

“I need a favour from you. I need you to help me attend Seo Yun’s parent teacher meeting tomorrow, please Hobie? I totally forgot about it and I couldn’t take time off work.” Hoseok sighed at the other end of the line. He knew it would happen sooner or later. His sister still put her career way above anything else.

“She’s almost done with her preschool years and you’re still prioritizing work? You should be thankful that I love my neice very much and I’ll do anything for her.” Hoseok replied.

“Thanks Hobie, I owe you one.”

“Seo Yun can you tell me what is you teacher like?” Hoseok asked his 6 year old niece as they made their way down to her school.

“I love her! She is very nice and she always plays music for us and singing. She has pretty eyes and hair too. When I grow up i want to be just like her!” His niece spoke out excitedly and Hoseok can see sparkles in her eyes.

“Wow she must be a really good teacher! I can’t wait to meet her and listen on what good things she have to say about my favourite niece.”

 He laughed animatedly at her and smiled to himself and he suddenly thought of you. You came across his mind from time to time ever since the encounter at the amusement park a few weeks back. Your image still fresh in his mind and he felt like such a creep thinking about you at times because he have yet to know if you’re a taken woman or not and he doesn’t even know if you’re a preschool teacher by profession, he was just making a guess. He stopped the thought he had in his head and continued walking with the little girl to her school.

“Mr Jung, you and Seo Yun can meet her teacher now.” Hoseok stood up, walked hand in hand with her niece into her classroom.

“Look, look! I made that! It’s nice, right?” Seo Yun pulled her uncle’s hand towards the sculpture that she made using beads and glitter. Hoseok laughed at his niece.

“Wow! That’s the coolest thing I saw and you made that! I’m so proud of you.” He patted her head, making the little girl giggle out with glee.

“You can show your uncle that later, Seo Yun. You’ve yet to say hello to me.” A familiar voice rose up making Hoseok turned around way to fast, almost knocking the chairs in front of him and there he was, facing you. His heart almost jumped out of his chest and a million dollar smile cracked out on his face.

“Y/N? Wow this is unbelievable.”

You stood there blandly speechless looking at the man who stood a meters away from you with one of your students. You didn’t know what to do because your heart was beating way too fast and you can feel it almost protruding out of you chest. You thought you were seeing things and your thoughts were going crazy because ever since that day when Min Rae fell, you thought that it was the first and the last time you saw that man but little did you know, it all came to this day. You look down at the list of parents and guardians attending the parent teacher meeting and looked back up to the man right in front of you.

“Mr Jung Ho-”

“Hoseok. You can just call me Hoseok.” His smile can make you instantly melt right then and there. He stretched out his hand and you grabbed it to shook it and you don’t know if he felt it but you felt something when you shook hands with him. That electric feeling passed through your veins you felt it as it reached your heart. You were suddenly so thankful that Seo Yun was there to get rid of the awkwardness of the meeting. Hoseok’s personality was surprisingly animated just as his character. It made you not want to end the meeting but sadly you had too. Both of you stood up and bowed and Hoseok gesturing to his niece to go out to wait for him outside of the classroom.

“I need to talk to your teacher a few minutes more” He says. You look at him questioningly as the little girl nodded her head, listening well to her uncle and head out of the class.

“What time do you end later?” He asked. You didn’t know why you could confidently replied to him but you did anyways.

“5pm and why is that?”

“Because I want to take you out for dinner.” He smiled, flashing that beautiful grin of his that made heat rise up to your cheeks.

“Okay.” You said a tad bit hesitant but you said it confidently enough for him to hear. You then thought about your twins, hoping if your baby sitter is free to takecare of them for a few hours.

“Okay! Wait, what? Did you just agree to go out for dinner with me?” Hoseok smiled while looking at you get all flustered in front of him.

“Yes but I have to drop my kids off at the baby sitters first.”

Kids, Hoseok was too in glee in asking her out for dinner he totally forgot that she had kids but it did change the fact that he knows that she isn’t with someone since she agreed to go out with him, right?

“I’ll pick you and your kids up and we’ll drop them off first then to dinner. How does that sounds?” He genuinely asked as he did feel a tad guilty taking your time away from you kids.

“That would be great. I’ll see you later?” You then scribbled your home address on a piece of sticky note and passed to Hoseok, along with your number. As he left the room, you stood against the door, a small smile formed on your face. “I have a date tonight” You thought to yourself and suddenly you became anxious. It’s been a long time since you went out with a guy and you’re a complete mess inside.


