By the Will of the Gods


Jonghyun is a child given to the gods. He has manifesting powers and a patron deity to help him grow into his own strengths. He knows little of his past or his future, but the current gods have promised power and fortune to their children. That sounds good, but Jonghyun begins to suspect things are not as simple as they appear to be when he questions what happens to those who leave. Discovering the truth of everything won't be easy, but if he and his friends can survive, they might have the power to change the world itself.


History says that the Gods have always watched over the world, protecting it from greater evils and guiding the people to a prosperous future. The six deities have always looked over one of the six realms of the world, catering to their subjects freely. Their only mandate, other than adoration and obedience, was to gift into their care any seventh child born.

By the Will of the Gods, they would be raised among the divine, for all people knew that a sixth child was more than just a mortal.

By the Will of the Gods, they would become heroes to help watch over the very people they came from. The history they were taught said so.

But what if the history was wrong? What if the truth they learned among the gods was nothing but a lie?

With the course of their lives already determined before they had even been born, the children of the gods had no say about their place in the world. Or did they? What if that wasn't the way things had to be?

Maybe the will of the gods made them into the powerful, young men and women they already were, but Jonghyun begins to wonder what he can accomplish if he can find the strength to live through his will alone.


This story has been entered into the Plot Prompt Contest.

This story will presently be based on the following prompt:

A fantasy world where the deities demand that the rare sixth born child be sacrificed at birth. They're taken away into the temple but unknown to their families, they are not really killed, instead imbued with power to become warriors for the pantheon of gods.

The deadline of the contest is May 1st, 2017. Missed the deadline...


This story will be entered into the Fantastic Fantasy Writing Contest.

Deadline will be March 31st, 2018. That gives me approximately 6 months to finish this beast. Let's do this!


Absolutely stunning poster and background done by AnneOnym at Spotlight Posters.  You should go check them out!


Deadline missed, but I'm considering revamping this for a new contest. There could be some character changes but not for any of the major players. We shall see!


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OMG. So I finely am.getting my act together and discovering what I have missed and HELLS this looks fantastic. And the poster! I love AnneOnym ♡ But I am really looking forward to this growing!
You've gotten to this one to. Man you're on a roll!

I've had a taste of this one so I definitely can't wait!