Part 2 "Love's Coming a bit by bit"

JeongCheol Facts For JeongCheol Trash (Every Moments Turned into Writings)
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5. Before Debut

- Before debut days, people used to think if Joshua is the closest one with Jeonghan during training days. And people start to ship them at first, which also I did. But time flies and things could changes you, everyone. I couldn't help but thinks if Joshua and Jeonghan now isn't as close as they used to be when they're a trainee. I'm not intend to ofend anyone here, JiHan shipper you should trust me. I also respect JiHan and keep in touch with their moments too. So based on what I'd watched so far, it feels like there's a thick wall between them even during such an "intense interaction".

- Seungcheol, who's new at rapping(cause he became a trainee as a vocal member but he got interested in hip hop after) so when he was in Seventeen TV, I quite often seeing him practice rap more intense than others. And once in an episode I saw him improve his rap as usual, sat in a chair with i-pad on the table in front of him, and Jeonghan was also there sit next to him. And suddenly, out of the blue, Seungcheol KISSED the boy while the rap lyric that came from his mouth is just sound like "KISS". Oh... Coups-ah... You're really into the song huh *flying kiss* And how about Jeonghan's reaction over it then? Well...he's just like.... Breathless? Dazed? Speechless? Hahahaha 

- May be, during training days, they both weren't as close as today. But as I said before, time will change everything. And Jeonghan find himself more compatible(?) with Seungcheol, I guess? No, I'm pretty sure with this. Hoho

- Actually There are still many of cute moments they had but I can't make it all into wrintings. So please go check Seventeen TV if you're wiliing to find out more about them.


6. Umberella Couple 

Well~ I'm sure if its remain forever in your memory just like a tattoo; the one of their best moments that steal fans' attention so much. At some variety shows and fansignings, Seventeen have to walk before reach the location or their cars after the event. And when its rain, they have to carried an umberella for each 2 members. Then why? Why do Seungcheol just always like "forcing" to carry the umberella for Jeonghan? Why Coups why? Sometimes Jeonghan gonna take and carry the umberella for himself but there he again, SCoups just won't ever let that to be happen. Hm... As expected from an ideal boyfriend. He treat Jeonghan so gently *rolls in my bed*


7. When you're around, singing is just like something I wasn't usually do. Even to sing my favorite song properly is almost impossible. It turns so awkward suddenly

- On Seventeen fansigning event, Jeonghan have to sing View from SHINee and took the first line (Taemin's part) in that song. At first seconds, it goes smoothly like Jeonghan used to sing this song (and View is so happening that time). But then Seungcheol just appear, comes near him and give his stare on Jeonghan. Jeonghan start to lose his concern, and smiling back at SCoups funny smirk. Then he completely went blank, don't know what to do next he's just grabbed SCoups cheeks with his two hands and laughing awkwardly. He's blushing and try to covers his face on SCoups chest. Yes. Its just like "its your fault honey its all your fault that I start to lose myself now" Hahahaha

- Now, things get switched and this is Seungcheol turns *LOL*. During another fansigning event, SCoups is willing to sing I'm Yours from Jason Mraz. Well, did one of you here doesn't know how to sing this song? At very least, you can sing the chor

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Shirsha23 #1
Still waiting for updates!!!! TT TT
furin_ie #2
Chapter 2: Please write more TT Jeongcheol really has adorable and beautiful a d real and cute and blushed and...Momments.
This facts should be spread among Jeongcheol shipper TT
Dkeydoong #3
Chapter 2: Thanks for make me remember again thats moments!!!!!!! Big heart for you dear, fellow jeongcheol shipper here, will support you, and waiting for next chap so we can fangirling over Jeongcheol together hahahaha.....
nana_chunnie95 #4
Chapter 2: Ah, I love it. Mingyu is the president of Jeongcheol shippers. He always smiles in every Jeongcheol moments
hyori19 #5
love it so muchh
hyachiko #6
Chapter 2: I love it. For the reasone that it really happened and not a fanfiction. It makes me want to watch it all over again