Kiss Cam


It's interesting how much you can realize after being rejected live on the Kiss Cam.


This is just a very short oneshot that popped into my head after a funny conversation about slighting someone during the infamous Kiss Cam segment of a basketball game.


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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 1: Jongtae forever!!!!!! Who would not want to kiss Jonghyun??
Chapter 1: What a a b!tch!!! Go Taemin!!!! lmfao I can't believe I just called Key (my bias) that XD
Chapter 1: i am ALL FOR sudden flings that could turn into actual relationships aus, this was right up my ally thank you for fueling my need of a jongtae one 10/10
Chapter 1: I honestly thought it was Minho, idk why. It just seemed very Minho-esque, lol. Key, you don't know what you're missing, staring at ya phone like that, tsk tsk.
Chapter 1: Tsk. Shame on you Key! *cheers on Taemin*