not at all

Guess how much I love you
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“You have been cleaning that spot for a good ten minutes now.”

Those words snapped Jeonghan out of his daydream as his eyes absent-mindedly shifted down landing on the blue wipe he was holding unto. When his sense finally came back to realize they were at the end of the day in the middle tidying the classrooms, the long haired male quickly turned around, trying to hide his cheeks blushing into a light shade of pink, yet it didn’t escape Wonwoo’s judging gaze who let out a low chuckle before asking:

“Alright, come on, what happened to our Jeonghannie during the weekend?” Clearly hinting at the dinner that Jeonghan now regretted having carelessly mentioned to his friend.

The blonde male bitted his lower lips a few times, a habit he inconsciently does whenever he tries to find his words, and slowly started after a few minutes:

“Well… you already know that Chan and his dad invited me to dinner” the latter nodded in replied with an anticipating stare that pressed him skip to the part he hasn’t heard already “The food was great, it was the best I have been to that was both reasonably priced yet insanely delicious, they even had bruschetta on their menu”

Sensing his friend’s growing impatient feet taping, Jeonghan knew he couldn’t stretch his story any longer: “and it was getting quite late when we came out, so Seungcheol, Chan’s dad, of course you know him, he invited me over to stay at their guestroom for the night…”

He was now mumbling increasingly faster, yet voice diminishing at each syllable: “And I saw him neck and asked him whether he’d like a massage, and we were just chatting, but before I even knew what happened, he leaned in and…”

Jeonghan gulped before continuing with a tone as low as a whisper:

“kissed me…” and buried his face into his hands.

A sharp exhaled gasp could be heard which is followed eagerly by:

“What did you do after that?”

“What do you think I would have done? I pushed him off and ran back to the guestroom…” groaned Jeonghan, still embarrassed by the scene happened days before and weakly defended himself once he saw his colleague’s judging glare:

“It was so sudden; I was scared ok?”

“That sounded like a freaking eight-o-clock drama that my mom would watch.” snorted Wonwoo picking up the broom he left behind, and continued on after a few moments of silence:

“So what did he say after that?”

The question made Jeonghan’s memory wandered back to the morning after the chaos,

He didn't manage to find much sleep that night and in the following morning, still digesting the shocking revelation about Chan’s birth adding to that unexpected intimate moment, his head felt too heavy to process anything. Jeonghan walked around his room for quite a while, anxious to face the man that has been on his mind all night and ended staying inside his room way longer than it’s probably appropriate.

When the short knock on his door followed by Chan peaking in with a wide grin, Jeonghan could only reciprocate the smile as best as he could and wrapped his fingers around the outreached small palm.

As he follows Chan down the stairs, a pleasant sweet smell has already filled the first floor.

Seungcheol greeted him good morning before announcing breakfast will be there soon and offering both of them to take a seat.

Jeonghan ended awkwardly sitting in front of Chan on their high kitchen stall in front of a high pilled plate of pancakes and soon after, Seungcheol joined them and everyone was eating quietly, to the exception of the father occasionally correcting his son’s manner of holding a fork, without a word directed to him, or without any mention of the kiss.  

A small part of Jeonghan tried to brush for the latter’s behavior by the thought that the conversion about last night shouldn’t probably be done in front of a toddler.

After helping with the dishes and buckled inside the elder’s car on his way back to his apartment,

the raven male still doesn’t seem wiling to open his mouth anytime soon.

When reaching his limit of the turmoil and confusion eating him alive inside, his blonde male gathered all his courage and started when another voice echoed at the same time:

“About last night…”

Seungcheol’s hand signaled the latter to speak before him, yet Jeonghan insisted that the older to go ahead first.

Yet, the long haired male would soon regret, sensing his whole body frozen unto place as if someone has poured a bucket of ice water from the top of his head at the following declaration:

“I’m sorry about what I have done, I was a little drunk and wasn’t in my right mind, let’s not talk about it again.”

