Round 12: Hello Baby

Me vs. Chicken

We were walking out of the SM building when cameras came out of nowhere and we were being ushered into a van. Omo?

On the van the boys were discussing what TV show they could be on. I wasn't allowed to participate because of filming.

Eventually we made it to an old styled Korean home. It was simply beautiful but the cold was horrible. I was shaking like crazy. Key came over and gave me his coat and giving me a sad smile.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Take her inside." He told one of the Noonas. She ushered me inside.

She looked at me a moment and then felt my forehead.

"Are you sick?"

"Ani. It's just the cold." I laughed.

She nodded and went back out.

I sighed and slumped my shoulders. I looked at my hand and saw some bruises. Aish~I was getting really frail.

Something bumped my legs and I bent down.

"Hi." I said and smiled.

"Hello." He said rubbing his nose. Aigoo~He was so cute!

"Where's your Omma?"

"Omma?" He looked at me and hugged me. "Omma!" He cheered.

I laughed. I picked him up and went looking for her.

What I came across surprised me though. The boys were lined up and it goes as followed. Key; dressed up as Popeye. Jonghyun was Robin Hood? Minho was some warlock. Taemin looked like something out of Mario Bros. or a messenger boy, or even Ronald McDonald. I chuckled. And then Onew was Spider Man.

I watched them. It took me a moment to figure out what they were supposed to do. One of the Noonas saw me with the kid and told me to hide immediaetly, that they couldn't see the child yet? They what? What was going on?

I hid as I was told and looked at the screen. Key was walking up to it. I heard something about calming a child. I was anticipating this.

He just stood there awkwardly there for a moment and then started fixing his hair!!! After the boys scolded him he started to sing using the 'Santa Claus' theme song. Something about not crying and then air punched at the kid!!! Aigoo..Key and I thought you were supposed to be the mom of the group.

I heard Key failed and so they sent Taemin. He started for the camera with a weird duck pose. I giggled as did the kid in my arms. He was getting heavy. >.< Taemin just wiggled his arms and kissed at the kid and he passed. Wow..

Next was Minho. He rolled his tongue and told the kid not to cry. Fail.

Onew came out. He started with some weird foot mood. Ok? Then calmy approached the camera.

"Stop!" My eyes widened. What was he doing? "If you keep crying, I'm going to throw you to the tiger!" My mouth dropped. ONEW! How could you say that?

He then calmly sat back down. I was shocked. The people told them that if Onew failed they wouldn't get to see the kid.

Onew sighed and tried again, starting with an awkward moon walk.

"I will give you snacks, so let's not cry."

Fail Onew. Fail. I shook my head.

The people filming this thing shook their heads too but let them pass anyway.

Jonghyun was next. This I had to see.

He started fixing his hair immediately and Onew yelled at him. I giggled.

He telling the baby not to cry and Minho was urging him to do something else.

And then he makes some high pitched noise that made me jump. What the heck?

He kept making it! Well, I had to give him props. That was...interesting.

I laughed and adjusted my arms around the kid. He was really getting heavy.

They announced that the guys could meet the baby and they rejoiced. I just chuckled. These guys. They would make great dads.

They were coming out and I had to hide again. It wasn't time for them to meet the kid, which I figured out is the very kid in my arms.

I watched them go inside the actual house and I waited outside until I was allowed to take the kid in there too. Aigoo~It was cold.

A lady saw me and came to me immediately. "Yoogeun!"

He went to her willingly. For which I was grateful. I was feeling really weak but decided not to show it.

"Are you the Omma?" I asked.

"De. You are?"

I smiled. "I live with SHINee. I"m Jonghyun's older sister. My name's Minki." I introduced.

"It's nice to meet you."

"Ah, they are ready to meet the kid." An Oppa came and told us.

She smiled and put Yoogeun down and followed the Oppa. I steadily followed behind. I needed to sit.

Yoogeun pushed open the big gates (we went back out so the 'Appas' could have a proper greeting).

I smiled when I heard Key squeal.

I followed them all inside. Not being noticed, and not wanting to be noticed. I leaned against a wall and watch them greet each other.


Yeah! Their in Hello Baby now! Srry. This chapter is just a "welcom to Hello Baby!" So, it's a little boring. *pout*

@zarifah_nr: I"m glad I could make you happy! Haha! I was squealing like a little girl when I wrote chapter 11. ^-^ 

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pinkaddict #1
Chapter 30: hahaha! until noe hahaha! i can't stop!
Hii!! n_n I loved you fanfic!! I laughed so hard... But also I cried v_v"
When I read Minki doesn't recognized Onew... OMG my WTF face... was epic xD
When I read about cancer I thought "____, no, that story can't become that dramatic, please..." but I continued reading because I hoped it was a good story... And... finally... XD Fake cancer... OMG I wanted to kill Minki... I read the sequel too and I love it xD I feel sorry about Key... because he's the only one who doesn't have a girlfriend... poor Key... But I also feel so happy about their marriage xD They are so sweet... aish... Well, thank you for the story n_n
(Well, before someone kill me, I should say I'm spanish... So I'm sorry for my bad english, I can read but I'm unconfortable writing v_v" I'll keep studying harder xD)
PS: I loved the gifts too xD
Oh my... My weak heart has softened once again... This story was really sweet. At first, I was like "faking cancer? - Heck no!", but then the storyline changed, everything got so fluffy and.... I ended reading the whole story at once. Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, Key, Minho, Henry, Zhoumi, Hangeng and the little bit of Kyuhyun were so precious!!!

BTW, the gifs are genius. Genius. Seriously.
RMaddict #4
I love your HENRY gifs :D ☺
DomiKitty #5
WHY ISNT HE CONFESSING YET?! sorry, im commenting as i go along :P
DomiKitty #6
wait what? mika? minki? im so confused.. whats her name... :(
YoonHee_ #7
*after 5 min of spazzing this!!! off to sequel!!!
Thanks for reading! Don't forget about the sequel 'Me vs. Chicken (The Battle Continues)' and the prequel 'Last Christmas'. ^^
catshinee #9
he told her i love the story sorry that i did not comment before
AiRa_LuRvS_KpOp #10
Yay!!!!!! He told her!!!!