
Until I Met You.

All through class, onew had been trying to chat me up. Asking how old i was, where i lived. That is strange. He sounded like a creepy stalker!

"You know, for a boy, you sure look like a girl. Or are you one really?" He smirked and i gave him an angry glare.

"I'm a guy for god's sake!" I whispered in a harsh tone. "How can i be so sure? Why don't you prove it to me?" He gave a devious smile, an evil glint in his eyes.

"P-prove? What is that supposed to mean!" I said a little louder this time, but soft enough to not gain attention from the teacher.

"Well..." His hands landed on my knees, travelling up my thighs. W-what is he doing?! Mom! Save me!! Why did i have to sit at the last row where no one can see us?!

Before his hands could reach anywhere untouchable, the bell rang. Oh God, saved by the bell. Thank you so much.

I hastily shoved my things into my bag without meeting his stares that are literally burning me. 

Before i could make a swift getaway, he unfortunately grabbed my wrist,

"Why are you in a rush? It's break time," He chuckled, I dared myself to meet his eyes, making a futile attempt of trying to pry my wrist away from his tight grip. "I know it's break, let go." I gave him a glare. Pretending not to hear me, he continued, "And by the way, your wrist feels like a girl's, it's so thin and small. Are you sure you're not a girl? I almost had an answer just now." He pouted, i scoffed at his attempt at trying to be cute. If you're saying cute, then it's Lee Taemin.

"Nevermind, i can always go at it another time! Now come on, let's go get some food!" Go at what?! And wait-

"Whoever said i was eating with you?! Yah, yah!" This guy- 

Before i could finish my thought in my head, he pushed me onto a table, "Now, am i your dog?!" I think i've been shouting too much today, but i can't help it, this guy here deserves being shouted at! Or a beating up!

"You are cute, but just a little too noisy for a good doggy, be a good boy and sit here," He suddenly leaned in towards me, his nose almost touching mine, "If i come back here and you're gone, you'll get it from me." His face went from devious to cheery in a blink of an eye. Is he freaking bipolar?

Am i his bullying target? Staring at the table that i imagined an onew on it, trying to burn him to death, you should just burn and disappear!

"Who should burn and disappear?" Key said in a mocking tone. "Im guessing it's me?" Onew suddenly said, appearing out of nowhere like a ninja with two plates, one plate with delicious sausages and eggs, and the other with... chicken? who eats chicken in the morning? Key hyung had a surprised look on. I shrugged and snatched the plate with eggs from him and started eating like a cow ignoring the two of them. 

"Oh, Jinki hyung! You and Taemin know each other?" Key hyung knows him? Oh wells, hope not. I thought to myself.

"Yeap! He's my partner in class," What did he just say? Partner? "How did you two know each other? And what partner?! Im not your partner! Im only sitting beside yo- Bak. Oww, hyung!"

"Yah, onew hyung is older then both of us, you kid. Where's your manners and respect?" He asked, reprimanding me. I scoffed, "You don't know, he's such a jerk!" I said, alternating between eating and talking.

"How would i not know? He's my cousin, you pabo! He's not a jerk!" Onew starting laughing then, seemingly thinking this as a joke.

"You two are funny to watch, do you two actually go on like this everyday?" He asked in an amused tone.

I glared at him behind my fringe, "Since when did you have a cousin? How did you actually have a cousin without me knowing when i practically grew up with you?" I asked, confused at the whole situation.

"Onew hyung used to study in America, which explains why he's in the same grade as you. (a/n: im not sure how diff is their grades there so i made that up.) He comes to visit occasionally, we kept in touch with technology." Typical.

"Are you that interested in me, Taemin?" He asked, smiling that angelic smile. Tch, you're only acting in front of key hyung. I did a mental eye roll. He continued staring at me with a smile that had evil hidden, but not hidden from me. "No, i don't care about you okay." When Kibum hyung was about to hit me again, i finished my food and ran off to get my banana milk. "Aish, this kid! What do i do with you." 

From a distance, i could hear key hyung shout "Taemin! Get back here and apologise!" Apologise? Oh yeah, i scoffed. Over my dead body.

After getting my favourite banana milk of all time, i checked the time. Today's break time is 45 minutes. There's still 15minutes more. Aish, why is my life so hard? I thought, as i walked back to the table where key hyung and onew were chatting happily. Onew had a genuine smile on.

Honestly, he looks beautiful... His eyes that turns into cresent moon when he smiles.. His deep voice... His li- Oh my god, no no no, there must be something really wrong with me today. Im not gonna be gay for him! And love, it's not even in my dictionary. WAIT. LOVE?! Why did i just think that?! Loving someone would only cause each other pain.. And everyone will leave eventually, no one stays...

I snapped out of it when i realized that key hyung was calling me and onew was staring right back at me. I've been drifting away too much, and that was embarrassing, he must have sensed me staring at him.

"Break's up! Onew hyung, take care of Taemin! Bye!" Key hyung dashed away. "Take care of me? Im old enough." I thought aloud. 


A/N: Boring isn't it? :/ Just wait abit for the developement! Support my story.
Comments and suggestions are loves.
I'll be doing a double or triple update soon !
Until then, laters peeps. 

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no it's not boring and y u no update!
OMG, I LOVE YOU.<br />
I've been DEPRIVED of OnTae fanfiction!!
Erowindangle #3
This sounds really interesting :D can't wait for the first chapter!