Chapter 5

The Pretty Trauma(hiatus)


Any words in Italics are flashbacks that Hoshi are currently experiencing right now.


Sunlight was leaking through the soft window blinds. The blue sky could be seen even through the blinds.

“I can see the sky again.”
He locked me in that room for so long. I couldn’t see the sky since I was thirteen, and I am twenty right now.  I heard the door creak. My first action was a flinch. I slowly turned towards the door. There were twelve boys at the door. My eyes were blurry, but I shivered. He was here.

His smell, his aura, everything about him was prominent in this room.

“P-please stay away,” I stuttered.
“I got it. Please call us if you need anything. I’m sorry for scaring you.”

I heard footsteps walk out of the room. I thought everyone left, but there were still two boys in the room.

“W-why are you still here?”
“I mean, you looked scared, so we thought we would try to comfort you.”
“Hey Woozi, show him some of your aegyo.”
The short boy punched the other boy. The taller boy started to act dramatically as he fell onto the floor, pretending to be in pain.

“Why not?”

I unconsciously laughed. I was surprised. This was the most I had laughed in years. I quickly covered my mouth.

“You got a cute laugh,” the boy next to the boy Woozi said as he inched closer to me.

I scooted back with every step he took. He smelled like him.

“You’re scaring him, Dokyeom. Not everyone is used to your cheesy lines.”

His scent was on him too. It was everywhere. My body unconsciously shaked.  The boy named Woozi got closer to me; however, my body scooted away from him. He patted my head. His touch was comforting. It was, warm. I couldn’t slap his hand away. It reminded me of my parents who were nice, caring, just the perfect parents.

“Why did you guys bother to save me?”

“Dokyeom, did he just ask we we tried to save him?”
“I think you heard right….”
The small, pink haired boy turned around and messed my hair.

“If you saw someone being hurt, would you leave them alone?”
Ah…  These people are nice… The door creaked open, letting in a familiar scent. Another waft of his scent came into the room, bringing me back to reality. I quickly slapped his hands away. I knew it. He wanted me to suffer. He wanted to get close to these boys and then he would break my heart.

“Y-you guys all smell like him. G-GET AWAY!”

The pink haired boy took a few steps back.

“I’m sorry.”
I felt mentally unstable. I was confused. I didn’t know if he was trustworthy or not. I didn’t know whom to trust anymore. Everything was just a blur. My thought were like an impossible knot.

“Well, if you need anything, please feel free to come out and ask us.”
I was still a ball, huddled in the corner. My eyes met the white t-shirt on my body. It wasn't the one I was wearing.

“Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“How did you know it was my birthday?!”
“Because I love you,” he replied.

He quickly embraced me within his warm hug and kissed my forehead. I snuggled within his embrace. Within a moment, he pulled away.

“Oh, that is right! I have something to give you!”
He pulled out a nicely packaged box. He gently handed it to me. I carefully unwrapped the box. A pure, white t-shirt was inside, waiting for me to see it.

“I saw you looking at this yesterday. I thought you might’ve wanted it, so I bought it for you.”
I felt the tears in my eyes and I didn’t hold them back. I threw myself at him and he gratefully accepted me. I rubbed my face into his chest.

“Thanks you, I love this present.”
“You don’t love me? Wow, thanks…”
“You know I love you more than anything in this world. I love the t-shirt, but I love you more,” I replied with a light smack.

“Thanks. I love you too.”

I felt warm tears drip down my cheeks. They were salty, saltier than usual. His scent in this room added to my sadness.Why was he here? Wasn’t he going to leave me alone. All I wanted was to have a nice, peaceful life with him. All I wanted was for him to love me and I would love him back. Where did we go wrong? Why did we stray from our path?


HI Guys! It’s Watashino who is back with another story. I really appreciate you guys for reading my stories. I really fangirl over your comments. I love seeing them. PLease do comment on my stories and subscribe to them. I will be continuing the “Jackmeo and Markliet” story, so please look forward to that. Thanks and have a nice day!

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BlackCherry15 #1
Chapter 9: I love this story. I don't mind waiting for a long time for an update to come.
soonhoonaega #2
Chapter 6: Omayghaaaaaaaad~! I love this storyyyy~♥ Please continue this authorrr~
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