Chapter 3(The beginning of it all)

Time will make its move

So, seokmin became an idol. Wow! It is amazing but such a dreadful thing that happened. You mean, now he will have lesser time to spend with you in school. Just when you thought you could spend more time after reconciling with him, suddenly he had to debut then. But, you were curious, if he really did make his debut, who are his other members? You continued to watch the mv. You were shocked as there were alot of handsome and cute faces in the team. You then realised that seokmin did mentioned something about introducing his team members to you one day. You can now make friends with popular people! Maybe, you would be able to find your pair there too. You thought to yourself. Suddenly, you got upset at yourself. 

You felt like you were making use of seokmin if you were to get to know s and befriend s. 

*your pov*

"Omg! I'm so disappointed at myself. How can i have said that. Eventhough, seokmin wants to introduce me to s, it's not right to have those kind of thoughts! LEE CHAERIN!!! Get your act tgt! Keep your eyes on seokmin only understand!!" You shouted. 

You suddenly got reminded that you still had class going on!!! You checked the timing and its already 15mins past your first lesson. You freaked out and ran back to your classroom. During lunch time, you stayed in class. You were abt to put your head on the table but then you heard the girls in your class shouting seokmin's name. You turned to look at them then you realised that they were watching the ADORE U MV. 

"Omg, they are like me when i saw the mv.😂" you thought to yourself. 

You were abt to put your head on the table again then someone slammed your table. 

"YAH! DID SEOKMIN TELL YOU THAT HE IS GOING TO DEBUT!?" A gurl shouted loudly breaking the loud situation.

"What? I'm sorry but who are you? AND WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING AT ME LIKE THAT!? I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SHOUT AT ME LIKE THAT!" you replied as u stood up from your seat angrily.

"TSK, ME!? HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM!? I'M YEBIN! Seokmin's ex-gf." She replied.

"Ex-gf? Then what makes you think you have the right to ask me that question? What if i say he told me that he was going to debut? Omg! Why am i even wasting my own time replying you? Tsk, such a waste of my time." You replied before walking off.

"Wow! What a ! How can seokmin fall in love with someone like her! URGH! I HATE HER!!!!!!!" You said under your breath as you walked out of the classroom. 

" wait, she said ex-gf!? Seokmin BROKE UP WITH HER!!!!" you said softly with excitement. You felt soooo happy that day. Although you didnt want to fall in love with him so fast, you fell in love with him again.

Well, you went home with a light heart that day because you were soooo happy seokmin is single again😁 You were skipping as you walk when suddenly a big&long black van stopped infront of you. The windows went down and suddenly you saw seokmin's face popping out from the window. 

"Get on." He said that with a serious face. 

The atmosphere became creepy all of a sudden.

"BUT... B...BUT.. WHY? SEOKMIN AH, whats with the serious face?" You replied confused.

"JUST GET ON!" He shouted as he opened the door.

You get on the car without asking more questions. Seokmin moved in abit so you could fit in. You closed the door and looked up suddenly u saw 12 other boys sitting in the van other than seokmin. You were taken aback. You felt like running away because they were staring at you. You turned to seokmin and grabbed tight on seokmin's shirt. Seokmin gave you the reassuring look. You let it go and looked down.

"Hey! I'm s.coups. Seventeen's overall leader. But you can call me seungcheol!😁" Someone infront of me said. 

I looked at him and he looked sooo charismatic! Oh mai gosh! I kept quiet not knowing what to say.

"Annyeong! I'm mingyu! I'm in the hip hop team of seventeen as a rapper😁 What's your name?" Another guy asked me. 

He was soooo handsome! My heart was beating twice as hard! Omg!!! I just smiled. I looked around and i saw 13 boys in total which includes seokmin. All of them looks soooo cool!! Without me realising my face was already blushing from their stares.

"Yah~ Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" Seokmin asked worriedly.

"Ouh, no...nope.. i...i'm... fine" you replied while smiling widely.

" I think you have just officially lost your mind. Are you sure you're okay?" Seokmin said as he cupped your face. You eye-smiled him back and gave him a nod while he was still cupping your face.

He squashed your face.

"Ow! YAH! What on earth are you doing!?" You replied as you slapped his arm.

"Yup and you're back!" He said as he smiled back at you.

"Crazy jerk!" You replied. You looked infront as you massaged your face after it has been squashed by seokmin. That was when you realised that there were 12 boys looking at you. "Oh my god. I just blew my chance."you thought to yourself.

The boys were just staring at you and after a few seconds, they burst out laughing.

"Wow! You are indeed a tough girl." S.coups said that.

"I thought seokmin was just joking when he said that you were different than other girls when it comes to handsome boys like us😂😂 but it turns out you are really different!" Mingyu said with a cute expression on his face.

He was sooooo cute! I wanted to squish his face soooo badly! He is even cuter than seokmin omg!

"Ya! Introduce yourself! Don't leave mingyu's question hanging." Seokmin replied.

" ouh okay. Hi! I'm lee chaerin, seokmin's childhood bestfriend😁" i replied.

"Thats quite a pretty name! " Majority of them said that tgt.

"Like the person herself." Mingyu continued.

I blushed sooo hard. Mingyu... That name made me feel like i'm about to have butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you." I replied after i've calmed down.

"These are my members. I told you i would introduce them to you right? I couldn't do much intro today for them so maybe next time we meet again? To do a more detailed introduction of each and everyone one of us... How's that?" Seokmin said.

"I'm fine with anything as long as you are free and don't tire yourself." You replied as you smiled at seokmin and the rest of the boys.

*end of your pov*

You ended that day smiling all day.. Even before you went to sleep. Is it because of the boys? Or is it because of mingyu? Well, you, yourself is still unsure of it but you had a feeling something special will happen. You were thankful to seokmin as he was the one that introduced you to those amazing and good looking 12 boys. Especially the leader and mingyu..😁😁But, is this where your feelings for seokmin really disappear because of mingyu's presence in your life? Well, it's too early to say that i guess.

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