Sunyoul (ft. Kogyeol) - Coffee Shop

Rookie Imagines

"Whatever, Minsoo. Go screw that little , I don't care anymore. I'll put whatever crap you left in a bag outside my house. So long." I my heel, leaving my piece-of- ex-boyfriend behind, astonished. He'd text me to meet up earlier, leaving me with no doubt as to what it was for. It hurt but if he wanted to go and catch STD's off of some then who was I to stop him?

I took a deep breath as I walked away, trying to stop any tears from escaping. I wasn't so much as crying because it was over, more so because that was a whole year of my life wasted on him while he just cheated on me. I felt like an absolute fool and couldn't help but think how many other people know. After about ten minutes of walking, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out to see it was my best friend calling. "Hyuna? What's up?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound normal which was pointless, really.

"Minah? Are you okay? Did Minsoo break it off already?" She asked, sounding concerned. I was halfway through telling her that I was fine when I realised something.

"Wait, how did you know that he broke it off...?" She started stuttering, trying to make up some excuse when it finally hit me. Like a thousand bricks. No way. My best friend was the one that did this. She was the one that slept with my boyfriend? "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We've been best friends since first grade and you sleep with my boyfriend?! How long!?"

"Minah, wait! It's not like that I swear— "

"No, I don't even want to hear it. I can't believe you. If it was anybody else, I wouldn't care but my own best friend! You were like a sister to me! Don't ever show your face in front of me again because I can't promise you will even have one left!!" I half screamed, hanging up and throwing my phone at the floor in a fit of anger. I crouched down, letting my head fall into my hands as I let the tears flow this time. I felt so betrayed and just stupid. How could I not see it?

I think about fifteen minutes went by before I dried my eyes and stood up, picking my phone up with me. Well, that's me having to get a job to pay for a new one. I hate myself when I get angry, I turn into a monster.

I sighed and stuffed it back into my pocket, starting to walk again. I didn't really pay attention where I was going so I couldn't blame myself for getting lost about five minutes later. I didn't even have my phone maps to guide me anymore. That's when the smell first hit me. Coffee. I started to look around when I noticed a small corner café, simple and not obvious but inviting all the same so I walked over. There was a notice in the window about a job going and I couldn't help but feel like it was fate. I needed money and stumble upon this.

While I was reading the ad, I noticed somebody out of the corner of my eye. A young man, probably around my age and really pretty. He was watching me from behind the counter until I caught him and he quickly glanced away, seemingly wiping over the counters. Do I just go in and ask for the job? I look like an absolute mess right now, there's no way I could get it like this. I don't even know anything about coffee. Maybe I could just wait tables and stuff? While I was lost in thought, pretty-boy was looking at me again only this time when I looked over he smiled and slightly nodded his head at me. Was that a sign to come in and ask?

I shook my head and started to straighten myself up, turning around to check my face in the cracked screen of my phone. Then I walked in to what I didn't know at the time was going to be the best decision of my life. The doorbell jingled, announcing my presence to near empty café and I walked slowly over to the counter.

"Hi! Welcome to The Hideout. " He smiled, The Hideout? What a fitting name. "My name is Son Ye In, Sunyoul for short and I guess you're here to ask about the job vacancy?" Pretty-boy, or Ye in... Sunyoul greeted me, bowing slightly so he didn't hit his face on the counter. He was quite tall and slim with fluffy looking brown hair and big brown eyes. He was prettier than around 90% of girls and I was already so jealous. I nodded and cleared my throat slightly. I wasn't going to formally introduce myself to a kid that look younger than me but I couldn't be rude if I wanted a job.

"H-Hi, I'm Lee Minah and yeah, I just wanted to know more about it..." I spoke before bowing back, earning a wide smile from Sunyoul. Does this kid ever stop? He looked around at who was in the place before nodding and turning back to me.

"My parents aren't home right now but I suppose if you're free then I could give you an interview right now? Oh, and would you like a drink? Completely free of charge!" Sunyoul, gestured to the menu up on the wall behind him. I was pretty parched and the smell of the beans from this place was no less than mouth-watering. It smelled better than Starbucks, if that was even possible!

"Oh, your parents own this place? That's pretty cool. And yes, if that's okay. Could I have a soy-caramel cappuccino, please? I can stay for an interview now, but don't you usually have to bring a resume in beforehand or something?" I asked, unsure of how these things actually work.

"Thank you." Did he just blush? How adorable! "Usually you do but I can make an exception, we haven't had many applications and I would really like somebody else to help me run this place when they aren't here. It gets so busy during the afternoon!" Sunyoul explained, getting all the stuff he needed to make my drink before telling me to sit somewhere until he brought it over to start the interview.

