He loves me...

Guess how much I love you
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Replacing Mrs.Lee for her maternity leave, Jeonghan was more excited than ever to start his new journey in Pledis kindergarten. 

Arriving with a big smile drawn on his lips and excitement shimmering in his eyes, he was warmly welcomed by the director and introduced to his future colleagues who all seem really kindhearted and amiable. The director then assigned Jooyeon, a young woman slightly older than him whose classroom is right next to his as his guide helping him to get the hang of the things. She then leads him to what appear to be his place for the next upcoming years and called upon by the fifteen some children who rapidly grouped around them and stared at the new teacher with big curious eyes.  Though a little worried and nervous about whether they'll like him, he amicably introduced himself with a wide grin before asking each kid individually their names.

To his relief, the children seem to genuinely like him as well and took a particular fascination for his long golden locks. Some brave ones even carefully asked whether they can touch it to which he light heartedly agreed as the children softly patted it or brushed their fingers through it with an awestruck expression engraved on their small faces.

Even though the kids seem to accept him warmly because of his caring behaviors and easy going nature of letting them call him hyung instead of Mr.Yoon, it still took him almost a week week to fully adapt comfortably to the new environment and is still in progress of learning the best ways to treat each student. 

The morning usually began at 8AM with him greeting the children at the door and Seokmin would always be the first to arrive and shines the start of his day with his bright smile showcasing all his white teeth. 
Then came simple lessons which mostly consisted of learning different everyday words and numbers and in which Jun turns out to be especially smart and exceed among all. Then, they would have art, music or PE class around 10 depending on the day of the week. It was the period that he enjoyed the most in which he got a chance to learn more about some of the incredible hidden talents like Seungkwan and Seokmin's (loud) angelic singing voices and their extended knowledge of all the nursery songs (which some are even unfamiliar to Jeonghan himself) and Minghao's artistic and colorful drawing skills.
Yet it also soon became his biggest headache since it can become quite chaotic with a class of fifteen kids that never seem to be low on energy. Even though all of the kids are kind by nature, the discipline can be hard to keep at times, from keeping on eye on Minhyuk trying to convince Pinky to eat play doe with him during art to chasing after children running a little bit too fast and dangerously close to the front gate in PE. Fortunately, lunch at noon always saved Jeonghan from his dried out throat.  

After the school meal, Jeonghan would let the kids chose a book together and everyone would sit in a circle. One of the kids would have the chance to sit on his lap (he had to set a rotating schedule due to high demand and the fact he only has two legs with the rule of no hair touching) then proceed to read them out loud with his clear and soothing voice. 

A short nap follows the story time involving lots of persuasion since it can be difficult sometimes to convince such a hyperactive class to choose boring sleep over toys and games, except Hyungwon who will usually be the first to lay down and close his eyes without him even asking. 

Once all the children asleep, Jeonghan are left with some free time do some quick cleaning (especially necessary after any kind of activities involving paint or DIY) inside the now messy classroom. It was the only complete silent moment of the day when Jeonghan can finally hear himself thinking and a well deserved break for his sore feet from running behind those tiny legs. 

Though he hates to wake up those peacefully and adorable sleeping faces, at 3PM he had to and there are usually some rather grumpy sleepers (mostly Vernon). And once everyone is up, cheese sticks or veggies with juice are usually served as a small afternoon snack. The kids are then free to play in the playground in the courtyard or in the classrooms until their parents came to whom the new teacher bid goodbye one by one feeling complete and satisfied of another great day. 

Little by little he learnt more of each children's virtues and flaws, likes and dislikes and he grew even fonder of them. There were so kids that he could easily pinpoint their characters since day one like the  way too sassy for his age's Seungkwan who never seems to run out of things to say with his partner in crime, an as loud Seokmin. There was also the clingy Pinky who asked to be hold all the time and likes to follow behind Nayoung with the most sweet personality he has ever met (among kids and adults), Jun and Minghao, the adorable pair of Chinese twins with polar opposite personalities, and the playful duo of Jooheon and Minhyuk who have the most creative mind when it comes to pranks. It can be little tiresome at times taking care of a group of five year olds, but at the end of the day, Jeonghan still adored his job and the children of his class whom he won't change for all the gold of the world. 

Among all the lively and sometimes too energetic children was one in particular that caught his attention. Jeonghan won't exactly put him as an outsider since the other never really bothered or picked him and all treat him very nicely, yet compared to the rest of the kids, that little one seem

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Soonhoon_isreal #1
Chapter 4: Hi there, I just want to let you know that I was squeaking and squeezing at 3 in the morning because of this super fluffy fic. And I thought I really really want my fellow Vietnamese to read this as well. So Idk, but can I Translate this? I promise to give your credit and all, and this is not for any profit. I know it would be hard for you to agree, as this one for your subscribers, but I'm just asking, hoping that you may accept my suggest... Thanks again for this wonderful fic.
Chapter 4: AAWWW ??
Chapter 4: OMG this is so adorable. Everything about this story is just so cute yet so intense at the same time! Loved it
YODOitslife #4
Chapter 4: it's sad that you decided not to write for seventeen anymore, but all of your fics are awesome. thank you for writing about them.
please please update flower-like years too i don't think i could live without it
nurhusnamustafa #5
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful! I live for Jeongcheol & little Chan stories. Thank youuu
xxchocooo #6
the last chapter is superb!
mirrorprincepikachu #7
Chapter 4: omg so beautiful , aaaaaaaa jeongcheol just heal my broken heart
dububaby #8
Chapter 4: that part of the case which cheol find out about the next victim name i thought it was jeonghan xD

Good story!!! thank you ><
Sarranghae_asia #9
Chapter 4: I'm sad to see you leave author nim. You write such beautiful stories if seventeen.
Chapter 4: Definitely gonna miss your jeongcheol fics... I love your writing style and this fic was soooo cute aaaaaa I love ittt ♡ Happy new year authornim