Jeonghan let out a heavy sigh at the thought of the flashback to which Wonwoo took the hint of not asking any further and shyly patted his in the back trying his back to comfort the blond male.

The latter chuckled at his friend’s awkwardness and added mischievously:

“Enough about me, so how are things going with that high school teacher next door that follows you around? What was his name already? Minu? Mingu?”

“Mingyu” corrected Wonwoo before rolling his eyes and hissed “And what about him? I have told you already, he’s a stalker and a psychopath that’s convinced that since we went to the same high school and both have brown eyes, we are meant to be soulmates.”

“Awnnn” Jeonghan squealed “our Wonwoo is blushing.” That earned him a wipe thrown at his face.


Jeonghan hasn’t seen the raven haired man for quite a while after that, Seungcheol hasn’t contacted him for babysitting, and Jihoon was almost always the one that came to pick up Chan at the end of the day. And even when the raven male did come, his gaze would shift away as soon as their eyes locked to which Jeonghan forced to hide a frown from the obvious avoiding.

But he didn’t have to time contemplate about this whole mess and cry out his wounded feelings, another headache soon came after.

It all started with a late night phone call with his younger sister in London.

“Oppa it is raining everyday here” whined Jeonghwa. “The sky is always grey.”

Jeonghan chuckled, picturing her pout he was accustomed to before before retorting:

“Would you prefer come back to mom and dad then?”

She groaned loudly in response at his teasing and changed the subject:

“By the way, have Lizzy eonnie told you yet?”

“Tell me what?” Jeonghan asked carelessly chewing on a piece of bread, and choked on it once he heard the next part of the sentence. 
“That she is moving back to Korea and signed up Soonyoung to your kindergarten.” 

So there he was, trying to silence the constantly talking class of toddlers, with another child on his heels curiously looking at the group of kids in front of his eyes.

When the quietness finally reigned back,

Jeonghan cleared his throat pushing the unfamiliar child to the front and announced:

“Class, we are having a new friend today and-”

a high pitched voice cut in before he could finish:

“Hello! My name is Soonyoung!” the was grinning widely, eyes sparkling in excitement before proudly raising his head and added hugging onto the adult’s leg “And Jeonghan is my uncle”

The young teacher face palmed internally, Soonyoung has really taken after his mother, eager to open his mouth whenever he can. How silly of him to worry he might have been nervous to meet his new classmates?

Jeonghan soon continued after his inner grumble and mumbled lowly to his nephew:

“It’s Jeonghan hyung to you, young man” before pushing a hand pressing unto his back to bow to his classmates and asked louder: “sweethearts, he just came back from America and-” and couldn’t finish since someone has decided to cut him once again

“Vernonie is from America as well English as well” Seungkwan jumped unto his feet hyped all of a sudden dragging the said boy along with him as if to show he was telling the truth.

“Seungkwan, it is impolite to speak when others are speaking” Jeonghan corrected the younger and concluded: “please take care of him and help him with Korean ok?”

The toddlers agreed with a unified “yes” and looked amazed to be able to have a new foreigner (not really, but Jeonghan let that slip because he was too tired already and it was only eight in the morning) joining them.

After half of day of lessons, Soonyoung has already befriended more than two third of the class, and seemed to get along especially well with Seokmin and Seungkwan as Jeonghan could almost see more headache coming now the trouble duo has added a third member, the kind of “Prepare for trouble, and make it triple”.  

He was supposed to loosen up his stressed mind once seeing his nephew blending well into his new surrounding and made so many friends, yet another unexpected problem came along.  

Chan has been a lot more cheerful and talkative since their babysitting moments to his delight and Jeonghan has hinted more or less intentionally Soonyoung to play more with the younger. Yet, the two couldn’t stand each other and one of the other would always find a way that ended whether with Chan crying “Soonyoung hyung is a meanie” in a corner or Sooyoung storming away yelling “Chan is a baby” and refused to speak to the other again.

