Greece and back

In my eyes

The crew met up at Incheon Airport for departure to Greece. The main cast have arrived except JiWon. Wondering whether to give her a call, JinGoo walked away from the group and looked around for her shadow. He would have missed her if he had not heard "Be careful and stay safe my pumkin Jiwoneeeeeeee". Turned to the direction of where the voice is coming, he saw a old lady pinching the cheeks of his co-star. It was a sight to see her almost kneeling down infront of the old lady and smiling so innocently with her expanded cheeks. It seems like he had fallen within the radar. The old lady's had her eyes on him. JiWon turned around,"Oh! Sunbae-nim!" Not to be rude, JinGoo went over to them when he saw her waved to him.

"Grandma, this is my lover in the drama. He will look after me, so dont worry.",JiWon introduced him when he approached. "Hello. My name is JinGoo. Nice to meet you.".JinGoo bowed respectfully. One look he could feel the power of the rich emitting from her. With a warm smile, JiWon's grandma took JinGoo's hand into her. "This michevious brat, please look after her fondly. Come to our place for a meal when the drama ends, my grandson-in-law." Its no wonder JinGoo got shocked by her words. "You are scaring him! Look at his pale face!",JiWon laughed at her grandma's endless joke. "You intro-ed him as your lover. I will take it that way. You know i prefer macho guys than white rabbits.",her grandma glared at her cheekily. Hugging her goodbye, the drama couple went to gather up at the meeting point. "Sorry. My grandma loves to crack silly lines. But she meant no harm. She's really funny.",JiWon explained. "You are the precious bun in the family...and it makes me happy to hear she prefers dirty-looking man",JinGoo assured her with a tease.

The guys had their men talk while the girls started with theirs as they Q-ed for check-in at the counter. Fans who spoted them at the boarding area surrounded by and took countless pictures. As the announcement called out for bording, JiWon head towards the restroom before the long flight. Her phone rang. It was natual behaviour to turn to where the melody is coming from and when the source is located, the next to notice is who the caller might be. "Should i turn it to silent?",one of the girl staff asked. "Who is it? Family members most likely." "No, Its someone called Yoon.S. Oh my! Do you think its him? I mean, thats too much of a coincidence, right?" Before it got to JiWon's ear, HyeKyo told the girls that it is not nice to openly discuss a colleague's personal matter. It was obvious. The boys who were seating behind them heard everything.

"Is this on purpose or what?",JinGoo said out when he saw his seating mate is JiWon who looked surprised too. It was purely coincidental as everyone has been spread out. JoongKi is not seating with HyeKyo. So it was definitely not arranged. As both got comfortable when the plance went on auto-pilot mode at a altitude, JinGoo looked over to Jiwon who was reading a book. Turning his face away from her, looking straight. "Is he still trying to get back to you? Your phone rang and its him, right?" JiWon expected them to know sooner or later. HyeKyo had informed her about the mini discussion. "Yea. Its him. But we are plainly same agency colleagues now." JiWon do not understand why she felt the need to explain further to JinGoo but she continued,"Its only when you have been let off recklessly, you know how the person see you. Being together for long dosent mean anything. People change when they are not concious about their own principle in life. We cant be lover anymore but there's always room for being co-workers." JinGoo nodded his head slightly,"Its good to know that he will not bother us." His replied came out not the way she was expecting. "What did you say again? Is Seo DaeYoung Sang-sa jealous?",JiWon laughed but held it back when JinGoo turned to her direction and siad,"Yes, he is." Silence came upon them and they both carried on their own activity. She went back to read and he put on the headset and started to watch the on-board movies.

