Act 9-10


More probably final acts. I don't know whether to continue this story or make another story... I guess I'll let my inspiration decide.

Act 9

It’s just a normal day. Nothing special, nothing to do. I’m just staring blankly from my window, looking at the outside that is empty except for a car that just passed.

Oh well, time to move…

Wait a minute? There’s something wrong…

I was staring at the outside, empty except for a car…

A car!?

Why is there a car that still works?

I look outside again just to make sure, and yes, there is a car, and it’s working fine.

I quickly dash downstairs and approach the car.

“Oh, finally! I thought everyone is scared of my car?”, someone said as he gets out of the car. And he smells weird… Like a zombie but not quite zombie, and like a human but not quite human.

“Who… What are you?”

“I’m Donghyuk. A hybrid. Half-blood, they say. Because only the inner-half of my body have blood.”, he explained.

“Hybrid as in, zombie-human hybrid?”


“That’s a thing now?”

He nods, “You don’t know what bizarre thing can happen when a zombie fell in love with a human. You know, like the classic ‘Romeo and Zombiet’.”

“What are you talking about?”

He ignores my question and hands me a pamphlet, “Anyway, take this.”

It reads ‘Zombie Haven actively recruiting!!!’.

“Zombie Haven?”

“Yup, it’s definitely a better place than any of these rotten building.”

The next line in the pamphlet says ‘We have electricity, water, and free Wi-Fi!!!’.

“Electricity? How?”, I asked.

“We’re smart, you know. It doesn’t take a lot to make a proper zombie society.”

But the final line in the pamphlet is the most intriguing, ‘Last but not least, we also have our own sustainable organic human farm.’.

“Human farm? That thing can actually happen?”, I asked again.

“Well, so far so good. Anyway, I’ll have to go and spread the words. Hopefully I’ll see you there!”, he said as he enters the car and leave.

I can only stare at the back of his car as I hold into the pamphlet. Surely, the idea of having a proper society, just like before the apocalypse, is tempting.

I go back into the house, deep in thought. I was the one that stop Chanwoo from picking a new house, if I ask him to move now, won’t I be a hypocrite?

Then, I can hear quick footsteps nearing my door. As soon as the door open, I can see Chanwoo’s excited face with the pamphlet in his hand. And I know straight away that we’re moving out.

“So you also heard about the Zombie Haven thing?”, Jinhwan asked.

“Isn’t that place sound awesome?”, Chanwoo said.

“I don’t know… It sounds too good to be true.”, Hanbin commented.

“So you two are set on moving there?”, Jinhwan asked again.

We nod.

“Hmm… I guess it can’t be helped then. We’re coming with you.”, Hanbin declared.

“You don’t have to, you know.”, I said.

“We’re also curious about that place.”, Jinhwan said. “But I don’t think moving so far away with just one other zombie is a good idea. So, we’ll be moving in group!”, he added.

From that point onward, we’re set. The four of us, walking to a place that we don’t even actually know exist or not. And I clearly underestimated how far that place is. Even with us walking all day long, with only a little break to hunt for food, it still takes almost a full month to reach.

But, here we are…

“Whoa, you guys actually come!”, Donghyuk shouted with an obvious excited tone.

Only one look at the inside of the haven, and I can tell directly that this is game changer.


Act 10

It seems that they are taking this whole Zombie Haven very seriously. As soon as we step in, we’re given a registration number. Then, we were given a house (that four of us share). We’re also debriefed on everything we need to know, including all the volunteering work all zombies and hybrids alike have to take.

And all is well, we have electricity, we have water, we have regular meals. The city is beautiful, and every zombie live happily ever after. Except for one thing… That Donghyuk guy is definitely hitting on Chanwoo. My Chanwoo, with huge emphasis on ‘my’.

I mean, he is sort of a higher-up in the whole administration system, so he has the power to assign volunteering schedule. And ‘accidentally’ he and Chanwoo share all their volunteering work together. Like, even a nose-less cat can smell something fishy is going on here.

Hence, I am stuck with my job of picking up trashes, while Chanwoo and Donghyuk are watering the flower. Together. I repeat, together.

And look at that, why would he stands that close to my Chanwoo? You don’t need to stand next to each other for watering flower. In fact, he should keep his distance to at least 10 meters, no, 20 meters kilometres.

