
1 Sick Kookie makes for 6 Worried Hyungs

Jungkook's condition worsened even more as they reached the hospital. While the van that they rode in was very spacious and allows his hyungs to crowd around him in the backseat, it was not designed to ease Jungkook's increasingly dizzy head. The nausea combined with the churning stomach of nerves caused him to puke into a plastic shopping bag that was hastingly brought to his mouth when he started gaging in the car. To add to that, Jungkook was still not completely "aware", you could say, of his suroundings. He drifted in and out of conciousness during the ride to the hospital and was bleerily aware that he was in the company van going somewhere, he just didn't know where. His head was muffled and crowded and Jungkook was not able to have coherent thoughts at the moment. 

Upon their arival at the hospital, it was nearing 6 in the early hours of the morning. Not that many patients were in the hospital at the moment and almost all of them were either much older than them, doctors, or didn't recognize them, which BTS was grateful for. What the doctors did notice, however was the kid that was practically hanging from his surrogate brothers' arms. Immediately, they rushed over a gurney so that they could take Jungkook to be examined. The 6 members rushed to be with their maknae, but the nurse stopped them and they were forced to answer questions about Jungkook. After they were done giving the basic information, birthday, age, allergies, special medical conditions, etc., all of which were memorized by heart, the members got into the specifics. 

"When did he start showing signs that you felt that he needed to go to the hospital?" The nurse asked Jin, the eldest. 

"He was coughing horribly, he was shivering and vomiting. He also was a bit delirious." He replied, quickly. 

"Delirious how?" The nurse calmly asked, trying to get more details. 

"Well..." Trailed Jin. How could he explain this? He looked towards his dongsaengs for help. 

"He was asking for his mother when he'd been living with us for almost 3 years." Pipped up Jimin.

"Yeah." Suga added  "he was also very confused when he woke up, like he couldn't recognize our dorm."

"Alright," said the nurse, writing the information onto a clipboard in her arm. "The doctor should be done checking your brother  in a minute. Until then, please try and calm down in the waiting area. When the doctor comes back, he'll have a diagnostic and can tell you the treatment plan, if there is one." She gestured her hand towards a seating area lined with cheep, cloth lined seats and gave them an expecting look. 

The members chose a quiet corner to sit and wait. Rap mon was talking with their manager, filling him in on some details that he may have missed mentioning in his panicked state. Jin, Suga, and J-Hope were facing each other, talking worriedly about their youngest member. 

"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" J-Hope asked openly. 

"Of course he is." Suga answered him. "Why else would he go off braging that 'Golden Maknae' title if he couldn't even recover from a stupid cold?" He said rolling his eyes. On the inside, however, Suga was worried sick himself. Though he was known to be the most stoic one out of all the members, he had a soft spot for the maknae. To be honest though, everyone does. From his large, curious eyes and pure innocence to his childish laugh and joy-filled smile, their maknae was the most adorable person that he'd ever seen and probably ever will see. "You just need a little faith."

Sighing tiredly, Jin put a comforting hand on J-Hope's shoulder. "Come on. You didn't forget that you're this band's hope, right J-Hope?" He chided playfully, elbowing him slightly.

This seemed to put his mood back to the bubbly personality that it was ment to be and the younger sprung up from his seat and exclaimed, "Right! I'm J-Hope! I'm the hope for bts!" His eye-smile was contagious and soon his optimism had spread to Jin and Suga as well. They all smiled together, hopeful for the good news that was sure to come.

 On the other half of corner, things were less optimistic.

"Kookie's gonna be okay, right?" V asked Jimin who was about to ask the same thing.

"I hope so." he replied, not wanting to scare his dongsang. Truthfully, Jimin wasn't absolutely sure. He still could see the painfull look in the maknae's eyes with every cough that he took back at the dorms. For Jungkook to express pain at that level, well, it scared him, more than he wanted to admit. Jungkook was not one to cry at any situation. In fact, he was one of the strongest members of the group, mentaly and phsically. He wasn't easily scared, nor was he easy to make upset. He tended to lean towards silence than actually comfronting the problem head-on, which made him stubborn, but he was still just a kid. The maknae often times wouldn't express pain at all untill the members actually had noticed that something was wrong, which is exactly perhapse what had happened just a few short hours ago.

"What if he's really sick?" V asked panicking, "What if he has to stay in the hospital? What if he doesn't get better?!"

"He will." Jimin growled, "He has to. As for if he has to stay at the hospital, then he'll just have to stay untill the doctors say he's better. Simple as that."