"This couple will make it big. Just look at how compatible they look, even when sleeping.",Writer Kim came back to her seat after a stretch. She had took a picture of her 2nd lead picture and showed it to the director. JiWon had her head rested on JinGoo's shoulder and his on her side of her head. The only obstruction between them was the headset he was wearing. A slight turbulence woke JinGoo up. His movie is still playing. His heart beat skipped a beat when he realised the short bob of hair presing weight on his shoulder. He could feel her head sliding off anytime. Shifting his position as lightly as possible, he cupped the side of JiWon's face and adjusted her position to make her comfortable. He knows he should not be doing this but he cared less. As he moved her head, he turned slightly towards her hair. His lips touched her hair, his nose inhaled the flowery scent from the petite girl next to him. 'What do you think you are doing JinGoo. She is a kid. Get your mind sttraight.' He thought to himself and regretted his earlier action.

Unless filming together, JinGoo kept his distance away from JiWon the moment they arrived in Greece. He kept himself busy with the boys, not once getting contact with her. His rational mind told him he is old enough to be a dad while she is too young to be a bride. His little interst will die off soon, and will be when every thing ends. To make it less difficult, he forced himself to stay away from her but when it comes to having scenes together, his feelings for her came back even stronger. Her work ethic made her even attractive. He felt they are common. She was in serveral sky-rocketing international dramas before but couldnt receive the fame. That did not set her back. Her reason was simple when he asked her why is she trying so hard when she did not need to. "I love acting. Its fun to be with you and every one else.". She is not a kid. She is a woman with a kid's face.

JinGoo tried to keep his conversation with her minimal. He was glad she's not sensitive to his change. JoongKi and HyeKyo noticed it immediately. He told him his concern and they stood by him. The days went into months. His like-ness for her did not decrease at all with all the avoidance. It lingered and evolved. He kept his sight on her when she's raoming near him. He remembered her grandma's words to look after her. He was troubled about the next few scenes with JiWon. She had came up to him about it, seeking for experience guidance. She came knocking at his hotel room door the night before,"JinGoo oppa, how would you like to project our coming kiss scenes? How to watch the limit below ?" JiWon had been wondering how best to manify the sadness and sorrow of their love in the drama. His next sentence made her laughed non stop. "Have you ever kiss before JiWon ah? And whats so funny?" JinGoo was internally scratching his head on what made her reactions. "Of course i did. I'm 23, not 13!",inbetwwen her contagious laugh. Somehow it made him angry.

Calming herself down, she took note of his expressless face. "Are you angry over something? Did i come at the wrong time? Should i go? We can discuss this tomorrow on set too. Sorry, i'll take my leave." JinGoo pulled her back onto the sofa, back to her spot, beside him. "No. I'm not. We might not have time to rehearse much tomorrow. So, we might as well talk about it now and save everyone's time tomorrow.",JinGoo kept his cool. He didnt want her to leave his room. His mind was fighting. One side said this is not the right time while the other missed her and wanted twosome time alone. The devil always win. Liftingup her legs to the safa, folding her knees under her tighs, JiWon relaxes herslf infront of him. "How should the angle be to make it less awkward? I don't think we are at the age of pecking. But our country could not take caucasian's level too.",she told JinGoo her thoughts. "Are you a expert in caucasians kissing? French kissing if you are refering to that.",JinGoo could feel his anger rising again at the thougth of her kissing countless times with whoever. "Frenching is out. That involves tongue. But we can do it the tongue-less way. More like smooching?" Jiwon explained without answering his direct question.

"Do you want to reherase on the angles now?",JinGoo decided to get this over and done with professionally. She had no idea how pissed he is feeling at the moment. "Im fine with it. We have a counch moment in the script, right? Then the standing positions. A few more here and there. Shall we. Oppa, i will go with your lead." as she prepared her emotions recalling back to her lines. "JiWon ah, the couch kiss is initiated by you. How do you want me to lead? Do you want to start off at the other kisses first where i took the upper hand?",JinGoo suggested. "Oh right. apologies. Ok. I'll move in first.",JiWon said and closed her eyes to get into her character. Laying her back against his, she looked up at his loving eyes on her and placed a soft kiss on the side of his chin. His character remains stotic. JiWon's character started to tease JinGoo's. She changes her postion and sat side way, leaning on him as she locked her arms around his neck, bringing his stotic face closer to hers. "Seo DaeYoung. Your beautiful girlfriend is trying to kiss you. Get out of your stone mode." JinGoo was feeling uncomfortable with the multiple pecks JiWon was giving. He could feel her soft full lips on his face.

