
Like it, yeah?

As days went by Younjgae was such a good boy.

Much more polite than he always was. Less irritated by Jungup’s good-hearted comments. Himchan even told him that he finally got happy look from somewhere.

Himchan wished Youngjae stayed forever longer like that but had no illusions about who stood beside it. Half-bent, his torso pressed to the back of Youngjae’s office chair, pointing index finger at the line of code marked with red error cross.

That’s how it will be over: when he’s not standing behind anymore. Himchan knew a little about life (blame his age) and Othellos like Youngjae in particular.

And even better he knew that wise ones keep away from messing in with other’s heart business. Blame his age.

But it’s not like Youngjae was in need to entrust himself to someone,  receive a stupid advice or two, feel nonexistent support which was of no good for him.

The only thing he really, actually, absolutely needed was alcohol.

After days of well-behaving Youngjae felt his boiling AB-blood rising in him like a tide. Urging him to smash a chair into a wall. Show his middle finger to everybody. Show he doesn’t give a about what they think of him.

That was an essential part of his wild and rebellious nature: he could be calm… Well, for some time, around few weeks.

But then his demons were in a mood for a walk up the surface and there could be as small reason to it as someone being rude to Youngjae on the phone.


Someone was. Someone pissed Youngjae. Someone ruined his mood, his day and dropped the little faith Youngjae had in tomorrow to the ground-level.

He was drinking in city’s bars. Changed three of them like an animal on the run. Liked none.

Walked pavement along river-bank soaking beer from the neck of a bottle.

Ended up with half-vodka half-juice glass in hand, on his kitchen floor, singing along with his stereo.

Right, nothing to be proud with. Not what a man would do.

But Younjae felt so terrible lonely this ty evening.

He thought about Daehyun, how before him Youngjae was just ‘lonely’ without extra ‘terrible’. There always are special people designed with some kind of irresistible weapon against your weakest spots. People that make you vulnerable but you better suffer than leave them.

Here Youngjae blamed exclusively puppy’s nature: flamboyant, lacking grace but cheerful, good-natured, lovable…

Being the one who was accommodating alcohol from 18 to 23 Youngjae surely couldn’t convince himself that it’s too late for a call.

Didn’t he himself say that night: “Call”?

- Asleep? – demanded Youngjae. – Are you asleep?

- Sort of, - replied Daehyun. – But why?

Youngjae didn’t expected any miracles. He’s too proud for that. He was about to switch his phone off when the voice he called to hear asked:

- I can smell how drunk you are, - maybe it wasn’t tough to detect from Youngjae’s speaking that he started early this evening and still didn’t finish.

- Have a fancy to join? – heard Daehyun.

Like a dog’s snap. Mix of hope and despair in one human cocktail.

- Sure, - simply nodded Daehyun. – Why not. But let me dry my hairs first…

Listening to his apologies Youngjae felt sorry he hardly knew what for. He himself wouldn’t come. Not after shower with wet hairs.

- Do you have enough medicine by the way?

Youngjae lifted the bottle and studied what’s left against light coming from the window.

- Not enough for two.

- Fine, - replied Daehyun.

Maybe he didn’t decided what to do yet.  




Youngjae still couldn’t believe that he in fact came. With freshly washed hairs standing like dandelion (or lion’s mane), he smelled aftershave and was wearing sport clothes with sport shoes.

He brought two beers and said both are for him and not for Youngjae.

He placed his precious body with crowned dignity beside Youngjae and leaned same furniture peace as Youngjae.

He even sang with him:

- This is how good-byes go…

It all was before Youngjae noticed that pitiful look Daehyun was giving him while doing not much willing sip from a beer bottle.

Sure he confronted first:

- What? You could stay home better than wasting those looks on me.

- Which looks? – Daehyun intentionally pretended dumb.

All of his face was like “I’m mentally retarded, I don’t know a thing”.

When he was done with grimaces Youngjae said:

- Damn you, - but it happened to sound impolitely sad, unnecessary frustration.

Like a good song, a one in a million able to touch the heart.

Like he would listen to that song Daehyun listened to drunken half-understandable mutter:

- What’s wrong if today I’m blue? – by his tone of voice Daehyun suggested that Youngjae was playing with words when his face expression mutated from sad into ironic completely: - What’s wrong if tomorrow I’m red?

- Whatever, - yawned Daehyun, - except yellow.

- Why yellow? – maybe Youngjae finally heard himself talking nonsense. Maybe was assaulted by interruption of his deepest complaints.

But he looked puzzled.

- Hate yellow, - clarified Daehyun thinking that it was his first time in life that he chooses words so carefully talking with someone.

When a stupid not funny joke is better than showing serious concern.

He isn’t happy with going deeper into younger’s life. He wants things simple and easy and stay where he is now. So he pokes Youngjae’s ribs with a smile:

- C’mon…


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Chapter 7: интересно подумать, как бы он объяснил это "почему". енчжэ кремень. и вообще интересный у него характер и образ из улыбок и мыслей в его голове очень нравится.
про вишневый ликер очень как всегда. хд
и ай какой коварный чжунхон! но тут я бы тоже не предоставил свои апартаменты. увы.
спасибо :)
Chapter 4: когда енчжэ так улыбается - смахивает на гринча. так и представляю как он злобненько растягивает улыбку.
и нравится этот их уровень "не друзья". так даже интереснее, щекочет нервы.
и опять у меня потекли слюни, когда вы здесь пишете про еду. странно даже, может, потому что как-то вкуснее звучит на английском. хд
спасибо огромное) восхищаюсь вами =)
Chapter 3: енчжэ бы просто так не повелся, уступив в игре, если бы он так не хотел быть хоть на чуток ближе к дэхену. может это и стало точкой невозврата и началом всех его коварных планов, блистательно исполненных чунхоном?
готовящий завтрак енчжэ - просто мечта, серьёзно, все так просто, а у меня потекли слюньки, как будто это я там, рядом с дэхеном тоже наблюдаю.
и, наверное, стоит ждать большого такого подвоха, енчжэ ведь не просто так.
спасибо вам!
и за то что взяли с собой, и за то что история интересная очень, и за то что в конце я смогу, может, вернуться к нормальному английскому, хд
corncrake #4
aww, I like this story, it's so.. cute. I mean, it leaves such a warm feeling after the reading

the way you describe the characters is still my favorite detail in your texts, 'cause they are so lovely. bossy Youngjae and windy puppy Daehyun both are very very cool <3
but other characters are also great, especially Junhong, this hellion is perfect haha.
I don't know bap well, so at the beginning I even had to write a short list with their names and it was... a bit strange XD

thank you for this work
the level of my English , so I am really sorry for my mistakes
vero0703 #5
youngjae top?
Chapter 3: Daehyun is a cutie ㅠㅠ

Aw I want to read more~~

Thanks for the chapter~ :)
yuestar07 #7
Chapter 2: daehyun being describe as a puppy is cute! can't wait to see what else youngjae has in store for him! <3
Chapter 2: This looks good~~

Will be waiting for the next chapters~ :)