A Rewritten Romance

                                   "Thank you, ice cream uncle!"


Ji Ae panicked, a thousand and one thoughts running through her frantic mind. Where could have Eun Jae gone to? If anything were to happen to him, she would never be able to forgive herself. The fear of losing her one and only baby boy made tears gather in the corner of her eyes once again. He’s only 4, what if he doesn’t know the way home? It was already nearing 7pm, and the sky was starting to get darker, which made Ji Ae more worried than before.



“This is all my fault..” She muttered under her breath, her eyes constantly on the look out as they drove around the vicinity of Eun Jae’s school.



“It’s not.” Kai glanced at her, “Please stop blaming yourself, Ji Ae. You didn’t want this to happen either.”



“,” Ji Ae hissed, her hands wouldn’t stop fiddling uneasily. Kai could clearly see that she was shaking with worry, and was on the verge of breaking down, “Can you drive faster, Jongin?”



“Hey hey,” He reached over to place his hands firmly on her shaking ones, hoping that she’ll feel comforted at the very least, “He’ll be fine, Ji Ae. I’m sure.”



Seeing that Ji Ae did not resist his small act, he smiled slightly. “Now calm down, and tell me exactly what his school teacher said.”



“We’ll find him, okay?”



Kai and Ji Ae had alighted at the playground opposite Eun Jae’s school to search for any signs of the little boy. Ji Ae had already called home once, just to check if her son was already home, but to no avail. If he wasn’t at home, where could he have gone to?



Kai had managed to calm the lady down, asking for some of Eun Jae’s few favourite places to go to. The playground was already their 3rd stop. They had both split up to look for him. Kai could only rely on his memory skills to recall how Eun Jae, who he saw back then at the restaurant looked like.



There was a strong determination in him to find Eun Jae and bring him back to Ji Ae.



“Little boy, you don’t have enough money and you’re buying ice cream?”



“Please uncle, can I have this chocolate one and mint one?”



Kai frowned upon hearing a commotion a few steps away from him. He strained his eyes, seeing a little boy who was carrying a small backpack, stand infront of an ice cream stall. He was alone, and there was no sign of any adults accompanying him. Could it be..



“You can’t buy it without paying! What did you parents teach you?” The uncle raised his voice at the little one, who bowed his head lowly.



“I just want to buy this for Mummy and me to share..” Kai heard the boy said sadly, “Please uncle?”



“Then it’ll be $3 in total! Pay up if not-”



“Hey,” Kai rushed over to the stall and immediately grabbed his wallet, fishing a $3 note out to hand it to the ice cream uncle, “Here. I’ll pay for it. There’s no need to raise your voice at a small kid.”



Kai’s eyes flickered to the small boy standing beside him, looking up at him with big doe eyes. He bent down next to him and smiled, handing him the two ice creams. “Here, little one.”



“Thank you, uncle.” The little boy grinned, before he did a 90 degrees bow politely.



“How old are you?”



“I’m 4 years old.”



Kai’s eyes widened, 4 year olds are getting really brave huh? Even coming to playgrounds by themselves now? He extended his hand to ruffle the little boy’s hair, “Why are you out here alone? Where’s your mummy?”



“Mummy’s at work. I want to surprise her with this ice cream I bought for her.”



Kai smiled and nodded, “Ah I see.. What’s your name?”



“Eun Jae!” A woman’s voice sounded and Kai turned his head to see Ji Ae running towards them.



The little boy moved away from Kai and ran towards Ji Ae. He watched as Ji Ae scooped the little boy into her embrace tightly, “Baby, where have you been???”



“Mummy!” The little boy, which Kai seemed to guess, is Eun Jae beamed at his mother.



“Thank God you’re okay! Do you know how scared I was? Why did you just leave school like that? Mummy told you I’ll pick you up, didn’t I?” Ji Ae rambled on as she held onto her son’s shoulders, her tears at the corner of her eyes threatening to fall any moment.



Seeing his mummy in such a frantic state, Eun Jae pouted and apologised, “Sorry Mummy.. I..I didn’t mean to..”



“I wanted to give you a surprise,” Ji Ae watched as her son showed her the two ice creams, “Mummy, I’m sorry for asking about Daddy yesterday.. This is for you.”



Finally, Ji Ae could feel her heartbeat return to its normal pace. Hearing Eun Jae’s words, she couldn’t help but smile at him sweetly, before hugging him again, “Oh Jae..”



“That’s really nice of you. But promise me you’ll never leave school without waiting for me to pick you up, okay?” Her voice turned firm as she looked at the little one strictly.



“Okay Mummy, I promise.”



“Where did you get money to buy ice cream anyway?”



“There! This uncle helped me pay for it,” Eun Jae immediately pointed a finger to Kai who had been witnessing the whole scene quietly, “Thank you, Ice cream uncle!”



Ji Ae’s eyes clicked with Kai’s ones, and she immediately reprimanded herself for forgetting that he was still there. She sighed with a small smile, “Wait how- Oh Jongin, thank you for finding him, and for the ice cream.”



