A lot

Guess how much I love you
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The sun was already high up in the sky, softly warming the clean white sheets with its golden rays, a body shifted under it and soon some strands of blonde hair peaked out, as the owner of the hair raised his tired eyes to the clock hanging above the kitchen table. it was already half past noon. Slowly groaning at the aching of his head, it has been a while that he has drink so many mixture of alcohol at once. As he slowly blinks trying it as a faint attempt to wake up back to reality, his mind wandered back to the wild partying of last night along side his younger sister's college friends who insisted for him to join them not wanting him to pass New Year Eve alone inside her apartment. 

As soon as they got to the club, the long haired male was forcefully greeted to tug down a shot glass full of a clear liquid that was probably vodka along side some other hard drinks and by eleven-o-clocks. After God knows how many round of shoots of whatever was given to him, he was swinging around feeling loose and laughing with strangers that he hasn't done so in a long time. One of Jeonghwa's friend dragged him to the dance floor and Jeonghan felt he was having the best time in his past few months, for once drunk enough to stop worrying about anything and let his limbs flow with the blastering music. A pair of hands suddenly rested on his hips from behind. Jeonghan looked over his shoulder to found them belonging to a man probably a little younger than him and quite good looking, at least to his now blurry vision and foggy mind. The foreign man stared at him with obvious intention shining in his eyes and once realized the blonde beauty in front of him not only didn't pull way, but scooted closer, he eagerly joined their lips together as the other shamelessly reciprocated back in the middle of the dance floor. 

An odd sense of satisfaction of knowing others still found him attractive and not having to behave properly for once like his job obliged him to rushed down Jeonghan's spine before a bitter taste rushed up to his mouth. Jeonghan quickly pushed the man still grinding on him away despite the other's loud protest of English words that he couldn't understand with an unhiddeable disgusted feeling as he sprinted towards the bathroom to empty the content of his stomach. 


After the school festival ended, once he got home, the first thing Jeonghan did after filling the bowl of Mr.Putter was to open his laptop and book the first flight to London the next day. winter break has came around giving him a reason to escape away from that suffocating pain in his chest. 

Jeonghan purposely shut his phone and left it behind at home before walking out to catch a cab to the airport with Mr.Putter still asleep in his cage.

This younger sister hasn't said anything, or even asked about the saddened expression dotting his face when he arrived, simply welcoming his surprise appearance at her door step with a large grin and open arms. 

It has been almost five days since he has arrived to this city almost covered entirely of grey unlike the clear blue sky that Seoul has to offer, yet it felt like he could finally breath freely.

Jeonghan raised up from the sofa he spent the night at and walked over the kitchen table on which Jeonghwa has left a note saying she had to run a few errands and has left him breakfast next to half a sandwich already cold. 

The blonde male grinned at the scrambled on that piece of paper before turning on heels to clean himself up. 


He had to be back to work in three days. Is he ready to go back to the city with Chan and the man that has been haunting in his dreams for days? Jeonghan really couldn't really tell, but one thing for sure, running away from problem was never going to solve anything, that's what he has taught Jeonghwa since their young age as well. 

Minhyun has came to drive him back home from the airport, and once he got home, Jeonghan left his luggage at the door step and quickly changed into clean clothes before falling asleep again.

After handing out souvenirs left and right and wishing a happy new year to everyone around the office, Jeonghan directed his feet towards his classroom, his heart finally at peace from the persisting rollercoaster since he has met Seungcheol. He has made his mind to say goodbye, to bid Farwell to a non-existant future of being more than just acquaintances. 

As he set up the classroom and re-read through the materials he prepared for today, footsteps running down the corridor could be heard and soon the door opened to reveal a pair of small legs rushing towards him with his desk. 

"Jeonghan hyung where did you go? Dad called you and you didn't answer!" asked Chan with an upset expression shooting "I was scared a bad guy kidnap you!"

