

Spring has arrived and the cherry blossoms bloomed out, painting the trees with hues of white and pink, creating the perfect picture of a wonderful blissful day ahead. You breathed in the refreshing scent of fresh air and exhaled out happily thinking about wonderful thoughts you had for the day but it came to a hault as your train of thought broke by a voice of a very eager child.


“Eomma, hurry! C’mon let go!” A tiny velvety hand pulled you down the road and you let out an airy laugh and you looked down at your 5 year old.


“I know you’re excited Min Rae but you need to calm down for a bit. The amusement park isn’t going anywhere! Don’t worry, baby.” You knelt down to the eager child, while pushing back her bangs away from her little round face and pinched her little round button nose while giving out a chuckle which she then replied you back with a sudden big hug, stretching her arms as far as she could to grab you and kissed you nose.


Giggling happily, she whispered loudly into your ears;


“I love you eomma, so so much!”


“Rae Rae-ah! You must be quiet if you whisper not shout in eomma’s ears! And I love eomma more than you!” You turned and saw your other 5 year old, the other half of the puzzle, the older one who is too smart for his age, the resemblance is uncanny even though they are fraternal twins but there is definitely a difference between those two, besides their gender of course. You sometimes couldn’t believe that they came out from the same womb on the same day.


“No I love eomma more, Jae Jae! And she love me more.” Little Min Rae’s comeback made Min Jae puffed up, teary eyed. You sighed and stepped in before a meltdown occurs.


“Yoon Min Rae and Yoon Min Jae! What did I tell you before we left the house? Rule number 1, no fighting or arguing when we are out. Why do I see this happening? We are out to have fun today and look, we are not even halfway down the street and you’re both arguing.” Your stern tone made both of them teary eyed and it was a habit that you’ve picked up ever since you started working as a preschool teacher for the past year. You realised that and you changed the tone of your voice to a more softer tone, bringing them around to faced you.


 “And I love both of you just the same, no more no less from one another, alright? I want you to know that and I’ve told both of you that for so many times. Now I want both of you to hug it out and apologise.” You looked at them while wiping the tearstained cheeks of your twins and they both hugged it out and apologized to each other.


“Are you ready now? Do you both still want to go to the amusement park?” You asked that trick question which you already know the answer of but you still wanted to know their response and making sure that they understand about what you have said just now.


“Yes eomma!” They both cheered loudly and happily continued walking hand in hand like nothing happened at all. You stood behind and chuckled to yourself, the things that you have to put up with everyday with the random antics of your kids but nevertheless, you love them with all your heart.


Upon reaching the amusement park,you looked at your surroundings, filled with colourful balloons, booth full of stuffed toys, fun music and parades and ample of food stalls and it made your eyes sparkle. It was a secret guilty pleasure of yours to be at amusement parks like this but today, it’s all about your kids. The previous episode was long forgotten and your twins sparkling eyes says it all. Looking at the big grins on their faces made you feel a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart and you were suddenly swarm by hugs and thank yous coming out from them. You laughed and held them both tight hand in hand and began your day there. You and the twins started off at the game stalls which they were beamingly contented with the two plush toy rabbits that you won for them which they proudly carried around with them throughout the day there. You didn’t know whether it was from the heavily crowded place and funky music or the extra sugar content in their systems from all the sweet treats, the twins were extremely jumpy and delirious which you had a little trouble in controlling since there is not only one but two of them you decided to get them to sit down and calm down.


“But eomma! I want to go on all the rides! I don’t want to sit down! I don’t want!” Min Jae whined, and it almost tick you off.


“Eommaaaaa!! Please can we get more cotton candy? I want the pink one now!” Min Rae then went to you and pulled the hem of your shirt over and over again. You stood there baffled at how your kids were behaving and you took a deep breath, calm down, Y/N. they are probably still high from the sugar rush that they are having. It’s a happy day, let’s make it count. You silently said to yourself and before you could even say anything to them, they started off again whining and pulling the hem of your shirt.


“Eomma! Eomma! Eommaaaaa!!!!!! I want cotton candy again too!”


“Eommaaaaaa me too I also-“


“Stop! Both of you!” You said sternly and loudly which attracted some attention of the people walking past whom gave you disapproving nods as they saw you discipline your kids out in public but you couldn’t care less because you knew what they did was wrong and they have to know that too. Your sudden outburst startled the twins and they kept their heads down when they saw how angry you were.


“Eomma don’t like it when you are both behaving this way. It’s not good behaviour. I feel very sad now when both of you are like this.” You said knowing that it will hit a pang of guilt in them. They just kept their head low and you started to hear sobs coming out from both of them.


“S..s..sorry eomma” Min Jae and Min Rae both burst out into tears while clinging onto your legs. You sighed in defeat, not wanting them to prolong the crying, you knelt down to their level and pulled them both up in your embrace which stopped their crying and you wiped their faces.