The moment when he pulled up in front of your house, you were already waiting for him with you twins.

“Eomma, where are you going tonight?” Min Jae asked as he puled the hem of your overcoat.

“I’m just going out to dinner with a friend, Jaejae. I won’t be back late. You and Raerae need to promise me that you’ll both behave at Noona’s house, promise?”

“Promise eomma!” they both cheered at you. You smile and you looked up to realized that Hoseok was standing right infront of you. You gestured to your kids to greet and bow to him and Min Jae and Min Rae both looked at each other. Min Rae came forward and approached Hoseok.

“You’re the ahjusshi that I hit that time. Are you Eomma’s friend?” She said as her little doe eyes looked up to Hoseok. He let out an airy laugh.

“Yes I am and remember, just call me Hobie, okay?” He said while pinching playfully at her nose. She let out a giggle.

All of you went in Hoseok’s car and as soon he started driving, you both heard whispers at the back seat from the twins.

“Rae-ah, look it feels like we have an Appa at the front driving and Eomma is sitting beside him.” The young boy whispered not so quietly to his sister and you caught yourself and Hoseok smiling to the conversation that they are having. Heat crept up your cheeks.

“Yeah we are like those family in the tv like we always watch.” The young girl added and that sentence broke your heart. You tried your best to continue smiling but the feels got to you and you just sat there with a straight face. Hoseok noticed but he didn’t pry. After dropping off the kids, both of you ended up at a tiny quaint restaurant for dinner. Both of you began to get comfortable with each other and your small talks became full on conversations with one another.

“So what do you do, for a living?” You asked Hoseok.

“I own a dance studio, just started it up a few years ago. Before that I was teaching street dance at a private academy but I decided to venture out and open up my own place and conduct freestlye and street dance lessons for kids and teenagers ages from 6-18. Things were rough at the beginning but its starting to look good now. My students helped me build up that foundation and a few of my friends, the ones that you saw at the amusement park also help me conduct some classes too sometimes.”

You were in awe listening to him. It did really pull some strings in your heart that made you smile when you saw the sparkles in his eyes when he told you about his work. He must really enjoyed it and you were happy for him. Such passion coming out from him was honestly making you feel and know that his is such an amazing person inside out. While looking at him adoringly, Hoseok suddenly cleared his throat and that made you come back to reality and you looked at him questioningly.

“Y/N, can I ask you a question?” You looked at him a nodded.

“Are the twins really your kids, or? I mean like I’m not trying to pry into your personal life and I respect if you are not comfortable in telling me anything its just that-” Hoseok panic as the words came out from his mouth, he didn’t know if you were to get mad at him for asking that but he did really want to know. Your small laughter made him stopped for a bit. He looked up at you questioningly, wondering why you laughed at that situation and it made him embarrassed but then you began to talk.

“I know that you’re wondering why I have kids at such a young age and no, I’m not with anyone right now. I’m a single sort-of mother.” You said, not knowing how to continue but he did deserve an explanation.

“Min Jae and Min Rae are actually my nephew and niece. They’re the children of my late sister. She got into a terrible car accident causing her to lose her life when her children were still 1 years old. My mother was never fond of my sister ever since she eloped and got married with a man that my mother disapproves of and my mother got more mad when she got to know that my sister was expecting with twins. The father of the twins were never in the picture so when my sister passed on, the rightful custody of the twins were given to my mother but she doesn’t want to do anything with her grandchildren. My sister left her will and it states that if my mother  did not want to be the legal guardian, I have a right to take over, which I did. But can you imagine, I was 21 at that point of time and I had to take care of twin babies and my mother wouldn’t even want to help or touch them. I couldn’t leave them alone and they didn’t deserve all of that. I left my hometown back in Daegu and took the twins with me and we are all here now.” You explained, trying your best not to let the tears fall from your eyes. Suddenly you felt a warm touch on your hands and it was Hoseok, caressing his thumb over yours and smiled to you.

“They are sure really proud to have them as their mother.” He complimented you and that made your heart bloom. Hoseok couldn’t feel happier that you shared that with him and he felt that her has to be more protective over you. Such a lovely, strong responsible woman and he is making sure that he has to protect her at all costs. 

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Such a Cute Story^~^I Love It
areumdaunKim #2