The younger child has also become the targets of BooSoonSeok’s (as the cool nickname they made for themselves) many pranks and jokes. No matter how many time Jeonghan has scold them or put them on timeout, they always seem to manage to sneak their tricks behind his back.

During one of their breaks between classes, when Chan's opened his arms and stared at him with his puppy eyes, Jeonghan hasn't thought twice before bending down and let a pair of tiny hands wrapped around the back of his neck until the string of the blue apron he was wearing was detached by another pair of small fingers. 

In his back, Soonyoung stared at them with arms crossed in front of his chest and brows furrowed before saying:
"Stop clinging unto Jeonghan hyung all the time!" 

Chan pouted and for once bickered back, probably due to the adult's presence:
"Jeonghan hyung is not yours!”

“He is not yours either” Soonyoung rised his voice now as well.

Before he could stop the two, the noise attracted the attention of the other children who all join in and seem has their little words to add as well.

Pinky was the first to yelled out: “Jeonghan hyung is mine! He said will marry me when I grow when we played house yesterday.”

Alright, he definitely didn’t expect his harmless promise would backfire this quickly.
“No, he’ll marry me!” argued back Minhyuk, one hand holding unto the corner of his shirt, the other hand holding his friend Jooheon.

“He is not yours! At least he is my uncle!” Soonyoung continued on to quarrel with Chan
Chan’s cheeks grew bright red, looking angry that his little brain couldn’t find the best comeback but eventually yelled out “He is also my dad's boyfriend! They kissed!”

“Oh my” Jooyeon who was looking after the kids with him brought a hand to and chuckled with an amused grin: “Woo, that's an interesting revelation”
Jeonghan’s face was flushed bright red and felt light headed. Juggling between trying to quiet down the children and figuring out how in the world Chan found out on top of brainstorming as fast as possible to make up an excuse to his coworker.

Seeing how flustered the other was Jooyeon gave a pat on his back and clarified:

“Relax, there is no rule that forbids teachers to date parents” before blinking playfully “but I got to say Mr.Choi is quite a handsome one” 

“It’s not what you think!” the long haired male desperately tried to convince her, and repeated endlessly to the soon to know entire school staff because of her talkative nature (better known as her big mouth), yet nobody really believed him.


After that scene that drained all his energy the other day, Jeonghan gave up of trying to make the two friends and let them be as long as he made Soonyoung promise to tone down on his mocking attitude and stop initiating fights with the younger.

The days went on peacefully for a while without more scenes until one afternoon.

They were at the park two blocks away from the kindergarten to let the children breath some fresh air and Chan was playing by himself in the sand building castles and towers until a shadow obscured his view. When he raised his eyes in confusion, a taller and older kid he never saw before was staring at him and has snatched the pink plastic shovel the younger was holding unto without any words.

His lips were already trembling dangerously, yet he remembered that Jeongahan hyung told him to be strong and share with others and said with his small voice:

 “We can play together, but you have to share”

“No!” The other kid shook his head and bend down starting to dig “I want to play by myself”

Chan stood up as well and tried to take it back as the other continuously shoved his hand away.

In the middle of their tugging war, another pair of small legs ran towards them and Soonyoung asked furrowing his brows to the taller child rising his chest defensively:

“What are you doing with my dongsaeng?”

“He took Channie’s shovel” Chan replied pointing towards the pink object the other was holding. “And he don’t share.”

Soonyoung turned towards the elder opening his palm and ordered: “Give it back!”

Yet the other kid yelled a loud “No!” before pushing both of them down and kicked sand unto them preventing them from approaching any closer.

Chan broke into a loud cry as Soonyoung tried to cover both of their faces with his palms and yelling him to stop.

Fortunately, a teacher noticed their cry in no time and rushed in their direction.

