A Rewritten Romance

                                   "You're such an idiot, Kim Jongin."


“Are you picking out a gift for Eun Jae?”



“Choose this. I like this one.” Kai smiled and handed Ji Ae an electronic toy car, “I’m sure he’ll like this.”



“How do you know he likes toy cars?” Ji Ae gave him a sideway glance curiously as she looked up. Indeed her son loved playing with toy cars, could it be a father and son thing again? And she mentally slapped herself for asking that dumb question. Of course all boys like toy cars.



“I used to be a young boy myself too, Ji Ae.” He chuckled softly before reaching out to grab a nerf gun on the shelves under ‘hot picks’ category, “Get him this too. Tell him Ice Cream uncle got it for him.”



“You’re really using that term well?”



“Of course.” He grinned before moving to the cashier to pay for the toys.



The pair continued roaming down the quiet streets of this small town. Since they were not residing in the busy streets of US, there were lesser people here as compared. It was much nicer and ‘more romantic’, according to Kim Jongin. They walked past little shops, and tall street lamps lit the beautiful area.



Kai couldn’t stop smiling once in awhile as his eyes wandered to Ji Ae beside him occasionally. It reminded him way too much of their old times. This was what he definitely missed doing with her. It definitely did feel like an actual date, and he’s glad that this whole day, she did not really object to the places where he has been bringing her to. Nudging her softly, he grinned, “Doesn’t this feel like we’re on an actual date?”



Ji Ae rolled her eyes at him and just shrugged him off. Her eyes then lit up the moment she saw a shop by the corner and approached to enter it. It was a men’s shop that was selling ties and shoes, and Kai instinctively raised his brow as he followed her in. Was she actually going to buy him things?



“Hello Miss, shopping for your boyfriend?” The store owner smiled warmly at Ji Ae the moment she entered.



“Isn’t she gorgeous?” Kai spoke before she could respond, placing an arm around her to pull her next to him, smiling proudly.



“Oh no, he’s not my boyfriend..” Ji Ae said politely at the owner before turning to hiss at him, “Get your hands off me.”



“Miss, this man surely likes you. I can tell by the way he looks at you.” The owner whispered at her softly when Kai walked away to look at other stuff in the shop, “And he’s so handsome! The both of you look great together.”



“Ahh..” She awkwardly smiled in return, before resuming to look at the set of ties. Picking one that was cobalt blue in colour, she called out, “Jongin, come here.”



“For me?” Kai grinned widely as he approached her. Wow, talk about split personalities. Was he dreaming? He needed someone to pinch him.



Ji Ae pursed her lips and made a face at him, “You wish. Help me pick one for Yixing. What do you men like? I’m sure this is the brand he wears.”



What!? That name just had to appear again! Immediately, Kai scoffed with his face blackening, a furious expression appearing on his once smiley face, “Nothing, we like nothing! I’m out of here.”



Kai swatted the tie away from her hands and pushed past her, heading towards the door. Watching him stomp out of the shop with slumped shoulders, Ji Ae’s gaze softened and she found herself chuckling at his adorableness. And then she was reminded of her son. He always does that whenever she refuses to buy him something he really likes. Like father, like son, indeed.




The both of them were now back at the hotel. Kai has been keeping quiet since their trip to the tie store. Seriously? He’s really angry over a matter like that? It felt strangely unusual though, since he was always the one who would be noisy, trying to talk to her. Seeing him quiet and moody like this made the whole atmosphere much different. Talk about PMS. Ji Ae was certain men has it too.



“Aish really.” He hissed under his breath as he plopped down onto the sofa bed, unaware of the stares that Ji Ae had been giving him. She even knows the brand of Zhang Yixing's tie, what on earth? How could she even ask him to choose a tie for Zhang Yixing? Did it even make sense? That was just absurd! Kai's  jealousy was brewing even more in him, and it made him even more mad to think that Ji Ae still can't take her mind off that Zhang Yixing even on this trip. But buying a tie!? Only couples do that, no?



“Aren’t you going to wash up?” Ji Ae finally spoke, breaking the silence in the room. She couldn’t stand seeing this petty side of him. She was just buying a tie for a friend, what rights did he have to get mad at her?






“You’re intending to go out again?”



“No.” Kai remained glum and continued scrolling through his phone, “I don’t know.”



“What’s up with you, Jongin?” He heard her sigh softly.



What’s up with you, Kim Jongin? Even he wanted to know himself! Yes, he knew it wasn't reasonable for him to get jealous or mad at her for such a small trivial matter like this, but he just can't contain it any further. He wasn’t sure if it was because of Ji Ae thinking of another man during their trip, or her asking him to choose the tie that made him so mad.



“You have been keeping quiet since we came back from the store. What’s wrong?” Ji Ae asked again determinedly.