Kai grinned at the lady and slowly approached them. Kai thought he saw wrongly. Did Ji Ae just smile at him??? That’s a first! He cleared his throat, trying to hide his wide grin, “Well, I’m glad Eun Jae’s safe and sound. That was a really nice mother and son moment, by the way.”



“Here, how much was it?” Ji Ae immediately took out some money to pay Kai back for the ice cream.



“No way, Ji Ae. It’s just ice cream.” He gave her a look, “Quit being so formal with me, will you?”



“I can’t thank you enough for finding Jae..” Ji Ae said, her gaze softening.



“If you can’t thank me enough, then do me a favour.” He had a sly grin at the corner of his lips, and Ji Ae strained her eyes at him.



“What is it..?”



“Oh, it’s really simple. Both of you have dinner with me.”



“W-What? Jongin I’m not sure about-”



“Mummy, I’m hungry! Can’t we eat with Ice Cream uncle?” Eun Jae shook his mother’s hands, before tiptoeing to whisper to her, “Besides, he don’t look like a bad ahjussi too, mummy.”



Kai chuckled, hearing what the little one said. His gaze turned to Ji Ae, with pleading eyes, “Come on, Ji Ae. Eun Jae’s hungry too. Surely you don’t want to watch your son starve right?”



Ji Ae bit her lips nervously, so is this really the kind of father and son reunion that’s going to be happening?



“Okay.” Ji Ae sighed, giving in to Kai.



“Order as much as you want, okay?” Kai looked at Eun Jae scarfing down his chicken hungrily.  “You like fried chicken too?”



“Yeah! Ice cream uncle, you like it too?”



Ice cream uncle. Wow, he was starting to like this name given to him. “It’s my favourite.” Kai nodded with a grin, before giving Eun Jae a high five.



Ji Ae watched the both of them chewing on their fried chicken happily, making her smile slightly. Both father and son really had lots in common. Of course, her son had taken after Kai’s love for fried chicken. Kai and Eun Jae seemed to be getting along really well. From the minute they had arrived at the restaurant, Kai had already ordered whatever Eun Jae wanted, making the little boy really happy. Ji Ae couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she watched how Kai treated Eun Jae with affection, despite knowing him from just a few hours ago. Wouldn’t he have been a great father?



“Ji Ae?” Kai nudged her slightly before placing more rice into her bowl, “Eat up too okay? You’re looking skinnier than before.”



“I bet that Lay’s making you work too much.”



“No he doesn’t, Jongin.” 



“Yeah Mummy, eat more.” Eun Jae followed Kai’s actions exactly, placing some vegtables into her bowl, earning himself a grin from Kai.



“By the way, who is his father? You still haven’t tell me about it.” Kai asked suddenly.



Pausing in her movements, Ji Ae found herself speechless by his question, again.



Eun Jae quickly got up from his seat and leaned closer to Kai, whispering into his ear, “Ice cream uncle, Mummy doesn’t like me asking about Daddy, so I think you shouldn’t ask her too.”



“Oh okay,” Kai glanced at the lady beside him who turned quiet, then back to Eun Jae, “Then can I ask you about him instead?”



“I have never met Daddy before. But Mummy says Daddy is very busy, and that he’s always busy working so he has no time to come home to see Mummy and I.” Eun Jae spoke in a hushed tone, careful not to let Ji Ae hear.



“But Mummy says Daddy loves me a lot and-”



“That’s enough, Jae.” Ji Ae interrupted the little boy firmly, avoiding Kai’s curious gaze fixed on her, “Quickly, eat up. We have to get back early. You still have school tomorrow.”



Kai watched as Ji Ae avoided his eyes, only looking down at her meal. He had a thousand and one questions that he wanted to ask her. Who is this Daddy Eun Jae’s talking about? Where is he now? Why is Ji Ae refusing to tell him about it? But he stopped asking, not intending to pry any further.



All he wishes for is that Ji Ae would accept him one day, and finally share more about it with him.


a/n; HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVLIES! :") can't believe its ald 2017 :O a hugeee thank you to all of you who have been reading, subscribing, commenting, and upvoting <3 your support means alot! hope that the story is going ok so far, feel free to give any sort of feedbacks :) do keep the comments coming in!!!

please COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, and UPVOTE for more! 

see y'all in 2017 loves! <3

(credits to owner for gif)

x, oh0rats 


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suho225 #1
Chapter 18: please update i need more pf kai
Chapter 18: Yessss, I definitely know why Jongin. so keep fighting for her!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Yessss, I definitely know why Jongin. so keep fighting for her!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: aaaaw this chapter is fluffy. See!!!! Ji Ae is.sloewly opening up to him and I was glad that she talks nicer to jongin now.
Chapter 15: Slowly, Jongin would get her heart once again. She starts to break her wall.
Chapter 14: Learning about each other again. uh that sounds wrong?? you . lol
Chapter 13: I swear, even in the real life jealous jongin does look cute. kkkkkkk
Chapter 12: good luck Jongin for winning Ji Ae's heart. You need to work harder to get that. muahahaha
Chapter 11: hopefully they woyld reconcile soon and make everything clear.
Chapter 10: Sad sad sad Ji Ae, she was just dont wanna be hurt again. It's difficult decision to give the second chance eventho she still loves him.