“It’s okay, now I think we have had enough for today, so lets pack up and head back home alright? We can do some painting at home later.” You said smiling, trying your best to lift up the mood again.


“Before we leave I want Rae to throw the soft drinks cup and Jae you go throw the cotton candy wrappers.” Both of them noded and complied.


“Jae Jae! I’m gonna race you to the trash bin! The last one there is a frog!” Min Rae laughed and it took her brother off guard as she started dashing to the trash bin as fast as her legs could go and within seconds it ended up in a halt as she bumped into something, actually into someone to be exact.


“Rae Rae-ah! Look out!” Her brother called her out but it was a tad too late.


“Cuse me!!!! Ouff!” Little Min Rae fell flat on her bum and she looked up to see a man staring at her and then looked around to see 6 other men around him staring at her back. Her lips began to tremble and she began to wailed out ;




“Woah, little girl are you okay? Let me help you up.” The man that she bumped into held out his arms to carry her up but Min Rae was still crying.


“Hoseok ah, look now we have a crying child.” The grey haired muttered.


“I know Yoongi hyung, but it’s not our fault that she is crying. She’s probaly just scared and startled.”


“It’s okay little girl, we shall wait for your eomma alright!” Hoseok made his best baby voice to coax the little girl while the others cringed which made him laughed out loud.


You heard a faint voice that was too familiar from a distance and you saw your kids surrounded by a group of men. Heart thumping fast, you quickly ran over to your kids, leaving whatever you were doing behind and once you arrived at the scene you heard your baby girl sobbing.


“Eomma, Rae Rae ran and she bumped into the people there.” Min Jae came towards you and hid behind your back while pointing to the guys there. You patted his head and made your way towards them.


“Eommaaaaa” Min Rae cried as she held her hands towards you from the man who was carrying here and you took her into you embrace.


“It’s okay Rae, eomma is here.” You said trying your best to coax her but then you realised that there were 7 men standing right in front of you, staring.


“Uhm miss, I’m sorry for making your child cry, she accidently bumped into me and I carried her up.” You looked away from your child and then to the voice that was speaking to you and you suddenly felt heat rise up to your face. You were faced with a really handsome looking man, he had a peculiar face that is slightly long but with an extremely defined jawline and a deep dimple when he started talking. A sense of genuineness radiated from him when he talked to you and a smile that can warm someone heart within seconds just like rays of sunshine. You had to gather all your thought and had to stopped yourself from gawking at his flawless appearance espcially with him wearing a snapback revealing all that perfectness to you.


“It’s okay it’s not your fault, she shouldn’t have ran and left her brother behind. Isnt that right Min Rae?” You said while looking at your child hiding her face because she knew she did something wrong.


“Can we say sorry and bow?” You added while putting Min Rae down. The little girl nodded.


“I’m sorry Ahjussi” She said and bowed trying her best to keep her tears in.


Hoseok smiled while the others let out deep chuckles.


“It’s okay Min Rae next time look where you’re going alright? I know you are fast but make sure the path is clear, and you can just call me Hobie! I don’t think I look like a grey haired ahjussi just like him right?” Hoseok animately said while pointing out to his grey haired friend who isn’t looking too happy with that comment but his friend did let out a small gummy smile in return.


Min Rae let out a small giggle and nodded her head. Your heart melted looking at them interacting with Min Rae and you gestured to Min Jae to go over to his sister.


“Wah! There’s 2 of them!” The one with the orange hair with sunglasses placed at the back of his neck pointed out. You let out a small laugh and the attention turns towards you now. Slightly flustered, quicly explained to them.


“They are twins, fraternal twin to be exact because they are not of the same gender but they do still look similar in some ways.” You smiled after explaing to them.


“Oh and I’m sorry if we were to caused any disturbance to your plans just now. I apologized again on behalf of my twins.” You said suddenly realizing that this commotion has taken up some time.

“It okay, miss..?”


“Y/N, you can just call me Y/N.” You said while bowing and grabbing the hands of your twins, gesturing them that it’s is time to go off and you left, with a flustered heart.


“Wow and you can call me tonight.” The youngest of the group let out a whistle as you left and Hoseok smack the back of his head.


“Yah! Jungkookie, watch your mouth!” The boy rubbed the back of his head and the group burst out into laughter.


“She seems young to be a mother of twins, don’t you think?” The blonde one spoke up.


“I know Jin hyung but isn’t she beautiful though?” Hoseok said while looking at you from a far, walking hand in hand with your children. He couldn’t stop thinking on how caring you look as you took your child into your arms and how responsible you sounded when you spoke to your child about the consequences and especially how flustered you got when you both made eye contact. But he had to break that train of thought that he had in him thinking about you. You both barely knew each other and she didn’t even asked for his name. She could be someone’s girlfriend or worst- someone’s wife. He’d be damned if either one of those scenarios were true but he simply couldn’t stop thinking about you.

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Such a Cute Story^~^I Love It
areumdaunKim #2