Can You Fix Me?


You were returning from work one day when you see a drunkard in the park.


He seems broken.

You are broken.


Will the both of you be able to fix each other?


Will you break one another?


This really short story is actually based on this roleplay that I did with someone a while back, which will explain why it switches perspective back and forth. 


This is also my first fanfic, so excuse my spelling and grammar errors. Please do not plagiarize!


To get a better understanding for the story, listen to this song

            Fix Me -



Your hands were still clenched around your chest. It seems that you were making such a face. “I’m sorry,” you apologized slowly, “I didn’t mean to offend you” The moment fell silent. You didn’t know what to do or say. Fumbling around your purse, you were able to find the handkerchief your dad gave you after your mom died.


“Umm...h-here you go”


He looked down at the blue handkerchief in front of him. A long embellished dragon stretched across the canvas. “Are you sure? Aren’t you afraid that this drunkard is going to dirty it?” He let out a chuckle before wiping his other eyes with his own sleeves.


“I rather not taint something so beautiful”



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Chapter 2: I want moreee...
Oh I love seo joon so much ^_^