
Rich Boy

 "Eh?" Hyunseung blinked as he looked at that girl. Could it really be her? "Store girl, is that you?" He furrowed his brow for a second, then grinned. "It is you! I never knew that my personal shopper went to school here as well!"

 Kaeri practically felt the steam blowing out of her ears at the mention of being his personal shopper. Who did he think he was?! Coming into her classroom and calling her by something other than her own name. and she wasn't HIS personal shopper. She wasn't HIS anything. She was Kaeri. She was owned by nobody. 

 "Personal shopper?" 

 "How does he know that girl?"

 "Hyuna's not going to like this..." 

 Whispers began to fill the room, and Kaeri's face promptly turned a bright shade of red. She glared at Hyunseung and watched as he shrunk back slightly. She turned her attention back to Minwoo, giving him an exasperated look. He gave her an understanding nod, and walked over to sit in the seat next to her.

 "Hey Kaeri." He said softly.

 "Hey Minwoo." She said with a smile, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. "How come you didn't tell me you were coming back?"

 "Because, I knew it would be a nice surprise if I just popped up." He shrugged, looking down at the table for a moment, before glancing back at her. "Too bad it was ruined though." He stole a quick glance to his right as Hyunseung walked past, his hands stuffed lazily in his pockets. "Who is that guy anyways? You two seem to know eachother." His eyebrow shot up in curiosity. Were that guy and Kaeri possibly dating?

 "It's a long story." Kaeri sighed as she propped her chin up on her hand, pouting a bit. "But, long story short, he's this jerk that comes in and bothers me at work everyday." 

 Minwoo frowned, and crossed his arms. "Well that's no good." He said softly, thinking for a moment, then he grinned and leaned in towards her a bit. "Let me know if he bothers you anymore okay?  I'll put him in place!"

 "I'd like to see you try." A rather bored sounding voice came from behind them. The two friends' eyes widened, and they turned. Sure enough, Hyunseung was sitting there, smirking at them. "Honestly, I don't know why you even complain. I pay you and everything." he sighed as he shook his head.

 "You're a liar. You've never even given me a single penny." Kaeri spat bitterly. She knew that it was impossible that she could've recieved any money from  him. Her paycheck was still as small as it had been before, and he'd never handed her any money before she left. So he had to be lying.

 Hyunseung's smirk quickly faded, only to be replaced by a frown. "You mean you never recieved them? I left them with the ajumma. She said she'd give them to you.." He said slowly. He sat back and crossed his arms a bit, appearing to be deep in thought.

 "Well, I never recieved th-YAH. You can't just use that in here you know! You'll get in trouble" She hissed as he pulled out his cell phone and started punching away at the keys. He glanced up at her and smiled a bit. 

 "Relax. I'm just fixing it." He said simply. "How cute. She cares about if I get into trouble or not." He leaned forward a bit and smiled predatorily at her. "Don't worry about going to work tonight. From now on you really are going to be my personal shopper. As well as other things.."

 "Other things?" Both of Kaeri's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "What kind of other things do you have in mind hmm?!" Surely he didn't think of her as that type of girl, right? She'd never done anything to make him think that that was who she was.

 "Um...You'll help me keep up with my schedules, and my homework..." Hyunseung said slowly. "Why? Were you expecting something else?"

 Kaeri froze, and her face turned a light shade of pink at his words. She cleared and scoffed. "Pft. No." She muttered, turning away from him so that he wouldn't see her embarassment. But it was too late, and she knew it because the chuckled.

 "You were, weren't you? That can be arranged too if you'd like." He grinned at her, her cheek, his thumb brushing against his lips. 

 Then a sudden pain errupted from his cheek, and he turned his head to the side.

 He looked at her in awe. 

 Kaeri. Her face angry, and her hand poised up in the air.

 She was beautiful.

 And she had just slapped him. No girl had ever slapped him before.

 This just proved it. The suspicions he'd had since he first saw her that day when he was checking up on the stores his father owned.

 He liked this girl.

Minwoo is definitely getting the short end of the stick....I might not really use him much. Depends.

Butttt....Leave comments and let me know how this is going~~



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