It didn't take him long to make the drink but when he came over, he placed a small slice of cake next to me. I eyed it, grateful. Sunyoul must have noticed as he sat down because he chuckled softly, pushing it closer to me.

"Don't worry. It's also free. Our cakes seem to make people happy and you looked like you could use some cheering up right now." His gaze softened and I couldn't help but just stare at him for a few seconds, wondering how on earth somebody so nice even made it so far in life and still managed to smile like he did. Everyone always said you don't get anywhere by being too nice. I thanked him before dropping my head a little, starting to eat it little by little. It was absolutely amazing!

"So, about the job. I'd just like to ask you a few questions about you and why you want it, that okay?" I nodded, feeling a little shy and self-conscious about this whole ordeal now. But he didn't ask too much. Basic questions about how old I was and such.

"I don't actually have any experience at all, this would be my first job if I get it. But I'm not a slacker so I would work hard to learn whatever I need to." Sunyoul laughed softly, nodding. He assured me that no experience was not an issue as he would be able to train me during work.

"So, I'm sure my parents won't mind if I give you this job right now, I have a feeling they would really like you, too. Do you have a contact number so we can call you about your first shift?" He asked, raising his eyebrows expectantly. All I could do was bite my lip as I pulled my cell phone from my pocket to show him.

"That's actually why I kind of need this job, I did something stupid and I wouldn't expect my parents to buy me a new one..." Sunyoul took the phone from my hand and inspected it, clearly surprised.

"Wow, somebody must have really pissed you off. Well, that's okay. Just hold on a second while I call mom and ask her when your shift would be." I nodded as he pulled his phone out and dialled his mother, who answered almost right away. He told her about the whole interview and how much he thought I would be great for him to work with, which totally made my chest flutter, and asked her when I had to come in if he could give me the job. He hung up after a few minutes.

"All done. Tomorrow is Sunday, yes? So you can come in the morning and I will train you a little before your actual shift with me starts at midday. Welcome to the family!" He offered his hand which I accepted with a wide smile and thanked him profusely.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early! And thank you again!" After taking my cup and plate back to the counter for him, I bowed and waved as I left the café with a huge smile on my face.


It had been a few weeks that I had been working at the café. Sunyoul had trained me in all the basics of making coffee and his mother, who apparently adored me, had taught me some of her cake recipes. All in all, it was going really well and I really did feel like part of their family. In just two weeks, I'd grown so close to Sunyoul and we often hung out in his room, above the coffee shop on our breaks. We'd play video games or just sit and talk, he knew all about what happened with Minsoo and Hyuna and he told me that I made the right choice in forgetting them both. That was the same day that we had fallen asleep and I woke up and realised that I'd developed feelings for him.

"M-Minah? Are you awake?" I faintly heard only I was still half asleep and really didn't want to get up. I was laying on something slightly hard but comfortable and warm and I wasn't going to leave that any time soon. I shook my head and buried my face into whatever it was before waking up a little more. "Why do you have to be so cute?!" I heard in my sleepy daze. That's when I felt something on my head, more specifically my hair. Something, no someone was my hair.

Within a minute I had woken myself up before shooting up and off the bed, only to fall on my . I had only gone and fell asleep on his chest! To make matters worse, I didn't actually regret it and immediately wished I could go back but I couldn't go near my boss' kid. What if they had actually walked in and seen that?!

"Oh my- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep o-on you...I-I have to go! I'll see you tomorrow!" I stuttered, blocking out whatever he was trying to say before grabbing my jacket and running out of the room. I quickly slipped my shoes on and left, ignoring Sunyoul's calls and attempts to stop me. How could I be so stupid? Why didn't he push me off? What is this feeling? I don't want it!

After I went back the next day, neither of us brought up what had happened and tried to go back to normal. I didn't go in his room again and on our breaks we just sat either at a table or in their family living room. It was slightly awkward but better than ever bringing that up again. I didn't want to scare him off if he found out my feelings. I couldn't afford to. Things carried on like that for a few weeks and I had to admit I missed how they used to be but it couldn't be helped.


Today wasn't a particularly busy day so we were mostly just behind the counter or wiping over the tables. We would talk often but nothing really of importance. Everything was about to change though as when the bell jiggled at around one 'o'clock, the last two people I wanted to see walked in, giggling. They made it to the counter and ordered drinks without noticing me but on their way to a table, Hyuna called out.

"Minah, is that you? I didn't know you worked here! Oh, how have you been? I've been trying to call—" She started trying to be nice but I just wanted to punch her in the face. Minsoo just stood to the side looking awkward and not even having the balls to make eye contact with me.

