Chapter 2

Until the End

-I Hate You. Did You Know That?



Angela’s POV


    Did she just say the name I dreaded to hear everyday? Karry Wang? And what else did she say, he was at our school? Ugh, how hard is it to get away from someone, why is it so hard to hide! “Angela, it’ll be fine. I’ll promise you and plus you have Sharon and I to back you up so don’t worry.” Yuki cheerfully said. How can I not worry? This boy will come in and destroy everything that Yuki, Sharon, and I have created. Why is fate so cruel? “Angela let’s go I know you don’t want to see him, so you’re coming with me to the student council meeting! Come on!” I don’t see why Yuki has to hide being so cheerful all the time, she’s really smart and I’m sure if she was a little less cold she would be really popular. Never mind that, I need to get to the student council meeting. “Yuki, wait up!” “Better hurry if you don't want to be late!”


Karry’s POV


    It was lunch and by then the whole girl population knew TFboys went to their school. I was surrounded by girls everywhere and it wasn’t until Carina helped get us out, that we could properly eat lunch and chat. We went to the roof of the school. It seems like Carina is a great person and told us about the history of the school and everything. “Is there like a huge student council or something because I saw a lot of students wearing the black tie.” Roy asked. “Our student council is very prestigious and highly respected, they don't go to the same classes as us because their academic level and athletic level are much higher than ours. The student council is usually referred to as Exo and there are 12 members. All of the members can fluently speak Korean, Chinese, and English. Sharon, Yuki, and Angela are also part of them, but they are a bit lower of a rank as they are presidents of the 4th rank.” “Wait 4th rank? How many ranks are there?” “There are 4 ranks, we are the 4th rank, actually all new students and students with the lowest marks are the 4th rank. Students with the middle marks or average marks are 3rd rank. 2nd rank is usually people that have above average grades. And lastly 1st rank which is the highest and most talented rank. This rank is usually meant for prodigies and no matter what you do it’s very rare to work up to 1st rank” “Wow it’s such an extensive system, why can’t they categorize us by grades?” Jackson asked. “Well for starters not everyone in the grade would be the same intelligence level. For example Sharon is the same grade as me and I’m actually older, but she’s much smarter than me so our learning, needs to be taken differently.” “I see.” “So is there anything else you guys want to know?” “Nope I guess we’re pretty informed on everything.” I said “Okay then, I have to go somewhere, if you need me you can call me, here’s my phone number.” “Thanks, and bye.” Roy said

    We sat and ate in silence. I thought to myself that Angela felt so familiar to me, I was clawing my memory to remember where I had heard her name, when it hit me. Angela is her… She's my best friend, the friend I had loved and abandoned for the dream of an idol… I must see her again to confirm it’s her. “Sharon seems nice. It’s weird Sharon, Yuki, and Angela seem to be friends, but Carina only said to stay away from Yuki and Angela I wonder why.” Roy asked. “Not only that, but Yuki seems off, she seems cold and intimidating, but her appearance with brown hair makes her look innocent and bright.” Jackson pointed out. “Guys, I think Angela is her, the Angela, my best friend, my lover. I really think it’s her.” “Karry, there are millions of Angela’s out in the world, what makes you think that it’s her?” “There’s only a few Angela’s in Beijing, it’s such an uncommon name to have, but I have hope it’s her.” “Well I guess it’s possible, but remember Carina’s warning? She said to stay away from Angela and Yuki.” “Jackson don’t be so logical, we shouldn't trust everybody's words.” “Roy’s right.” “Yuki come on I want to show yo- 