The older kid quickly threw the toy back at Chan and ran away once he heard an adult approaching them. 
As soon as he was close enough, Jeonghan's gaze immediately landed on the puffy and blood shot eyes of Chan that the toddler was furiously scratching and the bawling almost broke his heart. 
He lift the younger in his arms and examined closely his eyes before asking: 
"Channie What happened?"
Between sobs and hiccups, the younger replied:
"Meanie kicked sand in my eyes”

After blowing into them for a few minutes, Jeonghan shifted his glance to the older kid sitting in the sandbox and scolded:
"Kwon Soonyoung! How can you do that? You have gone too far this time! You could have hurt Chan’s eyes!" with a furious expression replacing his usual calm and welcoming attitude.

The boy being criticized was on the edge of tears as well yet bite it back, trying to stay strong but said nothing and his back.

As Jeonghan was to open to lecture his nephew again, Chan and said with a small voice

“It is not him, Soonyoung saved me and fight the bad guy.”

This statement left the teacher perplexed for a moment and after some difficult explanation due to the small amount of vocabulary the younger had, the misunderstanding was clarified and Jeonghan felt the guilt ravaging him.

“I’m sorry Soonyoungie” apologized the blonde haired male to the still pouting kid back facing him and suggested:

“How about I make it up to you and make you fried chicken tonight, you can even pet Mr.Putter that you have missed so much?”

Many promises later, Soonyoung finally turned around and demanded:

“I want hamburger steak as well and two stories before bed!”

Jeonghan nodded and said:

“Alright, let me tell your mother and Chan’s dad so we can go to my home after school.”

As Jeonghan expected his nephew to complain at the mention of bring Chan with them, he walked towards the younger and said: “Sorry to call you a baby, you are not a baby, Let's be friend" before reaching his hand forward and as the younger shyly took it and added:
"But you have to call me hyung ok?" 
and once the shorter boy nodded, a wide grin spread across his lips from cheek to cheek and soon the latter followed and before Jeonghan knew, both of the children break into laughter.

The blonde male couldn't stop himself from joining as well at how funny the scene was seeing both of them with their previously clean clothes now covered in sands with red puffy eyes laughing together yet the simplicity of happiness and purity on their little faces melted Jeonghan's heart into a puddle of goo reminding him the reason that he chose his profession.


After a quick text message to both of their parent (even though Wonwoo nagged him to call Seungcheol, but Jeonghan couldn't find the courage to hear the latter's voice, not when their situation is still unclear like that), the young teacher arrived home with two excitedly talking preschoolers on his heels. 

Soonyoung was the first

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Soonhoon_isreal #1
Chapter 4: Hi there, I just want to let you know that I was squeaking and squeezing at 3 in the morning because of this super fluffy fic. And I thought I really really want my fellow Vietnamese to read this as well. So Idk, but can I Translate this? I promise to give your credit and all, and this is not for any profit. I know it would be hard for you to agree, as this one for your subscribers, but I'm just asking, hoping that you may accept my suggest... Thanks again for this wonderful fic.
Chapter 4: AAWWW ??
Chapter 4: OMG this is so adorable. Everything about this story is just so cute yet so intense at the same time! Loved it
YODOitslife #4
Chapter 4: it's sad that you decided not to write for seventeen anymore, but all of your fics are awesome. thank you for writing about them.
please please update flower-like years too i don't think i could live without it
nurhusnamustafa #5
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful! I live for Jeongcheol & little Chan stories. Thank youuu
xxchocooo #6
the last chapter is superb!
mirrorprincepikachu #7
Chapter 4: omg so beautiful , aaaaaaaa jeongcheol just heal my broken heart
dububaby #8
Chapter 4: that part of the case which cheol find out about the next victim name i thought it was jeonghan xD

Good story!!! thank you ><
Sarranghae_asia #9
Chapter 4: I'm sad to see you leave author nim. You write such beautiful stories if seventeen.
Chapter 4: Definitely gonna miss your jeongcheol fics... I love your writing style and this fic was soooo cute aaaaaa I love ittt ♡ Happy new year authornim