"I smashed my phone wishing it was your face so I had to get a job to pay for a new one. Don't waste your breath, I don't really want to hear anything either of you have to say. Just sit down and I'll bring your drinks over." I turned and walked behind the counter, Sunyoul coming over and trying to get a peek at my face.

"Is that them? I didn't think that would have been your type since he's not at all like- ah, actually, never mind." I heard him mumble something that sounded a lot like "maybe I'm not your type then" but I was too focused on not making a scene. Sunyoul made the drinks and was about to take them over for me when another customer came in. I still wasn't that great at getting orders correct so I took the tray off of him, much to his protest and took it over to the happy couple.

I tried not to focus on them but when your ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend are purposely kissing and doing skinship in front of you, there's only so much you can take. I looked over again when Hyuna laughed at something he whispered in her ear and then kissed her before taking a deep breath, about to break down.

Only, I never got the chance as I felt a tug on my hand before I was spun around to face Sunyoul. I was about to ask what was up but didn't get the chance. "Hey, jackass. This is how you do it!" Sunyoul called over to Minsoo before his hand was at the back of my head and his lips were on mine. At first, I was too shocked to even move but soon after, that dissipated and I closed my eyes and kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He had one hand supporting my waist and the other tangled in my hair and neither of us cared. It was just us for those few minutes and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

We broke apart a little while after but he didn't let me go, instead smiling against my lips. I had to bite my own to try and contain the grin I feared would break out and hid my face into his neck, barely able to contain my happiness. A couple more seconds and the other customers all started to applaud, some laughing and some cooing. I swear I even heard Sunyoul's parents commenting on how that might have been the cutest thing they'd ever seen.

Sunyoul then took my hand and faced a shocked Hyuna and seemingly angry Minsoo. "Now, get your stuff, pay and get out of my café. My girl doesn't want you here so it would be a good idea if you never came back." I was shocked, not only at the sudden appearance of manly Sunyoul but at his use of 'my girl'. I chuckled, squeezing his hand as we watched Minsoo and Hyuna leave, totally embarrassed before we went back behind the counter. He still had hold of my hand and I felt something akin to a warm buzz inside.

"So, your girl, huh?" I questioned, smirking at him. He blushed and choked a little before taking a breath and looking at me in the eyes. His actions seemed to have caught up with him and he seemed a little nervous.

"Y-You're not mad are you? I was just getting pissed off at how he was making you feel and I thought there was no better time to tell, well, show you how I feel about you. I know it's only been a couple of months but I totally fell for you. You're amazing and I hope you know that, I love you. It's okay if you don't feel that same I just—" He didn't even stop for a breath so I just cut him off with another kiss, smiling afterwards.

"I love you, pretty-boy. Now, when is our break? Because we have a lot of kisses to make up for."

i don't even know what this is. it just...happened.
it wasn't originally going to be like this but i think this is better than what i had originally imagined.
i'm still pretty new to (that's a lie i stan them like they're oxygen) UP10TION but it's fiction so get over it

i love this little piece of fluff! he's like a little bunny and like, wtf when he lifts his shirt and he has abs?! what is this sorcery? he really reminds me of Niel though- pretty face, girly (amazing) voice...TOP media sure knows how to pick 'em.

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Update! My laptop has been sent to the store to be fixed and they said up to 10 days! So hopefully I'll be back up and running in 3 weeks! :D


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lolexotics #1
Chapter 4: May I make a request ??
Name : Han Haira
Partner : Monsta X Shownu
Plot : When s always want to be around me until I forget about him and he start a silent mode ....
I see another Rocky request already...but can I request another one? :D I love Rocky too!
Henrehhh #3
Chapter 5: Hey :D may I request Hwanhee (who's been killing me since the start), Hoshi VS. S.coups (you can surprise me with plot and end bae bc I'm such freaking trash for 17), and/or Rocky?? (Who freaking stole my heart in .2 seconds) I don't have a specific plot request for any, but you can let me know if you get stuck!! And if you have enough time, I'll love you forever if you fulfill all of these but I totally understand what it's like to lose all the things in your computer-- so do what's best for you and best of luck!!
collectingsparkles #4
Hi! Can I request a Rocky imagine? He's been trying to kill me lately (‾^‾)ง⁼³₌₃
Whitebread312 #5
Chapter 5: meee!! i liked seventeen all along but now i became a trash T.T even seeing them in my dreams...
Whitebread312 #6
Heejun, Jinhoo, Eunwoo and Minhyuk please ? Yese are amazing!!^=\
Hi! Is there a possibility to request KNK members? Thanks ♡
Chapter 2: xiao!!!!! hahahahahaha
Chapter 1: This is so cute seriously--- I could imagine how cute Sunyoul is even the fact he's really introvert in real life hahahahaha