That PH - KOR distance

POMME | DARAGON x Penshoppe

“Aigoo!” Bom realized the familiar voice.

She immediately removed her phone from her ear and called Dara's attention by waving the phone.


Bom mouthed: “WHAT.HAVE.YOU.DONE?” Dara shook her head in response and grabbed Bom's phone.






“Aigoo Jiyong, why are you shouting?”


She get up from her seat and walk to the garden to distance herself from anyone who could hear.


“Hello? You still say hello? Huh? I told you to be safe! I told you not to do reckless things while you're overseas!”


“Calm down, Ji. Its as if I was wounded badly.”


“Exactly! Will it take a would or an injury to stop you from doing stupid things? Just for a selfie Dara! Really? You would risk you life with just a selfie? Huh? And you didn't even bother to tell me let alone post it on SNS?”


“Bo? STUPID?” Dara's eyebrows furrowed.


“Yes. Its a stupid act Dara, for what? To impress? You'd risk your safety to impress that you could do those things? How shallow! I only have few rules when you are away with me, yet you can't keep it!” 

GD is shouting on the other line. He was so furious seeing that she almost had an unfortunate accident.


Dara is stressed with Jiyong's nagging. Annoyance is evident on her face.

“Look Jiyong. If you are so protective, then why won't you come with me? Huh? I did ask you right? But what? You chose to visit your business!” she yelled.


“I have no objections with you choosing your business over a vacation with me,” as Dara raises her left hand as if Ji could see it.

“Because that's who you are Ji.” Her eyes are now swelling up, holding back the tears.

“Because work is always more important to you.” She's in the brink of crying and all she can do was do touch her temples.

“Have you even realized that if you are here, I won't be in that scenario? But no! you're miles away, unable to fly here, and worries that people might speculate again.”

Her tears betrayed her. Her voice became hoarse and he knows she's crying.

“You know? Just forget it. Do not contact me until I get back to Korea. I had enough Ji, don't spoil my time here, please.” and Dara hung up.  




Jiyong threw his phone on the sofa., and kicked the designer high chair out of anger.

“AHHHHH!" he shouted.


“Shallow? Stupid? I hate to admit it but you definitely went too far Jiyong.” Said Lee Soo Hyuk as he eats on the other sofa.


“Book me a flight to Manila today.”

Jiyong ordered to the other line on his phone. Probably his manager.

“Bo?” “Aish! Nevermind! Get lost!”


Soo hyuk didn't say any word. He knows if Jiyong is angry, and there's nothing he could do to make him okay, unless his name is Dara, and he's a goddess – but he's not.


Past an hour, Jiyong is still lying down on the couch, endlessly scrolling instagram and twitter. He felt bad for being unable to control his anger.


Thoughts ran through his mind..


She's not posting anything but thankfully, fans keeps me updated.

Aigoo, my baby girl is being mobbed everywhere she goes. I hope she won't get hurt.

I'm glad Filipinos really adore her, their love for Dara is heartwarming...

I'm thankful for the fans she have back there, they never left her despite of her absence, instead, they loved her more.

Ohh. They welcome Bommie Noona too. It's great.


“Ehh? Amusement park?” He said loudly. Thankfully, Soo hyuk is out somewhere.

“Aish! I should've come with her. Now I am jealous!”


He suddenly remembered last night, when their fans are teasing him, and tagging him in twitter and instagram, with Dara's ideal type.


“Pabo. She's so brave to tell that. Its so obvious that its me.” A small smile crept up to his face.

“Ahhh.. Dara-ah, boshipo” He said to himself as he locks his phone and the screen showed a picture of Dara in her usual clothes, wearing a wide smile because he took the photo. “So beautiful.” as he his thumb to the screen. “Mianhe, you got a very stupid boyfriend.”


I wrote this as an escape that 2NE1 is officialy OT3.

Still in the healing and acceptance process.

However, we will move on and support all of them, right? ^_^

Thank you dear readers, as usual. ^^

I'll post the remaining chapter(s) today or tomorrow.

For PH fans, election is coming too, rememember to vote wisely~!




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Chapter 8: Butterfly oh butterfly coming in my tummy
Chapter 5: Hahahhaa
Chapter 4: Hahaa this two y ssangpark
Chapter 3: Marshmallow jiyong hahaha
Chapter 2: Oh jeez protective boyfie
Fr0zenMus1c #6
Chapter 8: Awwww
Chapter 8: What a story... so refreshing :)
Chapter 8: What a cute story.. kekekeekekeeke
Chapter 1: Keep it up! /thumbs up/ :)
lightning_TabiSan #10
Chapter 8: I love it!!!

Gosh, if only they get married before Jiyong goes to military.