Chapter 2(His apology)

Time will make its move

He came back. But why? Since you threw all your feelings for him away, you became cold with your speech as you talked to him again after such a long time. 

*your pov*

"Chaerin, annyeong! Hehehe..." seokmin said to release the awkwardness between the 2 of you. 

"Annyeong." You replied without looking at him.

"Ya~ Come on, don't do this to me. You make me feel bad for ignoring you all these while." He replied as he took a seat beside you.

"Oh, now then you realise that i'm angry and upset at you for ignoring me and leaving me hanging?" You replied as you rolled your eyes at seokmin. 

"I know, i know i was wrong okay. But, i can't help it. I really like her alot. It's my second time and i don't want to ruin it. You know how girls get jealous when they see us being together right? I did that to protect you and my relationship as well." He replied.

"You did that to protect me!? Please. You were just protecting yourself and your relationship. Yknow what i actually realise back then when you just left me hanging? I realised that you were such a jerk. I can't believe that i have a jerk as my childhood bestfriend. Oh wait, i don't think you deserved to be called my friend. Because if you were really my friend or if you really cared about me, you wouldn't leave me." You replied.

"Look, i know you're angry at me for leaving you hanging but you were the one who got upset alone and ignored me first. All i did was went along with the flow. Okay, whatever it is, i know you're angry at me because i "left" you "hanging" but during those time that i was alone without you, i realised i actually depended on you alot. You were like my pillar. I felt lost when you weren't there for me. Eventhough i had my gf back then, her support and consoles were different from yours. I missed your presence. Tbh, i left you alone and went along with the flow because my gf threatened that she would hurt you if i were to be close with you. That's why i said i did that to protect you. Yknow what, you can hate on me and stuff but all i just want to say is i'm sorry. Really sorry for leaving you." He replied and left with a heavy heart. 

That moment, at that very moment, you felt bad. Eventhough he did left you hanging, he came back to apologise. And you started to consider all your memories that you spent with him. Eventhough you thought you had thrown all your feelings, it just seems as if there was a small part in your heart stating that you can't move on just yet. You felt that he deserved another chance. After all, he is your childhood bestfriend. You then turned to look around the classroom to find seokmin but he wasn't there. You wondered to yourself, where could he have gone to.

"Oh yea, rooftop. That has to be it" you whispered to yourself. You left the classroom and made your way to the rooftop.

*end of your pov*


"Oh my gosh. I'm such a useless friend. I should have asked her why she was feeling sad back then. Why on earth did i go on with the flow!??! I'm so stupid, i swear. If it wasn't for yebin, this would never have happened!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as i was at rooftop. 

I knew it was all my fault that i'm losing my one and only childhood bestfriend but what can i do. Yebin threatened me. She wanted to harm chaerin if i were to be close with chaerin. I did love yebin. I thought she was different from nina, my first gf, but it turns out she was the same. But this time, i was the one that chose to stay with yebin because i really really loved her. Little did i know back then she dated me for my popularity. What a joke. She made me leave chaerin and later she cheated on me because she had gain enough popularity. Maybe what chaerin said just now was true. I am a jerk.

"I AM SUCH A JERK!!!!! HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THAT TO CHAERIN!!! SHE WAS MY ONLY CHILDHOOD BESTFRIEND.... SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT UNDERSTOOD ME IN AND OUT.... AND NOW, I'M ABOUT TO LOSE HER AS WELL...." i shouted again but this time with tears flowing down my cheeks. I looked down embarrassed at myself. 

Suddenly, i felt someone backhugged me. The person said " Its okay, i understand. I was too selfish too back then. I'm sorry. I should've been more understanding..." Those soothing words. The soothing tone calmed me down. I turned around and saw chaerin. At this timing, my most depressing timing, its her again. It's chaerin that has come to my rescue again. 

I hugged her back. " Thank you chaerin." Those were the only words that came out from my mouth at that point in time. I thought i lost her for good. Nothing can express my happiness that day. 

*end of seokmin(DK)'s pov*

*your pov*

That hug. It made you want to change your mind again. But this time, you decided to start it slow. You didn't want to rush to developing feelings for anyone just yet. Eventhough that person is seokmin. You broke the hug.

" I'm glad you're thankful i'm still here for you. Jerk." You said to lighten up the mood a little.

" ehehheheheh. Oh yea, i want to show you something." He replied taking out his handphone. "I want to introduce you to SEVENTEEN. A boygroup that has just debutted yesterday. They have a music bank schedule later." He continued.

"Omg! You're such a stalker. I know you love to sing but i didn't know you were that into k-pop. Ahahahaha😂 i thought i was the only one." You replied.

"Shhh, its starting!!" He shut me up😑. The mv was just beginning then a few seconds into it, i saw someone that looks just like seokmin. 

" He looks like you!!" I squealed. 

" It is me, you dummy." He replied.

" Oh no wonder, you look like him... WAIT WHAT!?!??!?!?! YOU'RE A MEMBER OF SEVENTEEN!?YOU DEBUTTED!?" You were taken aback and shouted at him in disbelief.

"Yes i did. I told you my dreams right? I wanted to be a singer. I achieved my dream! Finally!" He replied.

I still couldnt believe it.

" oh yea, from now onwards i might not come to school that often because i would be going for music programmes and my other schedules. Oh and call me dokyeom from now on. DK. Thats my stage name." He continued.

"Omg. I'm speechless." I said. 

"I knew you would be. Eheheheh😆 I will be introducing my members to you soon as well. Just wait and keep a day free for me okay😁 I need to go though. I've got music bank schedule in 4hrs time😊 see ya. On the tv😉" he replied as he gave me a brief hug and left.

*end of pov*

You still couldn't believe that your childhood bestfriend is actually an idol. Oh no. What a tragic news after such a reunion. This was the moment you realised that it was even more difficult for you to be around seokmin as his childhood bestfriend.



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