
When He Cried Wolf

     "No kyungsoo, he is not dinner."

     Tao opened his eyes as he heard the disappointed whimper of a dog.

     "Don't whine."

     Tao's vision was blurry, all he could see were a few shadows and someone squatting in front of him. His phone was shattered on the floor, and he felt like he had been dropped on a hard stone surface.

     His vision cleared, and he could see the man in front of him going through his wallet.

     "Huang Zitao, huh? Hmm. Nice name I guess."

     "D-don't... put that down. It's mine" Tao propped himself up. He got a good look at the man in front of him. The man was tall, with orange hair. Almost handsome... but he figured that it wasn't the time to check out his kidnapper.

     "I didn't kidnap you." The man said to Tao, who was surprised that he knew what he was thinking, "Kris here told me that he caught you snooping around... now tell me, who gets adventurous on a night with a full moon?"

     "I-i was trying to get home." Tao was shaking.

     The man whistled and called someone over. The beast that he had seen before stomped over. It's fur was sparkling in the moonlight... it snarled and shining slobber splashed on the ground. 

     "What is going on here?" A familiar voice echoed through the stone room. It was the voice of the headmistress.

     "Oh- um. Nothing ma'am. Just Kris found a boy.", the red haired man claimed.

     "Then it's not nothing then?" The headmistress snarked back.

      She inspected him, "Zitao. Hide, get him away. Make sure he doesn't remember anything."

     "Headmistress... he's already been bitten though."

      "Well do I look like I care? You can take care of it. We will just tell him it was an accident."

      Hide nodded. He scurried over to Tao.


     Tao moaned and grabbed at his shoulder. Blood covered his hands, and his fingernails had grown to claws. His teeth were sharper. The arms that were usually smooth were now covered in thick hair. But worst of all, his ribs felt as though they were splitting in half. He was chained to a wall, and he could see the red haired guy, as well as nine other figures against the wall in the same state as him. Tao howled.

     "I know it hurts but it will get better." The man came up to him with a syringe, "this will help you."

     Tao fought. That was the man. The one who did this to him. The reason he was in pain.

     "Don't fight." Tao relaxed, his soft, velvety voice was strangely calming, "Good boy."

      The jerk of pain in his side made him shriek. He could feel the transformation from wolf to human... it was even more painful than human to wolf. His snout shrunk, his bones were getting smaller, his whole body changing back into his old self. 


(Thank you for reading! I'll have more chapters soon... I promise there will be more taoris and more of the other members soon. ^·^ Hope you enjoyed!)


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Chapter 6: I'm in love with this story already! Can't wait for the update and thank you!
ceicigabby #2
Chapter 6: Ooooh...,,I wonder what's going to happen next!!!!! Keep updatingXD
ceicigabby #3
Chapter 5: Nice chapters
ceicigabby #4
Chapter 1: I LOVE this chapter, it made feel goosebumps wondering what's going to happen next!!! Keep up with the chapters.
Hide1sdead #5
Chapter 1: Hide is a good name
Hide1sdead #6
Chapter 1: He told me to stay away from gypsy women because condoms won't save your soul