"What about scheduling? What about the preformances? 'Fire' will be released in a few days and after that, we are promoting! What are we going to do? Jungkook is the visual, lead vocal, and dancer! Sometimes he even raps! How are we going to cover for all his parts?" V started to panic. For being one of the youngest members, V was surprisingly perspective when it came down to it. Though he was known to be out-worldly for his dazy expresions and playful, childlike atttude, he was exptremely empathetic and could pick up on certain things that others could not. This was also why he was exeptionally usefull in interviews and talkshows. While the fans saw V as cutely interupting the conversation with his bouts of agyeo and funny faces, it was really a nice way to stear away from unwanted gossip talk and transition to other topics. He was very aware that the older members were scrambling to cover for Jungkook in the event that he had to stay in the hospital, even the calm, collective Rap Monter was worrying so hard that V could practically hear the gears in his head turning, which alarmed him.

"We'll find a way to cover for him." Jimin stated in a tone of finality. "You can cover some of his vocals with Jin-hyung and me. Suga-hyung should be able to cover any rap parts that he may have, and J-Hope-hyung and I will cover his dancing."

"...I never really noticed how much ground Kookie covers being a single person. He really is the Golden Maknae!" V said in awe.

"Yeah..." Jimin trailed off. "About that, I'm kind of worried-"

"What are you worried about, Jimin-ah?" Jin, J-Hope, Rap Mon and Suga now joined in on their previously private conversation, having finished talking with one another just a few moments ago.

"The whole 'Golden Maknae' thing..." Jimin said inarticulately. "Not that I'm jealous or anything, or want to bring him down, it's just that..."

"What is it?" Jin asked.

"Maybe we shouldn't use that name for a while. Or maybe not use it at all." Jimin finished, nervously.

"What do you mean by that, exactly?" The leader asked.

"Have you noticed how much harder he works now that he's always being refered to as 'Golden Maknae' in interviews and stuff?" Jimin openly asked. All the others nodded, having seen the strain that the youngest put himself through everyday. The intense workouts, strenuous vocal exercises, extreme dance practicing, near unhealthy dieting...all the hyungs have noticed in one form or another. Jungkook's practicing had become almost obsessive, sometimes even coming to the point of being told by his elders to stop and go home. All of them saw the endless amounts of work that he had put into that title and the destruction that came with it, yet the only one not seeing the harm was Jungkook himself.

"He always exercises with me in the mornings. It's hard, even for me, but Kookie always pushes himself to do more." Jimin added.

"Wait, he works out in the mornings with you? I take him for vocals at noon!" Jin said, concerned.

"I've been doing dance practices with him for the past few months!" J-Hope exclaimed. "He never told me that he was doing all of that on top of this and our regular schedules!"

"Is there anything else that the kid's been doings with anyone?" Rap Mon raised an eyebrow expectantly, hoping that the guilt ridden look on Suga's face was just a trick of the light.

"I've been showing him how to produce and write songs at night." He confessed, looking down in shame. Even though he was second eldest, Suga had formed a strong friendship with both his hyung and his dongsangs. Like V, he was also very perceptive and was ashamed that he hadden't realized the extent of work his maknae did. He felt like he had failed his job as a mentor, but more importantly, he had failed his job as a brother.

"Alright that's it." Rap Mon stated as he put his face in his hands and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "This has to stop. Jungkook is a kid, he's barely legal-age. He shouldn't be like this at all. This is too much stress on him. I know that he is a very talented idol but his health is the priority over anything else. As his hyungs, we need to protect him and raise him. What would his mother say if she knew what he was doing?"

If the other members didn't feel terrible before, they did now. During his early trainie days, all Jungkook would ever talk about was his mom. How she would cook for him and love him even though his grades weren't all that great. He had a very loving relationship with her, anyone could see it. The one time she did visit, she had bought the whole band food. While they were opening their chopsticks, Jungkook had gotten a splinter. A tiny  little, itsy bitsy splinter on his finger and his mother had flipped out. After removing the offending peice of wood, she scolded him for not being careful and was fussing over him for a good 30 minutes. If she was that worried over a splinter, the members could only guess what she would do if she saw him in this state now. Probably camp out in the hopsital and insist on taking care of him herself. At that thought, some of the members, specifically V and J-Hope held back a laugh, but quickly sombered.

"When he wakes up, we need to talk to him about this. All this." Rap Mon said and the others nodded in agreement.

"Should we tell Manager-hyungs? Because I don't know about that..." V asked, wondering what his hyungs weree planning on doing with this newfound information.

"Honestly," Jin said with pursed lips "I don't really know. I respect manager-hyung and all, but I have a feeling that Kookie wouldn't want us telling them if we found out."

"I agree." Suga comfirmed. "If they find out, they'll watch him even more than they already are and start babying him again. If that happens, Maknae will get upset. We need to give him his own space, but we also need to let him know that what he's been doing isn't healthy or okay."

"Thanks for translating, Suga-hyung!" V said, wrapping his arm around Suga's and giving him a boxy eye-smile.

"Yeah," Jimin said, "since nobody else understands his alien language" he finished, jerking his thumb towards the alien in question.

"Hey!" V pouted "I'll have you know that the ARMY's find my species adorable!"

"But they prefer my y abbs~!" Jimin countered with a smirk.

