




It wasn’t even the loud calling of my name that brought me back to my senses, nor was it the sudden silence that enveloped the classroom or the fact that practically every student was looking in my direction (again), but the fact that someone had just touched me that brought me back to reality, reality being that it was only first period and I was already zoned out. And it wasn’t even Monday.

Wait, is that supposed to be good or bad?

The fact that it isn’t Monday, I mean. Not the fact that I was zoning out. I mean like, I’m always zoning out, it isn’t even surprising anymore. To the teachers, I mean. They just leave me be and carry on with their lessons…except for Ms Ok though. I guess I’d have to give her props, for still making an effort even when everyone else has given up –


I jerked. Oh man, did I just zone out AGAIN

I looked up into her worried, concerned eyes.

“Yes, Ms Ok? I’m sorry for zoning out again, I really am. You know I don’t mean to –"

Wait, something’s up. Why’s she looking at me all concerned like that?

Letting my rambled apologies trail off, I took my eyes off her and quickly glanced around the classroom.

“Errr…so why is everyone staring at me…? And wait, why do they look different. I mean, like the angles sort of...” Oh.

Sheepishly, I awkwardly got off the floor (how did I get there? I swear I was in my seat a moment ago) and smoothed my school skirt down.

“Are you okay, Jahee-ah?”

“Hmm? Neh, Ms Ok, I’m fine.” I flashed a quick, tight smile at her.

“You sure?” She looked at me uncertainly, and I could almost see her wondering if I was mentally stable or not.

Suppressing an eye roll, I nodded. “Neh, everything’s fine. I’ll try not to zone out again, sorry.”

She nodded doubtfully, before returning to the front of the classroom again to resume lessons.

Letting out a breath, I slowly made my way back to my seat at the back of the classroom.

“Are you okay?”

I turned my head to look at my seatmate. He was staring intently at me, his large eyes a mixture of curiosity... and worry and concern? What and why is everyone so concerned so suddenly?

I gave a curt nod in response.

“Because you just freaked out and jumped away from me…when I tried to alert you –”

I froze.

So this is why I ended up at the back corner of the classroom.

“Did you uh… did you touch me?” I questioned under my breath, pretending to take notes because Ms Ok was still looking over every now and then.

He scratched his neck sheepishly. “Uh..yeah…I kinda…nudged you with my elbow a little…?”

My lips pressed into a thin line, the hand gripping my pen stilling.

Noticing my reaction, he quickly whispered, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have –”

“No, no it’s okay. You wouldn’t have known that I would have such a huge reaction. I’m sorry.”

It was quiet for a moment, and assuming the conversation was done, I turned my attention back to the lesson, actually focusing on what Ms Ok was saying, something that I haven’t had the chance to do in a long while.

Time flew by really quickly, and soon, the lesson was over and we were all getting ready to leave for the next class.


I turned my head once more, looking up at my seatmate who had already gotten up from his seat. Raising an eyebrow, I jerked my head slightly in silent response.

“Even though we’ve been seatmates for almost the whole semester, I don’t think I’ve actually properly introduced myself. My name is Do Kyungsoo, and it’s a pleasure to finally get to talk to you.”  He extended a hand out for a handshake, smiling at me.

I stared at his hand blankly for a few moments, and just as his smile faltered, I grasped his hand.

“I’m Chae Jahee, but I guess you already knew that. Nice talking to you too.” I smiled lightly at him, before slipping my hand out of the handshake and turning to grab my stuff. “See you around.”  



A/N: Heh. I'm sorry for not posting this sooner...but my laptop was hogged by my siblings because theirs' crashed and they had home-based learning for the week so I haven't touched my baby in almost a week T-T but yeaps I hope the first chapter's not bad so far....I know it's boring but things will pick up soon and there'll be more supernatural-y stuff going on hehe have a great day/night guys! (: 

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Sorry for being MIA the past almost two weeks!! I've been crazy busy and I haven't had the time to go online at all omg, but here's an update, enjoy! (:


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Hi Emily, I have the requested posters. Yes, I said posters. Due to the high demand of requests that are brought in, I accidentally mixed up your request. Instead of using the ulzzang for the OC, I asked for IU. I sincerely apologize, it was 100% my mistake. Thankfully, the designer saw the conversation that we had, and so they made posters with both IU and the ulzzang. I have both below, and you are welcome to use whichever one you liked more. Sorry again, and thanks^^
IU: http://i.imgur.com/vDVPeMl.png
Ulzzang: http://i.imgur.com/582kVSd.png?1

P.S. Please credit the shop by adding this link to the foreword:
PhoebeOHNO #2
Chapter 2: This seems fun! I think it's a nice intro
Chapter 2: Hello Author-nim. I really enjoy this story, but I noticed that you didn't have a poster for this story. If you would like, I can offer to get a poster for you. Thank you! ^^
PhoebeOHNO #4
Chapter 1: Yay! I'm looking forward to what the story will offer!
shoopshoop #5
Thank you for the great story!
PhoebeOHNO #6
This sounds so exciting! I've never seen a storyline like this. And your preview is so intriguing. I'm curious as to what world she had created in order for exo to be created.
Sounds like a great idea. Can I recommend to go in your editing-mode options and disable the text-selection (where you also mark things as draft, mature or as finished). It will prevent people from stealing your written works. Good luck!!