Hey :) (please read!)

Cast My Heart
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Hello, loves!

it's been a while hasn't it? i missed you guys so much and i definitely missed writing alot. before anything i would like to say something.

firstly, i would like to apologize for disappearing just like that, i didn't mean to leave all of you hanging. i have my reasons and honestly, things were... complicated. but i also wouldnt blame you guys though, i'd be mad at me too if people leave me hanging *laughs* 


truth be told, i wasn't having the best time of my life, so i took my time to heal and just trying to get back on my feet with life. at times it gets worse but it didn't necessarily flunctuated all the way. i woulnd't say i am perfectly fine now but hey, this carrot is getting better! and im taking the opportunity to speak here. ("dumb carrot, you could have just said something, it's not that hard!") oh, but unfortunately it was :')  it is hard for me to speak about something when i am not mentally ready, but i hope you guys can understand me. however! Red Velvet has been giving me hope and up until today (when i'm still breathing) i am thankful for them. the contents we've been receiving these days are mad! cheers to us, amirite?


ok enough being all pitiful! here's some good news;

i'll be writing again, YAY!

but i can't promise to update constantly though, but i'll try! it's been 2? 3 years? since last i wrote and i gotta be honest, it feels weird to be typing again *laughs*


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Chapter 2: So cute. Thanks.
bpblink #2
Chapter 5: Okay after reading the first chapter I skipped to #5 and wow. I hope you’re doing well author! We all go thru hard times but, what’s important is getting back up on our feet in the end no matter how long it takes! Take your time to heal and comeback when you’re ready. I’ve just discovered this story and it has become one of my favourites. We’ll be waiting for you <3
bpblink #3
Chapter 1: Omg I loveeeee the first chapter! This story is really enjoyable and entertaining to read :)
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 5: Health always comes first! We’re here whenever you’re ready :)
Yuwreee #5
Chapter 5: Just take your time it's okay not to be okay sometimes, but always think positive! <3 you're strong than you thought :)
prinzginger #6
Chapter 5: Welcome back! I will still wait for u no matter what, take care!
Chapter 4: Uh oh she's fallin jsksjsjsks same yeri same

Thanks to your latest notice that I remembered I got this story bookmarked lol. OH and reading this story makes me had a good laughs after so long *peak of not going out*

and welcome back ! :D
marielsoshi9 #8
Chapter 5: Im happy that you are doing well authorssi :"))) dont worry too much, your mental health is more important !!!! Take your time son this story is good!
Chapter 2: Oof thaaaaaatsss loveeelyyyy i like the set up ugh they're adorable
Chapter 1: She's such an angel