Wooshin (ft. Wei) - Time For You

Rookie Imagines

“Junnie!” I whined, rolling over onto my stomach and shaking the arm he was using to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight filtering into the bedroom. “Please. You promised!” I was currently begging my boyfriend, Sungjun, to take me out for breakfast like he had promised the night before. We rarely got to spend time going out due to his busy schedules and he knew I wasn’t the type that enjoyed staying inside all the time.

“Yah, why can’t we just have breakfast in bed? I’m tired and it’s my day off. I really don’t want to go out, babe.” He replied, sighing to show his distaste for going out. I pouted even though he couldn’t see it and got ready to get up.

“Fine. I’ll just go out for breakfast with Wooseok then. If you want to sit in bed all day, then be my guest!” I glared at him as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Only then did I hear him shuffle and call out to me.

“Aish, I’ll get up now! You’re so demanding you know.” He rolled onto his side as he glared back at me but I couldn’t really care less at this point. I couldn’t even tell if I really wanted to get breakfast with him anymore.

“No, it’s too late. You stay in bed and I’m going out with him. I don’t even want to go with you anymore, Sungjun.” I grabbed my clothes and changed into them quickly, not paying any attention to anything he was saying. It would only turn into an argument anyway. It was always like this; him asking me to spend time with him on his free days but not actually spending time with me. We would just sit or lay around and do nothing and I hated it.

After I was dressed, I pulled my hair into a messy bun and went to wash my face. Walking into the living room, I could see at least four of the others sat around either on their phones or watching the tv. Only Wooseok and Yein were dressed with Wooseok noticing me first. Being my best friend, I’m not surprised.

“Seokkie! Do you want to go and get breakfast with me? He promised but he pulled out.” I rolled my eyes, suddenly feeling sour again. He smiled, nodded and then stood up to put his shoes on. We were out in no less than two minutes, taking the elevator to exit their apartment complex.

“So, I know this really cool breakfast café that’s not too far from here. They serve pretty much everything. I’ve wanted to take you for a while, actually!” Wooseok smiled and held my hand as he dragged me down the path, already knowing the answer I would give him. It was obvious he was holding back on asking what happened with Sungjun.


“Oh my gosh! This portion is huge! Why did you let me get this?!” My eyes were probably as wide as plates right now as I looked at the huge stack of waffles and ice cream in front of me. I mean, I could eat very well but this was too much. I had no chance of finishing this.

“Yah! I told you it was, stupid! Why do you think I only got a shake? We are sharing that!” He laughed, leaning over to scoop a spoonful of the ice cream. I glared at him for stealing the chocolate flavour since he knew that was my favourite, until the spoon was in front of my face. Looking at him questioningly, he just smiled and held it closer. “Say ahhh!”

“Hah, you can get stuffed if you think that’s happening.” I sassed, taking the spoonful of ice cream regardless. I then watched as he scooped more and ate it himself this time. I couldn’t help but blush as he didn’t even think twice about sharing the spoon with me. Awkward much?

“So, what’s the deal with you and Sungjun-hyung?” He finally asked, giving me ‘the look’. I knew I had to tell him and part of me wanted to. He always helped me with his advice in times like this, even though I knew he was always annoyed after talking about my love life. I sat and told him everything I felt and that had happened whilst we ate the waffles and he gave me his expert advice as usual. He said maybe I should talk to Sungjun and if it doesn’t change then we aren’t meant to be together. I joked telling him I knew we probably weren’t anyway and that I wished Sungjun was more like him sometimes. I saw something flicker in his eyes but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

“That’s funny actually. I had a huge crush on you then. Sometimes I wish that back then, I’d have told you that I liked you before he did.” He said, laughing a little at the memory as I sat in shock. He liked me? Something in my chest panged but I shook my head and pushed it away.

“Oh? If we’re doing confessions right now then I suppose I should tell you that I was mad about you, too!” I laughed, tapping my chin. “I wonder; do you think we’d be…?” He grinned and nodded, leaning back in his chair.

“Totally. I was almost at my breaking point at that time. A little longer and I would have confessed but he got to you first. I think we’d still be together. I was quite upset but hey, happens I guess. I’m happy just being friends with you. We make a great pair, right?”

“Yeah. Yeah, we do.” I smiled, albeit a little sad. I had pretty much been in love with him back then but was so sure he never had and would never have feelings for me. Wei had started texting me and due to me convincing myself Wooseok didn’t like me, I pushed my feelings aside and tried to move on. Part of me wished I could go back but I was with Sungjun now. Plus, I didn’t have those feelings anymore. Neither did he. We were just friends. Just friends…


Things stayed the same for the next couple of weeks. I had talked to Sungjun and he promised to go out more but alas, he did not. I was fed up to put it nicely and I wondered if this was even really a relationship at all. I spent most of my time with Wooseok (no change there) and ignored the fact that my feelings had come back to try and keep things normal. I was still with Sungjun after all.


“Aish! Where is he?!” I huffed to myself as I pulled my phone out to check the time and see if he had messaged or called. It was almost eight and we had planned to watch a movie at eight-thirty then grab food for our six-month anniversary, but Sungjun still hadn’t called. I was tired of waiting so I called to see where he was.

“Hey jagi, what’s up?” He sounded way too casual for somebody who had plans. Especially anniversary ones. I then wondered if he even remembered. Probably not.

