Round 22: Ring Ding - HEDGEHOG!

Me vs. Chicken

I sat in the dorm while playing with Yoogeun. I feel like I haven't seen him in forever! He's so cute! He was sitting in my lap playing with my fingers. He got frustrated whenever I would close my fist and he couldn't open it. I chuckled.

"Minki-ah!" Taemin called running in. "Have you seen our new MV Ring Ding Dong?" He asked. I shook my head.

He smiled big and placed the laptop in front of me.

"Get ready for the most awesomest thing you've ever seen." He introduced. I chuckled.

The beginning made Yoogeun jump. I mean, Jonghyun yelling 'babay' could scare anyone.

The longer I watched the more chuckles that went through me. Oh my gosh this was so funny!

"I don't understand why you're laughing Minki." Taemin said with a pout.

"Mianhae. It's just so funny!' I said dying of laughter.

"I don't see it."

I was about to point out the funny parts when the other members came walking in. "OH! RING DING DONG!" Jonghyun cried and started dancing to it.

Key walked up to me. "Something funny?"

"Yes!" I just died laughing all over again.

"How? That's not suppose to be funny!"

"That's why it's funny!"

They just looked at me. "Ok, ok. Start the MV over again and I'll point out all the funny parts." I said while situating myself.

The boys came around me and the MV started. Yoogeun jumped again and Jonghyun pouted. As soon as Minho's face poppped up I started laughing.

"Whae?!" He cried.

"You look like you're trying to hard to look good." I noted. "So, that's funny."

The actual Ring Ding Dong part wasn't funny but then Onew came to the front from the back and I started laughing. "ONEW LOOKS LIKE A HEDGEHOG!" I was having to hold my stomach. Omo!

It wasn't funny for awhile. "Taemin you're really good at dancing." I noted.

"Thansk!" He beamed.

I thought the Rocka dancing part was really cool! The gear shifting looked neat to me.

"Onew....were you going to kiss Minho there?"

"WHAT?!" He rewind the video and I pointed to the spot.

(NB. Mianhae, I couldn't find a gif for that one.. T_T It's 1:24-25 in the MV)

It got silent when we watched the part again.

Someone cleared their throat and we unpaused the video. That was the most awkward atmosphere I have ever been in...

"Taemin...I think I understand why your fans call  you mushroom top now..." His fluff of hair was incredibly funny to look at.

"What's with all the feathers?" I continued.

"Ok, the water part is pretty cool..."

"Omo! Onew you look like a monkey hanging on the sign like that!"

"OH MY GOSH! Did you just wipe your snot!"

" looked scary during the entire MV..."

It wasn't until the MV finally ended that I realized they weren't even there anymore...and Yoogeun was asleep in my arms. Aigoo..

Now what? I really wanted to make fun of them again!!

I sighed and leaned back.

"Guys?" I ventured.

"Oh come on! Be men! I was just teasing!"

I waited....


How weird.

Where'd they go??

A thought struck me. I set the laptop down and picked Yoogeun up. I felt dizzy for a moment but it quickly passed.

I walked to the door and opened it. "OH! Han! I didn't know you were coming today!"


I chuckled and closed the door, turning to my brother.

I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed and collapsed on the floor.

"That's not funny..."

"That's what you get for leaving me."

"You were teasing us!!!" He whined.

I snickered. "SO?!"

I backed up to the door because I felt dizzy again. How weird...

"Ah, anyways. Take Yoogeun and lay him down. I'm going to get started on supper." I smiled. Key came out of nowhere and took Yoogeun from me. I smiled at him. The others were still hiding. Silly boys.

After awhile in the kitchen I saw Taemin peek his head out of his room. "Is she done yet?"

"For awhile now." I said raising an eyebrow at him. He shyly smiled and walked out.

"I'm sorry I teased you guys. But it's my job as SHINee's sister." I smiled.

"Yeah yeah..."

"Dinner's ready!" I called.

The other hiders came running in. Yoogeun was sleepy in Key's arms but when he saw the food his eyes got big. I chuckled.

Dinner was far from quiet but I had a hard time focusing. I haven't felt very good today.

The boys slowly went to their assigned rooms while I cleaned the dishes.

When done I had to catch my breath. I leaned against the counter and held my head. Aigoo..I think I feel a headache coming on.

"Are you ok?" I looked and it was Onew.

I stook a step back and closed my eyes. He caught me around the waist.

"Maybe you should sit."

