2. A New Student's Morning


Well, when it came to this Tuesday morning, it was actually pretty nice weather for the new boy, Jeonghan. The bright sunlight had lit up the otherwise dark room and had woken up the boy.


However, Jeonghan hadn't had a great time sleeping because of how nervous he was for his first day. He dragged himself out of bed and to the bathroom to brush his teeth.


Once he got into the moderately sized bathroom for a family of four, he looked at himself in the mirror. He did look a bit tired, but not as much as he felt. Jeonghan brushed his teeth and left the bathroom. He changed and ate his breakfast.


“Hey Yoonmi, can I use a bit of your makeup, please?”


“Sure, but you usually don’t ask to use it. Is there anything wrong?”


Jeonghan had came into the bathroom while his older sister was applying some of her makeup.


“Nothing is really wrong, it’s just that I want to look my best for my first day,” Jeonghan had replied to Yoonmi, while applying a little foundation to his face.


Yoonmi sighed. “You’re still worrying? Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. They’ll love you, many people call you an angel by the way,” she said as she tried to reassure her brother. She didn’t understand why he was so worried.


“I don’t know, but I don’t understand why I am praised like that. All I see myself being is just plain Jeonghan. Besides, I wasn’t really loved before we moved here.” Jeonghan finished up his foundation and was using a bit of bronzer. Yoonmi was just finishing up her lip color and was checking over her face to see if it’s all good.


Jeonghan had been called beautiful and an “angel” by adults and his relatives for all his life. However, especially during middle school and early high school, Jeonghan had been picked on by certain classmates for his feminine looks (especially his hair). Of course, it didn’t help when Jeonghan had come out to his parents as gay, and word had gotten around his school.

Jeonghan only hoped that his first day can be a new start.


“Well, all you can do is hope for the best. Come on, you don’t want to be late for your first day.” Yoonmi had put away her makeup and said this while leaving the bathroom.


Jeonghan had finished up and left as well, getting his backpack, jacket and shoes on. He said a quick goodbye to his mom as he had dragged himself to the car, his sister waiting for him (she was dropping him off).


“Jeonghan, you don't need to worry. Just think about the positive things that may happen. Maybe you'll find a new friend, or the person you like?"


"Really, Yoonmi?" Jeonghan knew how his sister was such a hopeless romantic. "Just let me get used to the school before bothering me about crushes."


“Fine, but make sure to come to me if you have any problems or something,” Yoonmi replied, parking her car in the high school parking lot. “We’re here.”


“Thanks sis, have a good day.” Jeonghan had gotten out of the car, waving to his sister before she drove away.


He walked out of the parking lot and to the front doors of the school before walking in. The office was in the same hall, so he didn’t get lost.


Jeonghan had gotten his schedule and talked to his teacher. Mr. Park had looked pretty intimidating, but he was actually pretty nice to Jeonghan. He followed the teacher to class just as the bell rang.


Jeonghan had introduced himself, and sat down, before looking around the classroom. It was quite spacious, and had sunshine coming through the windows.


“Alright, you two can show Jeonghan around.” Mr. Park replied. He then started the class, and Jeonghan payed less attention than usual, because he was looking over at the hella handsome boys who volunteered to show him around.


“Yoonmi, I guess I would have a lot to talk to you about.” Jeonghan had thought to himself.

A/N: I will be switching between Seungcheol, Jisoo and Jeonghan's point of view throughout the story, so this chapter is all about the fabulous Jeonghan! I also added an older sister, because I think that their interactions would be interesting to see. And don't be afraid to comment, I would love to see your feedback on the story. I hope you like it, sorry that this chapter is shorter than the first.

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Yoonjeongmi #1
Chapter 3: Omg please update already i really love this story i can't wait no more please update soon i really really really reallyreally like this story can't wait for more
Chapter 2: I'm so excited! I already like this!
yumilicious7 #3
Chapter 1: damn, i like this
_InspiritDongwoo #4
Chapter 1: Wahahahaaa, I'm liking thisssss~!!
Let the competition begin XDDD