“What’s up? Seriously? Where the hell are you, Wei? I’ve been waiting here for nearly an hour now!” I honestly tried to keep my voice low but I was losing my temper already. He took a minute to answer but when he did, I lost it.

“What do you mean? I’m at the dorm…waiting where?” Another pause and he spoke again. “Oh, ! We were going to the movies, that was tonight?!” I heard shuffling then a bang which must have been him getting out of his bed or something. “Just give me fifteen minutes and I will be there!”

I didn’t realise it but tears were slowly pouring down my cheeks as I shook my head. I couldn’t do it anymore. It was like I was irrelevant to him. “No, Sungjun-ah. You don’t need to come here. In fact, you don’t need to go anywhere anymore because I’m done. I gave you a chance and you blew it. It’s like I mean nothing to you. You didn’t even remember our six-month anniversary. Who forgets that?!” I hiccupped, holding my hand over my mouth for a moment so my voice didn’t break, before continuing. “I can’t be with somebody who doesn’t consider me significant enough to make just a little effort for, so we’re done. You know, Wooseok never would have done anything like this. I really wish it was him that had asked me out instead of you. I hope you’re happy, anyway. Goodbye…”

After hanging up, I broke down. I walked over to a bench and sat down, pulling my knees up to my chest and burying my face into them. I don’t know how long I was there until I felt somebody sit down next to me, a little too close for comfort. They spoke before I had a chance to lift my head though.

“Did you mean what you said? About wishing it was me…?” Wooseok. How did he know? He must have read my mind because a small smile graced his face before he answered. “I’d just got here when I saw you on the phone. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but…yeah.” He looked down, a little ashamed.

“Oh. It’s okay. I-I meant it. It’s true though, I have no doubt you wouldn’t have forgotten a six-month anniversary.” I nodded, letting my eyes fall down to my knees as I hugged them. Then I realised something else. “Wait, why were you here in the first place? Are you meeting somebody? Are you going on a date?” I couldn’t help but feel envious. Looking around, I saw nobody else waiting which confused me. Wooseok shook his head and chuckled.

“No, silly. I came to meet you. It got to closer to eight and he was still in bed so I knew he wasn’t going to come. I decided to come instead. My original plan, if he hurt you again, was to steal you away but it looks like I didn’t have to after all…” He shuffled a little closer and reached his hand to cup the side of my face.

“W-What are you doing?” He just smiled as I turned to look at his face, dropping my legs and sitting properly so it wasn’t such an awkward position. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“I’m going to show you how important you are. To me. I’ll take you on dates, I’ll remember our six-month anniversary. Our one-year anniversary. And every year after that, even after I marry you. With me is where you’re meant to be. I’m going to be the one that loves you and I’m not going to take no for an answer.” He smiled softly, wiping a stray tear before his face was closing in on my own. He stopped just a few centimetres short and I could feel his breath on my lips when he whispered my name.

“I love you!” I confirmed, closing the gap. I could feel him smile into the kiss, making me smile too before pulling away. Resting our foreheads together, we just laughed. My heart felt like it was swelling and you could say I had what felt like a whole zoo in my stomach.

“So, how about we go on our first date right now?” Wooseok beamed as he pulled two tickets from out of his pocket. Maybe this day wasn’t so bad after all.

“Couldn’t think of anything better. Let’s go.”


. Lol. It's but idc. It was partly a dream I had anyway but it didn't finish so I didn't know how to finish this so I gave y'all cheese. I'm going to throw up now. I should just stick to writing angst. Hurhur.

Anyway, if y'all have any suggestions or something, voice them? Who you want the next chapter to be (even though it's Wooshin again because...Wooshin. Duh.) but who you want after that? What type of story I should write? Maybe I'll do requests or something. What do you think?

Let me know~ I'm bored and I just want to write so, yeah ;;

Oh oh! And have dorky gif because HOW CUTE IS HE OMG

See you in the next chapter anyway! Get ready for totally inaccurate (but it's fiction so it's all good) and cutie, flirty Kim Wooseok.

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Update! My laptop has been sent to the store to be fixed and they said up to 10 days! So hopefully I'll be back up and running in 3 weeks! :D


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lolexotics #1
Chapter 4: May I make a request ??
Name : Han Haira
Partner : Monsta X Shownu
Plot : When s always want to be around me until I forget about him and he start a silent mode ....
I see another Rocky request already...but can I request another one? :D I love Rocky too!
Henrehhh #3
Chapter 5: Hey :D may I request Hwanhee (who's been killing me since the start), Hoshi VS. S.coups (you can surprise me with plot and end bae bc I'm such freaking trash for 17), and/or Rocky?? (Who freaking stole my heart in .2 seconds) I don't have a specific plot request for any, but you can let me know if you get stuck!! And if you have enough time, I'll love you forever if you fulfill all of these but I totally understand what it's like to lose all the things in your computer-- so do what's best for you and best of luck!!
collectingsparkles #4
Hi! Can I request a Rocky imagine? He's been trying to kill me lately (‾^‾)ง⁼³₌₃
Whitebread312 #5
Chapter 5: meee!! i liked seventeen all along but now i became a trash T.T even seeing them in my dreams...
Whitebread312 #6
Heejun, Jinhoo, Eunwoo and Minhyuk please ? Yese are amazing!!^=\
Hi! Is there a possibility to request KNK members? Thanks ♡
Chapter 2: xiao!!!!! hahahahahaha
Chapter 1: This is so cute seriously--- I could imagine how cute Sunyoul is even the fact he's really introvert in real life hahahahaha