"But the ARMY noonas like my cute agyeo more~!" V sang "And I can be cute and y! I'm versatile!"

"I doubt it." Huffed Jimin, taking out his phone. "How about a wagger. We both tweet a picture of ourselves. Whoever gets the most retweets in 1 day is the winner. Loser has to clean the kitchen for the next week."

"Jimin-hyung~! That's your chore anyways. I don't really win anything if I win." V whined.

"That's the thing, V-ah. I'm going to win anyways. But, if it really means that much, we'll change it to loser does the other's chores for next week. Better?" Jimin responded.

"Better." V smiled and shook hands.

The others looked at the bet with smiles and amused laughter, the weight of the situation lifted for a single moment.

Emphasis on single moment.

Suddenly, there was a bang of the double doors and a doctor running out towards the nurse at the front desk. The rest of bts looked up at the noise and saw the nurse hauntingly point her finger at their direction. They made eye contact with the frenzying doctor and imediately knew that something was terribly wrong. The older man half ran and half sprinted his way over to them, catching his breath as he came close. 

"Are you here for Jeon Jungkook?" he asked them, breathless.

Jin and Rap Mon gave a hesitant nod. 

"He still hasn't regained conciousness. We think that he's having a nightmare. His blood pressure is spiking and with his fever being really high, it's not good for him. We need him to calm down so we can properly see whats wrong without having him toss around."

All the members exchanged worried glances, concerned for their youngest.

"Could you try calming him down?" the doctor asked them. "Sometimes feeling or hearing a familiar voice helps people come out of a nightmare or calm them down."

The members didn't really need an explanation as to the how and the why, all of them just really wanted to see their Kookie and make sure that he was indeed alright. Althouhg according to the doctor, everything was not alright in the slightest. With unanimous agreement, they members hurrily followed the doctor out of the waiting room and to their sufferking Maknae.






Sorry that this chapter was not as good as the last two, or as long. I didn't really know where to go wth this scene. I don't like to rush everything and having a filler chapter helped flesh out some plot and give more details about the members' thoughts without having them be freaking out about their maknae all the time. Please leave comments about what I could improve on. I'd love to make my writing even better for you guys!

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This story made me cry, it was so good though T_T Thank you for writing it!!
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh... this story had me crying. Even though it was short, it was still one of the best fics I've read. I love your writing style, and even with a few spelling errors here and there, it was super amazing to read. Fighting authornim! I also like how this "explains" Jungkook's absence of the first couple of promotions for Fire.
Nachtice #3
Chapter 10: I really loved the epilogue (and Jungkook's POV) authornim! Thank you so much!
Caramel_lover369 #4
Chapter 7: Yeah,but I never heard of JYP overworking their idols.All I know is SM(especially) and YG but mostly SM.Not just overworking but.....a lot of contract abuse.
1.The Jung-sisters.Jessica(elder) fainted in the earlier years of snsd and Zkrystal already fainted twice onstage and once on a variety show.They also have anemia so it explains a lot.
2.EXO-Kai collapsing,falling and getting injured onstage a LOT.Lay has hemophilia and he was bleeding at one stage but they still made him perform.Chanyeol collapsed onstage cuz he was sick yet he was forced to preform.Tao had several injuries along with Kai....they're the members with the most injuries.Luhan said SM treated him differently just because he wasn't Korean and the contracts for the Chi members were also diff from the K ones.Tao's father wanted him outta the group because he had to take Tao to the hospital a LOT because of injuries so....yeah.....EXO
3.Careless employees-Most of the stages they have accidents.Some wires unchecked,some stuff still on the floor,uncleaned.All that stuff.
4.TVXQ-3 out of 5 members left because they said they were forced to do stuff that weren't in the contract.
5.f(x) and snsd-As you can see,they used to be close in the earlier years then with the whole Jessica incident,they drew apart.Also most of the members,they faint,get injured,have accidents and yet, they still perform.Like the time it was raining very hard yet f(x) still had to perform with a shaking and wet stage.SNSD had to perform in various concerts in different times if the day(most of them only being hours away from each other with no rest) and obv different countries.
Chapter 9: amazing i was following this fiction since day 1 surely it took so much time bt it was worth it all
Nachtice #6
Chapter 9: Wow that was amazing authornim. I don't have words to tell you how much I love this story. I'd love an epilogue! :D
I hope you had fun on your camping trip!
Chapter 9: This is worth to wait authornimmmm, no need to apologize, i love this fanfic so muchhh, i really hope that i can hv. This kind of brother relationship, keep writing authornim cause your story is really amazing #fighting :)
Keyq1998 #8
Chapter 9: This is really amazing!! Love this!
tutimeow #9
i can't believe that I can't stop crying because of this story.. thanks author-nim for this awesome story.. thanks for make it complete..
iiroyalangel #10
Chapter 8: Kookie they didn't leave you T_T please update soon!