

“Hey so have you seen that new movie?”

“Yeah, the one with the doll right?”

“Yeah –”

Grabbing my bag straps tightly, I made my way through the crowded hallways quickly, wanting to forget what I had just overheard.


They were gross. They brought up terrible memories that I didn’t want to recall ever again, those creepy glassy eyes just staring into your soul, the crooked fixed smiles painted on their flawlessly smooth faces…

I shuddered, quickly shaking myself out of it.

‘Stop it Jahee. Stop thinking about it. You’ll just end up giving yourself nightmares.’ I muttered to myself as I continued my trudge towards the school cafeteria.

The rest of the day passed in mundane routine; lessons after lessons. I could barely remember the classes I attended today, much less the content of what was taught, but then again, what was new? I had grown accustomed, skilled even, in the art of getting through the day whilst spaced out. Not a good thing surely, but it’s something that I can’t seem to help.

I did remember the last lesson of the day though. I mean, of course I did, we have gym, how could I forget that?

Gym classes for this semester of school was designed to support the upcoming sports season – aka soccer for the past two months, and we’re wrapping up with a mini soccer competition on the last day of gym. Whoopdeedoo.

You can’t really blame my lack of enthusiasm, can you? I mean, come on. Look at me. Average – wait actually, barely average girl with absolutely zero sports genes, and amazing spacing out abilities… of course that would be the perfect person on the field, right?


Wait. What?

I snapped back to attention, just in time to see something hurtling towards me. My face, to be exact.


Instinctively, my arms rose to protect my face and I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself for the impending impact.

Why my instinct didn’t tell me to duck, I don’t know.

Just before the thing – is it the ball? could make contact with any part of me, my breath caught in my throat as I was jerked away, the thing landing with a harmless thud on the grass.

“Are you okay?” A voice asked, slightly breathlessly.

I squinted my eyes open, turning to look at the object that could have been the cause of my death.

Soccer ball. Of course, we’re still in gym class oh my god I just spaced out again, didn’t I?!

“Hey, you alright?”

This time, I turned my attention to the voice coming from slightly above me, and I found myself staring into a pair of concerned eyes.

With a sudden realisation, and feeling slight panic crawling its way up my throat, I quickly pushed myself away, releasing the arms around my waist.

Stumbling several steps backwards, I stopped only when I was a good few feet away from him, leaning my palms against my knees to catch my breath.

Taking a deep breath, I looked up to see the guy who saved me giving me a confused glance, and I responded with an awkward smile.

“Sorry, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for…saving me…back there.”

He gave me another uncertain glance, before giving me a small smile of his own.

“Yeah, no problem man.”

I nodded curtly, as I watched another boy run up to us.

“Luhan! Oh , I didn’t hit you, did I? I’m so sorry, I just got excited and – oh my god I’m so sorry – ”

I stared at him as he rambled after acknowledging the guy beside me, before putting out a hand to stop him mid-sentence.

“Wait. Yeah, I’m fine, you don’t have to apologise. It’s completely my fault anyway. I shouldn’t have spaced out during gym.”

He looked as though he wanted to burst into another round of apologies, so I quickly gestured towards the guy beside me.

“Anyway, I’m not hurt. He pulled me away before the ball could touch me.”

Said guy, Luhan? then turned to me.

“Yeah, you should be more careful next time, I can’t be your superman every time.”

I cracked a smile at his joke, and nodded.

“By the way, I’m Luhan. This guy who almost disfigured you is Zhang Yixing.”

Yixing protested lightly at the way he was introduced, but grinned down at me.

“Yeah, hi. It’s nice to meet you.”

I tilted my head in curiosity.

“Shouldn’t we have already met, though? I mean like, since we’re in the same gym class and all…”

Both broke into chuckles.

“You really space out a lot, huh?” Luhan teased.

“Actually, we transferred here a while ago. This should be our first meeting.” Yixing explained with a smile.

“Oh.” I muttered with a light blush, embarrassed at my mistake.

“So…am I going to have to call you Damsel or are you going to tell me your name?” Luhan joked with a teasing smile.

The scarlet fired in my cheeks once more when I understood that reference.

“Right. I’m Jahee. It’s nice to meet the both of you.”

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Sorry for being MIA the past almost two weeks!! I've been crazy busy and I haven't had the time to go online at all omg, but here's an update, enjoy! (:


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Hi Emily, I have the requested posters. Yes, I said posters. Due to the high demand of requests that are brought in, I accidentally mixed up your request. Instead of using the ulzzang for the OC, I asked for IU. I sincerely apologize, it was 100% my mistake. Thankfully, the designer saw the conversation that we had, and so they made posters with both IU and the ulzzang. I have both below, and you are welcome to use whichever one you liked more. Sorry again, and thanks^^

P.S. Please credit the shop by adding this link to the foreword:
PhoebeOHNO #2
Chapter 2: This seems fun! I think it's a nice intro
Chapter 2: Hello Author-nim. I really enjoy this story, but I noticed that you didn't have a poster for this story. If you would like, I can offer to get a poster for you. Thank you! ^^
PhoebeOHNO #4
Chapter 1: Yay! I'm looking forward to what the story will offer!
shoopshoop #5
Thank you for the great story!
PhoebeOHNO #6
This sounds so exciting! I've never seen a storyline like this. And your preview is so intriguing. I'm curious as to what world she had created in order for exo to be created.
Sounds like a great idea. Can I recommend to go in your editing-mode options and disable the text-selection (where you also mark things as draft, mature or as finished). It will prevent people from stealing your written works. Good luck!!