Start of school = Disaster?

Until I Met You.

Taemin's POV.

Sou ano hi bokutachi wa futari deatta ne 

Mada adokenasa ga nokotteta ano yokogao wasurenai

Hajimete att- Groan.

My hands peek out of my warm and cosy covers to reach for my phone.

"Yeobseyo. Oh, kibum hyung." 

"Yah, Lee Taemin! Get your out of bed! It's 7:40am already!" 

I was jolted awake then. It's 7:40 already?! It feels like i just closed my eyes. Aish, i couldn't sleep last night!

"Got it hyung! Come pick me up, i'll get ready now. And thanks for waking me up hyung!"

After hanging up on him, i immediately jump out of my comforts to get my uniform and dashed in the bathroom for a 5 minutes quick shower. Stepping out with my brown long hair dripping wet. I should have got my hair cut. How am i supposed to present myself like that on the first day of school? It'll be rude and bad... 

7:46. Aish, i still have a little time. School isn't that far anyway.

Deciding on drying my hair, i rush out to grab the hairdryer and then proceeding to speed dry my hair. Tieing my hair into a messy ponytail, with my thick bangs laying sloppily on my forehead. Checking my overall in a full body mirror, straightening out my uniform, as if on cue, a honk sounded outside my huge house where i lived alone. Well, not exactly alone. But i'd consider it alone. Knowing kibum hyung didn't like waiting, i waste no time in grabbing my bagpack and then heading out. 

"Taemin, aren't you having breakf-"

"It's fine Jaewon hyung, i gotta go, gon be late!" Jaewon hyung is the butler of this house, he's currently in university. His family had worked in our family for a long time, but his parents had passed away and my parents took care of him since then. And he said he'd work for us in order not to be a free loader in the house.

"Took you long enough, i'm going to kill you if we're late on the first day of school, Mr. Lee Taemin." Emphasizing on the first day of school. Kibum hyung, or key hyung, i occasionally switch between both names.

"Hyung, we're really gonna be late if you don't head out now. And you wouldn't kill me, because you love me, hyung." Flashing a wide grin to key hyung, my best friend since i was a baby. He was 3 years older then me, we were childhood friends, our parents were friends. We were both considerably rich, probably top 5 riches of korea. Not that i really cared, in fact, i hated it. Our parents were always working, it was nothing but work. Thus, we both had only each other.

Why? You might ask. Well, some friends we had before were only just eyeing the amount of money we had. 

I lead a fairly normal life. Except that i would have body guards guarding my bum when i go shopping. My life is almost like an everyday routine, wake up, go to school, get home, hang out with kibum hyung, study if i wanted to, and sleep. Sounds boring, eh? Can't blame me, kibum hyung and i got tired of having friends that only took advantage of us. We got tired of being cheated, lied to, hurt. We accepted the reality that people loved our money more than they love us. We decided to just stick to each other, you could say we were being anti-social, it is probably true anyway. 

"Yah, Taemin." Huh, what? A hard hit on my arm pulls me out of my deep thoughts.

"Oww, hyung! What was that for!"

"Do you love my car that much? Get out before i lock you in! We're running late! No wait, we are late."

"We're late?! Already?!"

"Yes. Now would you, pretty boy, get out, please. So we could rush to class."

Parting with kibum hyung at the hallways, we both ran to our specific class. Standing outside the corridoor, i took a look at my white watch.

8:06. Wow, way to go Taemin, you even got key hyung late too. 

Straightening up and calming myself before knocking on the classroom door. 

Knock knock. "Come in, Lee Taemin, take a seat."

Proceeding to seat at a pair of empty tables, the tables were in doubles.

An empty table? There's someone later then me? Woah, that's bad. But... who is it? A new student? Everyone from the class last year's here..

As if answering my thoughts, the teacher told a student she called Lee Jinki who looked older then us to come in and introduce himself. A retainer? Well, he looks kinda like a rebellious kid. Scary too.

"The names's Lee Jinki, prefered onew. I've been stuck for 2years in the same level, don't be surprised." He said. He gave a crooked smile that looked more like a smirk that said it's gon be hell for all of you. There was no doubt he looked good, with his golden brown hair flowing smoothly to his shoulder. He had a deep voice that sent shudders down my spine. He looked around the class, and seemingly stared in my direction. "Any questions?" The girls were giggling and batting their fake eyelashes in an attempt to catch his eye. But his eyes was fixed in my direction, i thought he was staring at the girl in front of me, a way too fake girl. But he was staring at me, he confirmed my thought by smiling a loop sided smile to me. He seemed like a juvenile delinquent and a jerk. Better keep my distance.. That thought was ruined when the teacher said,

"Go take a seat beside Lee Taemin. I guess you know where that is, since it's the only empty seat."

My eyes widened. The girls turned to look at me, glaring and whining, complaining that it was unfair and that they should've came later. es, shut up! That is ridiculous!

This guy's a jerk, why are you girls complaining?! I would gladly give my seat up, but knowing the teacher, it's better i shut up! Tsk, typical fake es, i bet your pointy noses are plastic. And you spent hours caking your face but still looking as ugly as ever. I did a mental eye roll and kept my poker face on as he made his way over to where i was seating, right at the back of the classroom, the last row.

Why is my heart beating so fast? It's abnormal, am i scared of him?



A/N : Please support my fic! It's my first, i hope it's fine. The first chapter's up! Im sorry if this chap is boring, Second chapter would be up possibly by today or tomorrow and it'll be much better, i just needed to start letting some character in before getting to the main point of story. It would be no fun if it just gets into the peak right? ^_^ Please comment and suggest how you'd like the story to be like as it develops. Subscribe if you like my fic, thank you! ^~^

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no it's not boring and y u no update!
OMG, I LOVE YOU.<br />
I've been DEPRIVED of OnTae fanfiction!!
Erowindangle #3
This sounds really interesting :D can't wait for the first chapter!