
My friend's friend

It was a little after midnight when you finished your celebration. The boys drove to their homes and there was only you, Sungyeo and Myungsoo. You were saying good night to Myung when he wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. You smiled and hugged him back “Thank so much for everything. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you?” he said sincerely “You would’ve been fine Soo.” “No, thanks to you everything about tonight was perfect. If you weren’t here I wouldn’t have felt confident. So thank you again for being my friend” “Thank you for being mine.” You smiled and gave him a peck on the cheeks before taking Sungyeol’s hand “Drive safely Soo. See you later.” You waved your hand as you got into the car. Sungyeol hugged his best friend “Good job brother. See you later.” He said “Take care of her. She is precious.” Myungsoo said “I know” he said looking at you and smiling lovingly. On your way back you were looking out the glass staring at the sky and letting the cold breeze run hit your face softly. Soon your lids became heavy and you fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning you woke up and were stretching your arms when you hit something. You eyes shot wide open and you sat up. Looking at yourself you were still wearing last night’s dress. You heard a groan and then the lump next to you sat up ruffling his hair. You blinked a couple of times then you scanned the room with your eyes. It wasn’t your room. No way you’d let your room get so messy. But how did you end up here? You had no memory of what happened. Recalling back what happened you realized that you fell asleep in the car. “Good morning princess” his sleepy voice said and you turned to look at him “Why did you sleep here?” you said. He stared at you with a questioning frown “It’s my room” he said “Why didn’t you sleep somewhere else? And why am I at your place?” you asked “Well it’s my room and you wouldn’t wake up last night. One more thing you share with Myungsoo.” He said then he put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you making you lie down.

“If you bite your tongue any longer it’ll bleed Sungyeol-ah.” You smirked knowing that he’s been trying to ask you something since the day before. “Yesterday, what were you two laughing about?” he asked. “I thought you’d never ask.” You giggled “We just remembered school days. Myungsoo was overprotective; he wouldn’t let anyone come near me. I once went out on a date with a guy I had a crush on. He was waiting for us in front of the door and he gave the guy a death glare. He didn’t talk to me after that.” Sungyeol giggled “His glare is not a joke.” He said. You chuckled “Do you know how he announced our prom?” you said standing up “You know what I’ll tell you right? I’m gladly announcing the prom date. Oh and nobody asks her out. She is already taken.” You said imitating Myungsoo. Sungyeol chuckled loudly hitting the bed. “Do you know how embarrassing that was? Everyone thought we were dating.” You pouted. Sungyeol pulled you to the bed “Sometimes I get jealous of your relation with him. You share a lot of memories together. More than you share with me.” he said in a low voice. “I get jealous too when you laugh about something I don’t know.” He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and pulled you close to him. You tried to break free but he tightened his grip on you. “I’m tired princess. Let’s stay like this a few more minutes.” He said in a sleepy voice. “Then you’ll clean your house?” you said “What?” he asked in astonishment “You know I can’t stay in a messy place?” you said “Then you clean it. I’m tired.” He sulked “It’s your place. If you don’t clean it I’ll leave.” You said removing his hands from around you. “Okay, I’ll clean it when we wake up.” He said halfheartedly “Promise?” you said “Promise. Now can we sleep.” He asked. You lay down and closed your eyes smiling. “Neat syndrome; another thing you share with Myungsoo.” He complained. “Yah, if you like Myungsoo this much why didn’t you date him?” you yelled “I like girls.” He stated which made you chuckle. “And he can’t laugh like you or smile like you. He can’t make my heart race like you do. Only you can make me watch you sleeping till I fall asleep myself. It’s you I want to see in the morning and it’s your voice I want to hear before I sleep. It’s you that I want to keep an eye one and protect. It’s you I’m in love with. You may share traits with him but you’ll always be you. You’ll always be my precious princess.”




Hello, So we're done. Please tell me what you think. Epilogue??

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Wow nice story ~~~~ My reading the title only it gives gosseworm on my stomach XD :p
New reader here~ insteresting story line!