Chapter 5

Lay Me Down
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“What is your relationship with Ryeowook?”

The last question, the only question I just want the answers to. Donghae is finally awake and conscious and I don’t waste any time. I immediately start to question him about information regarding the case. Up until this point, Donghae doesn’t know who would want to hurt him and it looks to me that Donghae seems like a pretty decent and innocent guy. He doesn’t look like he’s lying or hiding any information away from me.

“My relationship with Ryeowook?” The man on the hospital bed raises his brows, “Is such information necessary for the case?”

“Or is it just for your own knowledge?”

I frown, “Just answer the question.”

Donghae breaks into a chuckle. “Ryeowook and I are close friends.”

Wait… What?

Close friends? But…

Sensing my confusion, Donghae continues, “We tried getting together in the past but Ryeowook felt that it was too awkward since he’s used to us being best friends. So, we…. Broke up.”

“So… The both of you are not… Lovers?” I question and then frown when Donghae shakes his head.

“Ryeowook told me that the both of you are lovers.” I release a sigh, closing my notebook after scribbling down all the information I received. “I guess he lied.”

“Well, we were lovers so it’s not a complete lie.” Donghae shrugs his shoulders, defending Ryeowook. “And I heard that you’ve had some history with him too.”

“It was a long time ago.”

“Five years.” Donghae responds and continues when I give him a surprised look. “It’s funny. You would think five years would be enough to heal a broken heart.”

I want to scoff at that. Because, no. Five years, ten years, twenty years. No amount of years will ever heal this broken heart of mine. But I’m confused. Because… I’m not sure who Donghae is talking about and how he knows about my relationship with Ryeowook.

“He left me.” I admit, looking down at my feet.

“I know.” Donghae nods, “But he has his reasons, you know.”

“I know.” I nod, “I’ve always known that. He’s not the type to just… Leave. I believed in him, in our relationship.”

“Aren’t you going to ask me why he left you?”

“No,” I flatly say, “I want to hear it from him.”

“What if he’s never going to tell you anything?”

Well…. Then it won’t matter anyway.  

I shrug but refuse to answer. The hospital room is then filled with complete silence as I am deep in my thoughts about Ryeowook. And about Donghae. And about this whole damn case. The more I think about this, the more I’m just spinning in circles of the same questions. Deciding that I’ve had enough for today, I decide to just leave and head back to the station to try and get some paper work done.

“I guess that’s all the questions I have for today.” I say as I start putting my jacket back on, handing Donghae a small card. “If there’s any new information, you can just give me a call.”

Donghae takes the card and thank me, setting it aside. He opens his mouth, about to say something but then closes it almost instantly.

“Is there anything you want to tell me?” I ask in my formal demanding detective voice.

“I think you should… I think you should talk to Ryeowook.” Donghae randomly admits.


“About what happened… Five years ago.”


Heavy silence fills the room and Donghae stares right into my eyes and it feels like he’s reading my every thought. I look away, feeling so small suddenly.

“I see it in your eyes.” Donghae says, with a soft smile. “You’ve been carrying the pain for so long now.  Do yourself a favour and stop hurting, Kyuhyun.”

“It’s easier said than done,” I almost lash out. I don’t know why but… It annoys me how Donghae is talking to me as if he knows me, knows my pain. No one knows how it was, no one understands.

 “Try. Talk to him.” Donghae smiles softly,

“It’ll not only help you, but it’ll help all of us too.”


Before going back to the station, I decide to get some coffee. Again.

I know it’s unhealthy especially for someone like me. But I can’t help it. Try working as a detective without caffeine. You’ll go crazy, trust me. Caffeine feels like the only thing that keeps me going these past few days. As I step into the café, I suddenly notice a familiar figure at the counter. I curse under my breath.

I don’t feel like doing it today.

I can’t do it today. Talk to Ryeowook. I don’t have the emotional s

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purplegiraffe #1
Chapter 6: Please update~~~
Chapter 6: Aww poor wookie! He feels responsible for everything! I don't know why I suddenly ship haewook so much in this story though xD
Hope u update soon author-nim!
cmngcm #3
Chapter 6: Oh poor Wookie, though I have to admit he is horrible in leaving Luna alone and leave his kid.....and I kind of don't like his weakness in dealing life and mess it up like that.....but again he is bias and of course I want him to be happy but I felt bad for DH here.....why Mira always have to do this to me.....when I choose Kyu I will feel bad for DH like the hapiness is incomplete and same goes to choosing DH....thanks for updating.
Chapter 6: Wtf I totally thought this was that other fic of yours..... That gossip girl au wtf...... Coz the beginning was kind of the same. I thought that fic ended with someone shoving someone too and someone screamed ryeowook's name lol ......

Alas this is a totally different story. Too mug angst in this and it sufficates me. I DIDNT KNOW AND CAN EVEN IMAGINE HOW BAD WAS WOOKIE's past wtf

Im glad he met kyu then, at least there is someone for him to lent out all those pent up emotions, memories and guilt.

ThanKYU for this !!! Cant wait for more :))
Chapter 6: A lot of misfortunes...Wook did mistakes and paid for all and I'm happy that Kyu still want to stay by his side...but I forgot Kyu's sickness, It's so sad he and Yoora could die, so please don't kill nobody, Mira please!
Thank you so much for updating, I love this story!
Chapter 6: Omg its so heartbreaking but lovely ... love the chapter ♥♥♥ im glad hae decided to adopt yoora ... and kyuwook moments in this chapter is so lovable... i'll be waiting for more~~^^ fighting!!
Chapter 6: Poor Yoora! I'm so thankful that Hae adopted her and it helped in changing Wook's perception. I hope you won't leave him Kyu. He needs you the most now.
loveforsin #8
Chapter 6: What will wook do now? Or who will wook choose now?? His saviour or his love? Cant wait to read next chap!!
Yalesmy_phantomhive #9
Chapter 5: Omg what's going to happen. PLEASE CONTIUE THE STORY!!