"Good Morning Channie" greeted Jeonghan softly "I am sorry to make you worried, I have gone to spend Christmas with my sister and I forgot my phone back home." And quickly changed the subject

"I even brought each of you a gift from London!" Chan's attention as the rest of the students arriving have been successfully attracted towards the presents from such a far away country. 


At the end of the day with all the students leaving one by one, 

Jeonghan could distinguish a familiar tall figure approaching from a distance, yet this time, the flustering in his voice and acceleration of his heart were all gone.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?" frowned the raven haired male and scolded "I was so worried that something might have happened to you"

“Mr.Choi”, replied calmly the younger with his usual smile yet so distant and not reaching his eyes "I forgot my phone back at Seoul when I went to celebrate the holidays with my younger sister in the UK, I apologize for your worries, but I'm an adult fully capable of taking care of myself."

Seungcheol could only let out a quiet Oh before the silence came back between them. 

"Did you have a nice trip?" asked nervously the other. 

Jeonghan nodded before saying, still in his polite yet estranged attitude: "Please be careful on your way home." and his heels to go bid goodbye to the next student. 

Seungcheol remained speechless and stood there for a few minutes before reluctantly walking away with Chan in his arms. 


Days went on like this without further complication, Jeonghan would politely refusing to babysit Chan when Seungcheol called him from time to time using the pretext that he was busy applying for grad school. The police sheriff groaned under his breath at the nth text message from the long haired male saying he won't be available to make make it to Chan's birthday and wished them to have good time. Seungcheol raised up from his seat and now Though He didn't want to admit, Jeonghan indeed triggered a part of him that he never knew exist and Seungcheol like none of the people he dated before could. 

"We couldn't find much in common between the children, they went to different schools, had different friends and lived at different parts of the city" commented Chankyun  back with a report in hand "So I got Bekah to look up if their parents were connected anyhow."

Nana suddenly broke through Bekah's office and pulled her boss to the side asking with a low voice:
"Seungcheol, do you happen to remember a guy named Lee Dongshin?"
That name prompted a foggy place in the back of his head but couldn't fully make up the face, so he shook his head and waited for further explanation. 
Nana opened the folder she was holding showing the picture of a middle-aged man with a deep scar on his left cheek and morbid blood-shot eyes:
"He's someone that you arrested with your previous team in that massive traffic of back in 2011.”
Now the memory came back to him, that man was the culprit of one of the cases he worked on when he first became an officer. 
"Bekah looked through his background and found he has a son that was around 15 when he went to jail, and has committed suicide a year after his dad got caught. According to the records, he has been bullied at lot back in school and one of the boys bullying him has suspended because of this scandal als

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Soonhoon_isreal #1
Chapter 4: Hi there, I just want to let you know that I was squeaking and squeezing at 3 in the morning because of this super fluffy fic. And I thought I really really want my fellow Vietnamese to read this as well. So Idk, but can I Translate this? I promise to give your credit and all, and this is not for any profit. I know it would be hard for you to agree, as this one for your subscribers, but I'm just asking, hoping that you may accept my suggest... Thanks again for this wonderful fic.
Chapter 4: AAWWW ??
Chapter 4: OMG this is so adorable. Everything about this story is just so cute yet so intense at the same time! Loved it
YODOitslife #4
Chapter 4: it's sad that you decided not to write for seventeen anymore, but all of your fics are awesome. thank you for writing about them.
please please update flower-like years too i don't think i could live without it
nurhusnamustafa #5
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful! I live for Jeongcheol & little Chan stories. Thank youuu
xxchocooo #6
the last chapter is superb!
mirrorprincepikachu #7
Chapter 4: omg so beautiful , aaaaaaaa jeongcheol just heal my broken heart
dububaby #8
Chapter 4: that part of the case which cheol find out about the next victim name i thought it was jeonghan xD

Good story!!! thank you ><
Sarranghae_asia #9
Chapter 4: I'm sad to see you leave author nim. You write such beautiful stories if seventeen.
Chapter 4: Definitely gonna miss your jeongcheol fics... I love your writing style and this fic was soooo cute aaaaaa I love ittt ♡ Happy new year authornim