
Rich Boy

 Kaeri sighed as she shelved the boxes of rice flour. Today was a slow day at the supermarket, so she had been given the task of restocking the shelves. Working at the supermarket was so boring, and it took a toll on her health and her grades, but she needed to be strong. She had to do this for Hana and Eyuhyun. She had to provide for them since her parents wouldn't. 

 Disgust made her stomach churn at the thought of how her father was never home. He was always out with some , cheating on her mom. Because of that, her mom was always drunk, or unconcious. She began to shove boxes onto the shelf angrily, tears welling up in her eyes as her mind lingered on that thought. 

 "Hey you." A familiar male voice came from behind her. She took a deep breath to keep herself from snapping off at the customer due to his rude tone. She turned to face him, a slight smile on her face, and any evidence of her being upset generally nonexistant. 

  "How can I help you sir?" She asked kindly, tilting her head to the side a bit, feigning curiousity, even though she already knew what he wanted her to do. He gestured for her to follow him, and began walking away, clearly expecting her to follow. She rolled her eyes before falling into step behind him. This guy again...He's been coming in every day for the past week now. He's so annoying.... She sighed a bit at the thought and came to a stop behind him in the produce section. He turned and handed her the shopping basket and a folded up paper which she knew all too well to be his list. 

 "Here." he said simply. "You know what to do."

 Kaeri glared at him as she snatched the items from him. "I'm not your maid you know." She spat. "Or is this how you charm girls? Making them shop for you."

 "It is actually" He spat back like rapid fire. "You clearly are too ignorant to know who I am. Or else you would consider it an honor to see me on the street, let alone to shop for me." 

 "Quite frankly sir, I don't care who you are. To me, you are nothing more than a spoiled rich kid who barely knows how to tie his own shoes." Kaeri spoke with a mock sweetness as she walked through the store, picking up the items on the list and dropping them into the basket, not caring about being delicate with it. She just wanted to get this over as quickly as possible so that she could get this guy away from her. When she finished, she turned and shoved the basket into his hand. "The check out is to the right.. Good day."  She said coldly as she walked away, leaving him gaping after her.


 "Kaeri!" Minji waved her hand in front of her friend's face, trying to gain her attention. Kaeri blinked, and yawned, scratching her head and smiling sheepishly. Minji pouted when she saw the other girl's reaction. "You weren't even listening to me were you?"

 "Ah..Ani...Mianhae Min, I kinda spaced out." Kaeri admitted with a guilty smile.

 "Aish, get more sleep." Minji sighed irritably as she rolled her eyes. "I said we're getting two new students today. Well...One of them is new. The other is just getting transfered from Class B." 

 "A new student?' Kaeri asked curiously as she looked at the front of the room, where the door was opening. An innocent looking boy with brown hair walked into the room with a slight smile on his face. He looked familiar to Kaeri..But why?

 "Annyeong Haseyo." He began slowly, looking over everybody as he spoke, as if he was searching for somebody. His eyes found Kaeri's and a grin lit up his face. "No Minwoo Imnida."

 A hypothetical lightbulb went off in Kaeri's head as she put the name and the face together. Minwoo?! When had he gotten back from America? Kaeri hadn't seen him in years, but they'd kept in contact through letters and facebook. Why hadn't he told her he was coming back though? Did he not know until today? That was doubtful.

 The door opened again, and a boy with messy hair and a incorrectly worn school uniform entered the room. "Yo." He began lazily, shoving his hands in his pockets and sighed. "Jang Hyunseung Imnida." He looked around the room, and his eyes widened in recognition when he saw Kaeri.

 Kaeri sank down in her seat, quietly freaking out. . . . . ....

 It was the boy from the store.

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