Angela’s POV


    I was trying to drag Yuki to the roof of the school for lunch. Sharon couldn't come because she had student president stuff to do. A lot of people wonder why and how I got onto the student council when my grades are just average and my athletic ability is also average. I guess being a… “ Hey Angela, sorry I’m late. Carina decided to trip me while I was walking here.” “ Yuki you slow-poke, I’ve been waiting for you since the world was created 5 billion years ago.” “ Don’t kid me, anyways what did you ask me to come?” “Follow me and you’ll know. Yuki come on I want to show yo- What are you doing here?” Upon my opening of the door to the roof, I am met with my worst nightmare… Karry. Yuki’s smile immediately turns into a cold frown. “ Is there a specific reason we can’t be on the roof, it is still part of school property, and I’m sure we’re supposed to share school property.” Jackson said. Wow, he has the nerve to speak to Yuki and I like that, I bet he doesn’t know the punishment. “ Angela, nice to meet you my name is Karry, this is Jackson and Roy. May I ask a question? What’s your last name?” What the heck? Does he already know it’s me? I can’t let him know. It would ruin everything. “ My last name is Kim, Angela Kim. But may I ask a question? Is it normal for you to ask a stranger for her last name?” Karry looked really embarrassed and blushed a little. “ I was just curious, I had a best friend called Angela, but she wasn't Korean. I’m sorry for bothering you.” Karry said and bowed to us. He then proceeded to drag Jackson and Roy out the door. Before they left they all bowed to us one last time and Jackson shot a dirty look to Yuki. I wonder if they knew each other before, Yuki seems a bit off. 

    “ Come on Angela you didn't drag me here for nothing. What did you want to show me?” “ Look down Yuki.” “Woah, it’s so pretty… I wonder how long we’ll be able to do this before we get caught.” “Yuki? Are you okay? Did you know Jackson from before? You seemed a bit scared of him.” “ Jackson is really smart, I looked into him before they came. He might take one of our spots if he gets popular enough.” No, he can’t take Sharon, Yuki, or I’s spot their too important. “But… Exo- Sunbae and all the other sunbae’s will protect us right?” “ Their protection can only go so far, if Jackson gets popular enough we may really lose. Not only that if we lose one of our positions Carina has a higher chance of snatching them.” I would never lose to Carina. We have to work hard so that Jackson, Roy, or Karry don’t ever get the positions. “ Yuki don’t worry, we won’t lose the positions. I promise.” 

    After Yuki and I have lunch we go back to our duties as Vice President. I finish my duties quickly and stroll through the hallways when I notice 5 strange black figures leaving the student council room. I run up to the figures, when I’m about to ask who they are, I see their faces. “ Big Bang sunbae!” “ Well, well, well look who it is, our little Angela. How are you?” “ I’m doing good oppa!” “ How’s Yuki and Sharon?” “ They’re fine, a bit frustrated because of all the preparations, but their still working hard.” “Well that’s great to know. I’m really sorry Angela, but we have to go. we’ll see you around.” “Bye Big Bang sunbaenim!” As they leave I walk into the student council room.

    Big Bang sunbaenim are amazing at our line of work… Gangs. *Sigh If Jackson really does make it as part of student council we won’t be able to hide anything, not to mention Carina is just waiting for the moment one of us is kicked out so that she could implant her little gang in. Relax Angela, you’re in a top gang, you’re in Exo. Nothing is going to go wrong. I hope. I wonder what Yuki’s up to. She should be done running errands. I call her cellphone. Ring ring. “Hello? Yuki where the heck are you? It’s been ages since you left.” “ I’m sorry, I was in a bit of trouble, but I think I finished with it, no worries.” “What was it?” “It was just a small, low-ranking gang, they were bothering me so I has to deal with them.” “Well hurry back I’m waiting for you Yuki!”

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I'm going on a major revision/editing spree, I'll see how much I can finish. Thank you for your patience


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785 streak #1
Chapter 3: Great story !! Please do continue it! I'm looking forward to see what Angela and Karry will do! If they'll get back together or not!

Jiayou jie jie! =^.^=
moondancerkk #2
Chapter 3: i love this so far, i'm such a huge fan of the childhood besties thing hahaha
moondancerkk #3
Chapter 3: Awww, when are you going to update??