Here comes the snobby QUEEN..HyunA.

Save Her!


I ran away from him.

What just happen?
I felt my cheeks. They were warm.
Why was I blushing?
Do I like him?

No. No I can't.
I just can't..
I twisted the rusted lock my locker, putting in the number one by one when I felt someone lean against the locker right next to mine.

I picked my head up and saw HyunA.

I groaned in my head not wanting to get involved with anything like this right now.
HyunA is, the rich, snobby ! (Sorry for IU's language. :)
She stared at me up and down with disgusted look on her face.
"Ugh, Why were you talking to Wooyoung!?"
She screamed loud enough for people to start looking.
I was scared, I don't like being looked at, it makes me uncomfortable like there's something wrong with me.

I couldn't answer because I felt so closed in as if everyone was surrounding me and watching my every move.

I squeaked a word, and cleared my throat bringing the courage up to talk.

"I was jus-"
She cut me off.
"What did you do? Huh? You don't deserve to talk to someone as popular as him.

Your standard is low.
Kirin High School is a top school for top students like US."
She smirked completely pleased with herself.

"Yah! I didn't wan-"

She slapped my face.
I could hear all the students were laughing and whispering about me.

"Now listen to me loud and clear. Don't you ever step forth or talk to MY Wooyoung ever again, okay hun?"

Then she strutted down the hallway with her 4minute gang, as the crowd slowly left me standing there with no words.

I couldn't talk or move.

I felt like a piece of me was gone.
The words shot back at me again.

And anger soon came to me.
But whatever. Gotta listen to the queen, right?

I shook my head slowly and picked up my bag from the ground, then started walking towrds the door.
God, I hate this school.
Why did I ever transfer to this school anyway?
At least I can forget about this when I hang out Jessica later. 

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blueskygrey #1
iu is my friends crush!
my coz fell in love with te story
please continue!~ i really want to know what happens next :)?
wy0430 #3
I really like your story ^^! Hope you update soon!
catherine123 #6
Jess and Jae! Oh Oh Oh. i wanna know what happens next!
catherine123 #7
Wooyoung so cute and Jae joong too!<3
catherine123 #8
IU so poor!
Finally jaesica appeared!