“I’m going out for awhile. Sleep early, Ji Ae.” Kai muttered before he stood up to leave.



Sighing, she watched as the room door clicked close and Kai’s figure disappeared behind the door. Her heart sank a little and she tried her best to shrug it off. It was already 11pm, where would he even be heading? Grabbing her phone, she immediately thought of calling her son. At least hearing Eun Jae’s voice would make her feel a ton better.



“Girlfriend! How are you coping?” A loud squeal sounded from the phone and Ji Ae thought she almost went deaf.



“Oh god, Hana Zhang! You almost made me deaf!”



Ji Ae could hear Hana chuckling on the other end, “Heh, sorry. I missed my bestfriend a little too much. How are you? Is everything going on fine with Kim Jongin? Are you with him now? Has he done anything-“



“Yah yah, how many questions are you intending to ask? Which should I answer first? Where’s Jae?”



“He’s already asleep, honz. Yixing read him bedtime stories just now. I have to say, it’s weird seeing this side of my brother. Anyway, how’s progress with Kai?”



“Progress?” Ji Ae almost choked, “What do you mean progress! I thought you disliked him too!”



“Yes yes I do.. But you know, that man seemed really sincere. Judging by the way he’s been coming to your office almost everyday, and that day when I went to see him the look in his eyes really-“



“Wait, you went to see Jongin?” Ji Ae raised her voice. Why was she even surprised, this was so typical of her best friend. “What did you say to him!”



“Chill.. I knew you would freak out if I told you. I just told him to give up trying to win you back and to stay away from you after this project? You can’t blame me okay, I just wanted the best for you. But! There’s just something about the look in his eyes that tells me he’s really serious about getting you back again, you know? He seems really.. determined and sincere.”



“You can read the look in people’s eyes now?” Ji Ae couldn’t help but burst out laughing.



“Get serious here! I know guys well okay. I’ve seen all kinds at parties.” Hana scowled over the phone, “What I mean is.. I know it’s ultimately your choice on whether you want to accept him again. Maybe you can try giving him a chance? Follow your heart, girlfriend. Do you actually still have a thing for him? Do you feel your heart racing sometimes when he gets near you?”



Hell yes, it’s Kim Jongin, of course it still happens. He's the man who made her heart raced like crazy in the past, and maybe even now. It’s just; Ji Ae has just been trying to ignore all those feelings inside of her. “I..I don’t know.”



“Oh my god. You’re still into him!”



“I’m n-not!” Ji Ae immediately argued back.



Hana knew she couldn’t blame her best friend, “Don’t worry.. It isn’t your fault, honz. After all, you and him were in a relationship for so long. 5 years! And you even had Eun Jae. Of course you still miss, and love him right? My point here is, don’t force yourself too much. I know you’re wary and you set your guard up against Kai because of the mistake he made back then, but at the same time, you shouldn’t deny your own feelings Ji Ae.. Listen to your own heart. Let nature take its course. I’m sure you get what I mean, right?”



Hana was right. Ji Ae has been very wary against Kai since he found her, being cold to him and all, ultimately because she doesn’t want to fall in love with him again, because she's not sure if she wants to risk getting into any sort of heartbreaks again. Ugh, this was just so similar to Korean dramas she was starting to find it ridiculous herself.



“Oh yeah, where is Kai anyway? Isn’t he supposed to be in the same room as you?”



“He went out, I have no idea where to.” Ji Ae sighed softly, lying back onto the soft fabric of the bed.



“Did the both of you fight?”



Ji Ae swore Hana was secretly some sort of love expert. She knew lots even without having Ji Ae to say anything. “Not exactly. He just got quiet and moody after coming back from the store. I just asked him to help me choose a tie for Yixing and-“



“Jesus Christ Park Ji Ae, of course he would get jealous, and mad! You picking a tie for my brother would obviously piss the out of him.” Hana whispered over the end, “Which man can stand watching his woman pick a tie for another man?!”



"I'm not his woman! And, Yixing’s just a good friend, what’s so wrong about getting him a tie?”



“It’s because you did it infront of Kai? That’s what’s wrong! Jeez, didn’t 5 years of dating Kai make you realise what jealousy feels like?” Hana continued rambling on.



The clock striked 2am and Kai was still not back. Ji Ae had been awake since forever, and she just couldn’t seem to fall asleep. She tossed and turned around in bed, and sighed for the nth time. What in the world was he? All of a sudden, the doorbell rang and she finally heaved a sigh of relief. Damn this Kim Jongin, making her all worried. 



“Hey,” A drunk Kai appeared by the door supporting himself with his arm leaning agaisnt the wall, as he smiled sheepishly, “My Ji Ae is so pretty..”



