Chapter 1

Until the End

-Surprise! Probably Didn't Think You’ll See Me Again, Right?



Karry’s POV


    Today’s the first day of school at Beijing Elite Boarding School or more commonly known as BEBS. Only the highest of the highest can get into this school. I don’t know if I’m excited or scared. It’s always nice to have competition, but I heard the people at this school are extremely talented and intelligent. “ Karry hurry up, our car is waiting!” “I’m coming Jackson!”. I get into the car and we drive to our school. As idols and students, we’re really busy so we usually practice in the car. While we were practicing Big Dreamer, we drove into the school gates. Woah, the school is huge and looks a bit intimidating. “Boys we’re here.” 


    As we enter a girl around our age comes into view. She’s wearing a black tie, doesn't that mean she’s on student council or something? “Nice to meet you, my name is Sharon Ma and I’m the student council president. Ahem* Yuki introduce yourself!” I jumped back in surprise, a girl who was also wearing a black tie appeared in front of me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you my name is Yuki Zhao and I’m the vice president. You must be Karry, Roy, and Jackson.” Wow, she knew all of our names, and her tone is a bit scary. “Now you should be getting to your classes, I will bring you guys there. Yuki has some business to tend to.” Out of politeness, we said our goodbyes to her. She responded with a slight bow and left. 


    Sharon started to guide us toward our classrooms. “Sorry, Yuki can be a bit cold sometimes, but she’s not always like that. Well, here we are if any of you need help finding the classrooms or anything come find Yuki or I. Your classes are based on your grades and entrance exams, not your age. Jackson, you classroom is right beside this one. That’s all, I think maybe Yuki and I have few classes with you, have a wonderful day. Goodbye!” Sharon said as she left. “Wow, Sharon is the literal opposite of Yuki. I wonder if they’re actually friends or just keeping up appearances.


     “Hi, my name is Carina Wu. Nice to meet you guys!” “It’s nice to meet you to Carina!” Roy said. “You guys are new to the school right?” “Yup, we’re the new kids!” Roy energetically said. “Well a piece of advice is to stay away from the black tied kids, they may look and seem cool, but they’re just there for show. Especially Yuki and Angela, be careful of those two. Angela and Yuki? Everyone thinks they’re the Ice Queens of the school, but they’re actually stuck up snobs. Everyone loves them just because they wear black ties.” “How do you know this? Did they do something to you?” Roy asked. “They are real bullies, they push me over, fight me and steal my things, I really hate them!” “I see, thank you for the warning.” I said. 


    We headed to our seats and sat down when the teacher came in. She asked us to stand up and introduce ourselves obviously. Other then Carina’s warning, the lesson was extremely boring I really tried to concentrate, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t get the name Angela out of my head. The name seemed so familiar. I also couldn’t believe that someone like Yuki would bully a pretty girl like Carina. Yuki seems cold, but well decent. Well, I should still be careful.


Yuki POV


    So that’s Karry Wang of TFboys. I never understand why our school has to include celebrities. They were probably scared of me and my cold behaviour, I should really improve my communication skills. *Ring Ring. Hello? “Yuki we have a slight problem…” “Angela what’s wrong?” “I punched someone and he looks really angry” “ Run back to the school then!” “I'm almost there Yuki, come and open the gate for me!” “I’ll be right down”. I run out to the gate and I find my 4 year best friend standing there panting as if she ran 10k. “I told you.” I said. “Haha very funny Yuki, come on let’s get to class.” “I didn't think you were gonna come to class today” “Why Yuki? I’m a good student, haha” “Karry and the TFboys now attend our school” “What?”

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I'm going on a major revision/editing spree, I'll see how much I can finish. Thank you for your patience


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785 streak #1
Chapter 3: Great story !! Please do continue it! I'm looking forward to see what Angela and Karry will do! If they'll get back together or not!

Jiayou jie jie! =^.^=
moondancerkk #2
Chapter 3: i love this so far, i'm such a huge fan of the childhood besties thing hahaha
moondancerkk #3
Chapter 3: Awww, when are you going to update??