He gave his character away when he heard her wispered,"open your mouth." JinGoo circled his arms around JiWon's slender waist when she placed her lips at the corner of his, tempting him to go with her flow. Reaching to his face, JiWon carassed the contours as she pluckered her lips against his. It was her first on-screen adult kiss. She enjoys kissing and YeonSeok was not a bad one at it. She feels intimacy brings a couple closer. Letting her feelings go, she angled her lips to match his. Su*cking on it softly, returning the smooches, rubbing her nose with his. The interaction from JinGoo was perfect. He was letting her lead and encouraging her silently with his skills. The last straw JinGoo could take was when JiWon bite the side of his lips playfully when she broke the kiss. It was not in the script and it messed up his mind instantly. Before she could explaned to her, he lost it. "Is this how you want to play it? Fine. Dont regret it JiWon ah",JinGoo said and roughly grabbed her face towards his.

With no warnings, JiWon's mouth was forced through by his tongue. Her shock was too sudden. She could not react immediately as his strength on her was too strong. Trying to push him away, JiWon sruggled. She struggled not only against his hold but the seduction of his tongue that is swirling with hers. She had to admit he is a good kisser but it was not time for this. Mustering up her courage, she bite down on his lips. The moment he let loose of her, she let her anger loose. "What are you doing! I am not a easy actress!" Tears formed in her eyes. JinGoo could not explain himself. He had lost it and was feeling shameful. If she had not resisted so firmly, he may have even went further. "I am sorry. I dunno what came up. You intoxicated my mind with the bite. I got carried away. I will leave the drama set. Im really sorry.",JinGoo had his head down all while. He could not face her after what he had done. It hurts her to see him this way. It was her fault to begin with. Anyone would have fled but she stayed behind. "I thought it will fun showing a playful side of MyungJoo teasing Seo DaeYoung with the lip bite. So i did it without telling you. Im sorry. I didnt have a thing for that.",JiWon explained and tried to tune up the atmosphere with her smirk tone.

JinGoo appreciates it. "I do not have a thing for that sort. I have a thing for you, thats why. Dont worry. Im clearing up my mind and i will keep things between us professional.",he confessed. Touching his lips, he could not forget how her lips feels like, how their tongue touched one another. Closing his eyes, he breathed deep to get those thougths out of his head. This might even be the end of his career. "Do you do this to your co-star who acts as your love interest?",JiWon could not stop asking when all he wanted for her to leave his room. "You should go back to your room. Its late already." She was insistant. Letting out a sigh,"No. Only you. I was not in my character. Im me. Get it?" "You need to be responsible for your actions, JinGoo oppa.",JiWon said and left his room. It was a restless night for him. He did not know how to face her tomorrow. In the other room, JiWon thought back on how they met and communicate as Kim JiWon and JinGoo and finally realise he had all along been showing interest in her.

"Ok GooWon couple. As discussed earlier on what kind of emotions we want to protray. Let your creativity run wild. Show us what you have got.",The director called out. JinGoo was trying his best to stay focus but whenever his eyes falls onto her, he thought back of his disgraceful behaviour. Sensing his discomfort, JiWon went up to him and placed her hands on his cheeks as she tugged his forehead against her,"We can do this together. Dont let your effort go down the drain at this moment. And dont be sorry. Because i enjoyed the french." JinGoo looked at her with his wide eyes. "Just dont do it again unexpectedly.",she continued. The crews were amazed by their interactions. It helped JinGoo yet confused him. The drama wrapped up and they were back in Korea. As usual, JiWon was picked up by their family's driver. That was their last meeting.

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