Falling Into Danger


Noreen was never a fan of the mysterious Danger Montecarlo, a legendary gangster who was feared by everyone. However, will she able to keep her words or she'll immediately fall into Danger's evil schemes?


*:・゚✧ ゚・:*


Falling (v.)

: to come or go down quickly from a high place or position

: to come or go down suddenly from a standing position

: to let yourself come or go down to a lower position


Danger (n.)

: the possibility that you will be hurt or killed

: the possibility that something unpleasant or bad will happen

: a person or thing that is likely to cause injury, pain, harm or loss


What's the feeling of falling?


Does it hurt so much that pain creeps to our bones down to our souls?


How hard should I fall?


Should it be so hard that I can feel my heart bleed?


I really don't know what's the difference between a person falling from a building and me falling for someone. It's the same feeling after all since every fall pain comes next. Pain will never leave you when you fell deeper than what you are capable of. Well, that's why I'm suffering.


Is it okay not to be afraid of Danger


Even though the chances of being alive is only a half percent?


Will Danger be my life saver?


Maybe me being in danger is the fastest way to be saved my something that is more dangerous than the danger I'm talking about. DO YOU GET ME?!


My life was normal to extreme real quick and it was never a great direction for me. This direction made me someone who I am not dreaming of.

Suddenly my life becam a roller coaster ride after the accidents that happened with him. I don't know, but it's hard to understand what I feel right now. I should just have hated him but what can I do?


If I was already imprisoned by that demon?


*:・゚✧ ゚・:*


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