.

“As the paper work states that you are indeed the legal guardian of the kids, you still have the right to stay with them since you are their caretaker but they have to go meet their biological father because he also has a right to do so. None of you have to decided on what will happen now but the twins have to see their father as it is states in the law. I know that this is heartbreaking for you miss Y/N, but you have to understand this. We will keep in contact and set up a date on when they are able to meet.” You just stood there numb, not knowing how to react. Hoseok was the one to send them out and once he closes the door, you sat down on the sofa while hugging your knees and cried.

The last time you cried this much was during your sister’s funeral when you carried the twins in your arms, they were far too young to understand what was happening and you knew your life would never be the same after this. Hoseok came up to you and pulled you up in an embrace and you let it all out to him. He just stood there, rubbing circles at your back and giving light kisses at the top of your head, murmuring ample of ‘it’s going to be okay’ and ‘I’m here for you’. As soon you calmed down, he ran you a bath and told you to relax and he attended to the kids.

As soon as he entered their room, he saw both of them, on the floor hugging each other, eyes full of fear. They must have heard it all, he thought. Min Rae was the one who voiced out first.

“Appa, what happened to Eomma?” She asked quietly as Hoseok came over to sit with them on the floor.

“Eomma was a little upset but she is better now.” He smiled while taking both of them onto his lap.

“Did we do something wrong that made Eomma cry? We are sorry Appa.” Min Jae sobbed out a little which made his sister sobbed out together with him. Tears began to formed into Hoseok’s eyes as he huddled the kids tightly into his embrace.

“Both of you didn’t do anything wrong. I just want to tell you both the Eomma and Appa loves you so much. Don’t worry.”


The week had been tough on you since you were so anxious on what will happened when the kids meet their biological father. Hoseok has been with you throughout it all and you were really thankful of having him by your side. The day of your meet up had arrived and the journey to the social service centre was a silent one. Hoseok took a glance at you and he took hold of you hands and gave it a tight squeeze, comforting you.

All of you waited in a room, anxiously and Ji Hyo came in and greeted both of you. She then took the kids into another room to meet their father. You and Hoseok wasn’t allowed to follow but you could just see them from a small screen in the waiting room. You saw him, Yoon Dong Woo, sitting down awaiting for his children that he had never even met. Anger ran through you and you clenched your hands into a tight ball, staggered breathing, mumbling ‘he don’t deserve them’. He was never in the picture and you didn’t understand why does he want them.

Min Jae and Min Rae entered the room hand in hand and Dong Woo stood up and came towards them  to say hello.

“Hello Min Jae, hello Min Rae.” He gestured towards them but both of them just stood there, clearly confuse over the man that was standing right in front of them.

“Do you know who I am?” He said, while trying to pat Min Jae’s and Min Rae’s head but both of them flinched away.

“No.” Min Jae said, loud and clear.

“I am your Appa.” Dong Woo said, smiling to both of them but his smile soon disappeared as both of the twin rand and hid behind Ji Hyo whom was there with them.

“No! You are not our Appa! Appa is outside with Eomma!” Both of them shouted and started to sob.

A sense of relief overwhelmed you as you heard what your kids said and you look over to Hoseok and you found him smiling to himself.

“I’m not being an right, smiling in this situation?” Hoseok chuckled out, making you laugh along with him with your tear stained face.

“I think you’re stuck with us now, Hobie.” You went over to give Hoseok a hug and he kissed your forehead.

“I’d gladly accept that.” He said. At the same time, the door of the other room burst opened and your kids came out running towards the both of you.

“Eomma! Appa!” They both ran into both of you, sobbing and hugging you tightly. You and Hoseok took them in your embraces and calmed them down. You and Hoseok then looked up finding Dong Woo looking at the both of you. After everything was settled and the kids were calmed, and both of you then made your way in the other room to have a conversation with Dong Woo.

“Why now, Dong Woo?” You started, keeping yourself in a calm composure.

“I have another family now, Y/N. I just wanted to see them. I wanted to know if they are well.” Dong Woo confessed.

“You should have checked up on them when Y/S/N was not here anymore. You should have took them in your custody. You shouldn’t have left. I know eomeoni has never approved of you but that is not an excuse to leave your wife and your kids behind. You abandoned them and I took them in. They are my children now.”

“I know y/n, I don’t want to take them away from you, I just wanted to see them. I want to be honest with my new family, I wanted them to know. I just couldn’t bare to have the thought of having kids while I don’t even know my own. I’m so sorry Y/N.” Sympathy came over you and you can feel the guilt that he is having.

“And Hoseok, thank you for being their father while I can’t. Y/N, you have a really beautiful family. Thank you for loving them as your own. I hope one day you and Hoseok will have children on your own and Min Jae and Min Rae will love them with all their heart.” Dong Woo said out genuinely and it made tears welled up in your eyes.

“ They are still too young to understand but when they’re older, I’ll tell them about you.” You said while resting your hand over Dong Woo’s.

The was wan an emotional rollercoaster for all of you and it ended with having all of you cuddling up on your big bed, dozing of in each other’s embrace.


3 years passed and you are now Mrs Jung. Hoseok asked your hand in marriage on your 2nd year anniversary and you happily agreed. Married life was no different but it all changed when you got to now that you were pregnant with Hoseok’s child. You remember telling him the new and he burst out in tears, twirling you around and repeating ‘I love yous’ to you. You were both genuinely contented and the twins were too. A year after little Jung Min Shi was born, you and Hoseok decided to become official parents to Min Jae and Min Rae. Not having the label as their guardian anymore made you overwhelmed as now you were both eligible to legally adopt them, changing their surnames to Jung and you are both now parents of 3 beautiful children.

“Hobie, you are one of my life's serendipitous surprises. Finding you was definitely by accident but I am honestly proud to have you in my life and I’m sure our kids are proud too. Thank you.” You said to Hoseok as you cradled your little one in your arms and you looked at your husband lovingly.

“Aren’t we just a good looking family, and I’m glad I found you too, Mrs Jung.” Hoseok chuced as me made his way to you and gave you a small peck on your lips.


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Such a Cute Story^~^I Love It
areumdaunKim #2