He pulled me over and put me in a seat. He looked up at me. "You look really pale."

He pushed a strand of my hair back. His eyes caught mine and neither one of us looked away.

My emotions couldn't handle it. A tear fell down my face. His eyes widened.

"Are you alright?" He reached to wipe it away but I pulled away. "Is there something wrong?"

"Why won't he tell me?" Another tear fell.


"Jinki. I miss him so much." Sobs took me.

Onew looked speechless.

"Minki...I..." He sighed and looked away.

I straightened myself and wiped the tears away.

"Mianhae." I stood. "I think I'm just tired."

I stepped passed him and went towards my door.

Suddenly he caught my wrist and pulled me to him, crashing his lips to mine.




Taemin: Did you have to tease us?

Minki: I"m sorry little one, I just couldn't help myself!

Taemin: *pout*

Yoogeun: Mushroom!

Taemin: YOOGEUN!!!

Minki: Keke~

Comment replies:

Tell her Onew!!!!

Update soon~ I've just subscribed :D

Me: Welcome!! Haha, I think he might tell her pretty soon. :} Keke~

I'm waiting for Onew to tell her... *waiting* OH JUST TELL HER ONEW !!! dang ! ==" btw the GIFS were tottaly awesome !!!! hehhe.. the 1st pic is CUTE ! & Jonghyun make me that expression too hahahahha !! updates soon~~ ;)

Jonghyun: I know right? I have the best expressions eva~!

And I literally stared at the gif if Onew for 5 minutes XD It's so cute XD

Onew: You just can't deny my squishy cuteness. ^-^

Jonghyun oppa how did your mouth get tht big?!?!? XD I died laughing!!! XD yes i really think u should act cute for a change n hehe onew oppa ur my bias in SHINee cus ur cute keke go chicken lol

Jonghyun: Daily stretches. I now have the largest mouth in the world >not really< But wouldn't that be cool?

Onew: I'm glad I'm your bias. I'm the author's bias toooooo~ I'm just so popular!


Henry: Onew is more of a bunny than a hedgehog.

Zhou Mi: Oh, haha a bunny. lol

Onew: Am I a bunny now?

Jonghyun: Wahahaa! I"m the only one who didn't get teased!

Jonghyun: He kissed her??

Minho: That's for making Minki cry!

Minho: It really did look like you were going to kiss me!

Onew: Did not!!

*I kiss Minki*

*I kiss Minki*

*I kiss Min-OH MY GOSH!*

Three random gifs for you. ^-^

*Minho totally looks like a power ranger, and Onew spazzing. W-O-W*


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pinkaddict #1
Chapter 30: hahaha! until noe hahaha! i can't stop!
Hii!! n_n I loved you fanfic!! I laughed so hard... But also I cried v_v"
When I read Minki doesn't recognized Onew... OMG my WTF face... was epic xD
When I read about cancer I thought "____, no, that story can't become that dramatic, please..." but I continued reading because I hoped it was a good story... And... finally... XD Fake cancer... OMG I wanted to kill Minki... I read the sequel too and I love it xD I feel sorry about Key... because he's the only one who doesn't have a girlfriend... poor Key... But I also feel so happy about their marriage xD They are so sweet... aish... Well, thank you for the story n_n
(Well, before someone kill me, I should say I'm spanish... So I'm sorry for my bad english, I can read but I'm unconfortable writing v_v" I'll keep studying harder xD)
PS: I loved the gifts too xD
Oh my... My weak heart has softened once again... This story was really sweet. At first, I was like "faking cancer? - Heck no!", but then the storyline changed, everything got so fluffy and.... I ended reading the whole story at once. Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, Key, Minho, Henry, Zhoumi, Hangeng and the little bit of Kyuhyun were so precious!!!

BTW, the gifs are genius. Genius. Seriously.
RMaddict #4
I love your HENRY gifs :D ☺
DomiKitty #5
WHY ISNT HE CONFESSING YET?! sorry, im commenting as i go along :P
DomiKitty #6
wait what? mika? minki? im so confused.. whats her name... :(
YoonHee_ #7
*after 5 min of spazzing this!!! off to sequel!!!
Thanks for reading! Don't forget about the sequel 'Me vs. Chicken (The Battle Continues)' and the prequel 'Last Christmas'. ^^
catshinee #9
he told her i love the story sorry that i did not comment before
AiRa_LuRvS_KpOp #10
Yay!!!!!! He told her!!!!