GoodBye, Jang Wooyoung!

Save Her!

Jieun's POV

The Next Day.

I reached the libary doors and opened them.

I went to the back where there some desks and chairs and sat down.

Well, now I have to wait until he comes.

Then, a couple of teenagers in my class entered the libary.


I opened up a book quickly, but being clumsy that I am, I dropped it on my desk 

making a HUGE sound that led them right to me..

I saw them walking towards me now, talking..

It was about me, I knew that too.

Until one of them raised their voice.

"YAH! Look who we got here?"

They said chuckling.

"Why isn't it that worthless girl you were talking about yesterday, Yuri?"

She nooded, laughing.

I frowned.

When will they ever leave me alone?

Suddenly, Wooyoung came busting through the doors.


What a dramatic entrance, Wooyoung?

I smiled a little as the crowd went away, since Wooyoung had come.

They surrounded him, as he just ignored them and sat sown next to me at the table.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late."

I nooded telling him it was fine, then took out my books.

I really didn't want to talk to him right now cus of yesterday.

My feelings: Pissed, Sad, Angry and Confused.

Basically it was mixed emotions.

I shrugged it off and went back reading until I got cut off by his voice.


I didn't look at him.


"Are you okay? You seem sad."

"No, I-I'm fine."

I struggled.

"IU. Look at me."

I didn't.

Well, why should I?

So he just playsme likeanother of his girls?

This is no love story.

This is high-school.

He took my hand, carefully.

"Please don't touch me."

I told him sternly, looking him in the eye.

He's pathetic.

Trying to show that he cares about me?

Yeah right.

He raised his voice a little.

"Seriously, what is wrong? Was it Yuuchun!?

I swear I'll beat him up if he touched you."

Anger filled his voice.

I got frustrated.

Dosen't he realize that this is all his fault!?

I was runnig out of patince with him and brust.



He shut up.

I calmed myself a little.

"Yes, it's you! I heard your little 'conversation' with HyunJoong yesterday."

I rolled my eyes.

"Have fun trying to get in bed with me now."

I scoffed.

"And please don't even try to talk to me.

I want absolutely NOTHING to do with you.

Goodbye, Jang Wooyoung!"

And just like that, I left the room.

Tears slipped down my face.

I never yell like that, but he definitely deserved all of it.

I was already hurt, he knew that!

Then he just makes it worse for me.

I thought he cared.

Fresh and warm new tears ascaped my eyes.

And you know what the worst part is?

I didn't even know what's coming next was even worse. 


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blueskygrey #1
iu is my friends crush!
my coz fell in love with te story
please continue!~ i really want to know what happens next :)?
wy0430 #3
I really like your story ^^! Hope you update soon!
catherine123 #6
Jess and Jae! Oh Oh Oh. i wanna know what happens next!
catherine123 #7
Wooyoung so cute and Jae joong too!<3
catherine123 #8
IU so poor!
Finally jaesica appeared!