I give an exaggerated cough to grab their attention.

“Oh, Junhoe! I didn’t see you there!”, Chanwoo said.

He didn’t see me… Like, he seriously didn’t notice me!?

That’s it! I walk in between them, then turn around to face Chanwoo, blocking Donghyuk from his field of vision.

“I just want to see you, I miss you so much!”, I said as I pull Chanwoo into a long deep passionate kiss. Then, I turn around to face Donghyuk with the biggest fake smile I can muster, “Hi there, Donghyuk!”

Surprise, surprise. He also gives a big obviously fake smile. “Oh, hello Junhoe. What’s your schedule for tomorrow? Oh right, you’re going to the power plant, while Chanwoo and I will be here tending the flowers.”, the way he emphasized on ‘Chanwoo and me’ is getting on my nerve.

“Ah, yeah. But guess who will be screaming my name tonight?”, I said as I pull Chanwoo closer by his waist.

“Junhoe…!”, Chanwoo said, obviously flustered.

He still maintains his fake smile, “Sure, sure… You better get going, a lot of trash to pick. And Chanwoo and I still have a lot of fun… I mean work, to do.”

Tch… nothing else I can do at this point. I can only walk away and go back to my job. If only I can eat hybrids, I would definitely eat him for dinner. One day he will pay for this.

The next day. I walk to the power plant without any energy, my mind is somewhere else imagining what ‘fun’ Chanwoo and Donghyuk are doing.

Suddenly, a voice appears from behind me, “Don’t be lazy. I know zombie cannot get tired.”

I turn around to find a man, probably another hybrid, staring at me. “I’m Bobby. Is there something bothering you?”, he asked.

“Well… nothing. It’s just…”

I didn’t plan to tell my whole life story, but I did.

“Are you telling me this Donghyuk guy is flirting with your boyfriend?”, he asked.

“Yeah, I think you can put it that way.”, I said.

“I see… And you said that they’re in the park right now?”

“Yeah, it’s their volunteering shift…”

“Ok.”, he said as he grabs my hand. “Let’s go.”

“But what about…?”

“Don’t worry about the power plant. There are still enough zombies there without us.”

So we go together to the park. Once we’re there, Bobby pick an empty can from the ground, and throw it straight at Donghyuk. Bullseye! It hits him right on the head.

“Ow!!!”, Donghyuk said. Then he turns around, “Who’s…!? Bobby!? Why… why are you here!? I thought you’re supposed to be at the power plant.”

“Oh, I just found a friend that need my help.”, he said pointing at me.

Then, Bobby walk, approaching Chanwoo, and introduce himself, “Hi. You must be Chanwoo. I’m Bobby, Donghyuk’s boyfriend.”

“Ah, hi! How can you know my name?”, Chanwoo asked.

“Junhoe told me about you. Anyway, how’s Donghyuk?”

“He’s very nice. He’s next to me pretty much all the time, helping me with anything.”, Chanwoo said, quickly receiving a terrified glare from Donghyuk.

“Oh! So he’s been super-friendly, I see…”, Bobby said as he turns around to stare at Donghyuk.

“No no no no! This is just a misunderstanding, I can explain!”, Donghyuk suddenly said in panic.

“Oh yes, you better do.”, Bobby said as he violently grabs Donghyuk’s collar and drag him away.

Meanwhile, Chanwoo gives a confused look, “What just happened?”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.”, I said, giving him a peck on his cheeks.

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 5: as long as u r w him , right june-ya ?
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 1: " I just want to think abt u for now "
my heart....
ave9229 #3
Chapter 7: I love the sad flashbacks, i love the fun days, i love the prtty rivalry, i love the slight . This story is very good. So what happened to big dead wolf?? And where were their parents during their kids heart breaking adventure :(

Anw thanks for this!
fySugarFree #4
Chapter 7: Update! Updateee! kkk i wonder what will chanu do to junhwe after drink it haha
Cho_Eunri #5
Chapter 1: Why i just find this story now?! It is so damn amazing. Keep up. Waiting for next update. Xoxo
Chapter 7: I LOVE YOU AND YOUR STORY!!!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 7:, the story is interesting, well good story, and it is perfect!!!!!!!!!!
Scowling_Hamster #8
Chapter 6: wow i didn't see that coming author him