“Jesus christ, why did you drink so much!" She complained the moment the lurking scent of the alcohol wafted around her. He smelled just like a bar! "I don't even know why you went out to drink." She mumbled to herself, not even expecting him to answer. Kai looked to drunk to be even able to form proper sentences.



“I didn’t drink a lot.. Just 5 bottlessssss..” He slurred and a small smirk appeared at the corner of his lips, “Were you waiting up for me Ji Ae?”



Staring at the man in shock, her jaw dropped. Did he just say 5 bottles?! Not a lot?! He must be crazy. “Shh, you’re disturbing the rest! Come in now.” She told him sternly, holding him by the waist and moving him towards the bed, shutting the door behind them.



“You know I love you so much right?” Kai continued rambling on with his eyes closed. He nuzzled his nose into her hair lightly, just like what he always did in the past to make her less mad at him, “Do you want to hear all the things I’ve been wanting to say since years ago?”



“You’re drunk, Jongin.”



“No I’m not! I’m not drunk, at alllllll.”



“Yeah yeah, whatever you say, okay?” She rolled her eyes at the stubborn man as she placed him down before grabbing a wet towel to sit beside him. Sighing tiredly, she stared at him in disbelief. What kind of mess has Kim Jongin gotten himself into? Brushing his fringe off his brown eyes, she started to pat the towel against his forehead, trying to bring his body temperature down. She always used to do this in the past whenever Kai would get drunk and come home feeling hot to the touch.



“You..” Kai begin to spoke hazily, his hands trying to push the towel away from his forehead weakly, but she slapped his hands away, “Do you remember who you were buying a tie for? Lay. You were buying it for another man! Someone else and not meeeeee.”



"Stay still."



So he got drunk because of that. Keeping quiet, she concentrated on wiping his body instead of his words. She watched him helplessly as he kept murmuring to himself, his face etched with sadness. They say a drunk man’s words always comes deep down from the heart, and that it’ll always be true, right?



“Please don’t leave me Ji Ae.. I’m really sorry.. I would do anything you like. So long as you’re willing to take me back..” He muttered all of a sudden, brows creasing into a frown, as though he was having a bad dream.



“You’re such an idiot, Kim Jongin..” She whispered softly, running her fingers through his soft locks, pushing them away from his face, “Why did you do this to yourself?”



“You don’t love me anymore, do you?” He blurted out all of a sudden, arms reaching out around her neck before he pulled her down till Ji Ae’s face was inches away from his.



Swallowing nervously, she tried to pry herself of his grip, but Kai had already locked her in his embrace. She stayed completely still, her heart racing at a much faster pace. Thank godness his eyes were closed, if not he would have already seen her red blushing face by now. Seeing Kim Jongin’s face this up close, his eyes, nose, and those plump kissable lips. God, this was getting harder than ever.



Seeing that he has calmed down after awhile and started dozing off, Ji Ae gently removed herself from his grip. Without thinking, she laid herself down next to him, her eyes still scanning the man’s face intently. Every time she sees him like this, it's as though he's able to mesmerize her again, capturing her heart, just like how he did 5 years ago. She was weak for that, and she hated herself for that too.



“It hurts to see you like this, you know?” She mumbled softly, as her fingers lightly traced across his face, “Why didn’t you just move on?”



Her head rested close to his chest, and she could smell that famalir scent he had. And his racing heartbeat. It was the same familiar sound she would hear from years back, whenever Kai would pull her into his arms.



“Sleep well, Jongin ah.”


a/n; AH SQUEALS FINALLY AN INTIMATE MOMENT between the two omo ;__; this is my longest chapter so far too lol. so anyways, CNY is coming up real soon so HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all of you who celebrate :~) <33333

hehe thank you so much to all of you who stayed subscribed to this story from the beginning till now, it means alot to me~

pls subscribe, comment, and upvote if you're liking it!

have an amazing day ahead again! Stay safe and healthy <3

x oh0rats 









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suho225 #1
Chapter 18: please update i need more pf kai
Chapter 18: Yessss, I definitely know why Jongin. so keep fighting for her!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Yessss, I definitely know why Jongin. so keep fighting for her!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: aaaaw this chapter is fluffy. See!!!! Ji Ae is.sloewly opening up to him and I was glad that she talks nicer to jongin now.
Chapter 15: Slowly, Jongin would get her heart once again. She starts to break her wall.
Chapter 14: Learning about each other again. uh that sounds wrong?? you . lol
Chapter 13: I swear, even in the real life jealous jongin does look cute. kkkkkkk
Chapter 12: good luck Jongin for winning Ji Ae's heart. You need to work harder to get that. muahahaha
Chapter 11: hopefully they woyld reconcile soon and make everything clear.
Chapter 10: Sad sad sad Ji Ae, she was just dont wanna be hurt again. It's difficult decision to give the second chance eventho she still loves him.