// Reality

Scattered Apart

It was friday afternoon, it was still light outside and the smell of cooking food filled the small apartment on the second floor. Light was pouring in the windows, and the brown haired girl was hummimg quietly for herself while cutting vegetables. Her moon would come over after work today, they would eat together before maybe going on a stroll around the park, watching a movie, talking? She didn't know but it didn't matter. As long as she was with her, it didn't matter what they would be doing.
Byul had told her that she may come home late, due to alot of work to do at the job. Despite this, Yongsun really wanted her to hurry up so they could spend the night together. Right now, they were still living in seperate appartments, but both the girls were impatient. They spend their freetime with together practically every day, but had to leave before morning, because of work and duties the next day. 
Yongsun just wanted them to move together finally, so she could wake up next to the most perfect human to ever exist. Everything she did was perfect, down to the smallest movements, and to imagine she would be so lucky to be able to her her 'mine' - it felt unreal. But it was, it was so real. Their love for one another was the realest thing they had ever experienced, and it would continue, no matter what anyone said or did. 
They didn't care if they weren't accepted, or people thought they were "disguting" and "commiting a sin". They shouldn't care, because it weren't their buisness. Not being appected by your own parent hurt, but if they didn't accept her for who she was, who they birthed her as, she didn't need them.
After finishing cutting the vegetables, she gently lifted the lid of a pot to check of te rice was done. Stream hit here face, and after examining the rice for a while, she quietly decided for herself to let them boil for ten more minutes. She liked it when the rice wasn't completelt boiled and soft, but Byl didn't, she wanted the cooked really good, so Yongsun let the rice boil for a bit more.
She had finished cutting up the meat and placed the meat and the vegetables in different bowls, so they wouldn't mix up before being fried. She only waited for the rice.
Humming quietly on a song while leaning against the dinner table, she had gotten up her phone and was now scrolling through all her SNS. Doble tapping some pictures so they would get a like from her, leaving a comment on Wheein's selfie, - that girl was extremely cute and beautiful at the same time, Yongsun envied her - before opening the kakao app. She quickly found Byul chat, as it was on the top, and clicked on it. She looked at their last conversation - which was herself sending pictures of kimchi with bows and sappling stickerd put on afterwards and saying they looked cute and Byul telling her to bugger off with her kimchi because she was writing a report, to which she continued sending pictures of kimchi - before tapping the message box and started typing out.

Yongsun [18.12]: Is it long until you will be here? Should I start frying the rice?

She looked at her own message, before typing out another one.

Yongsun [18.13]: Please hurry, I miss you~

After these messages, she closed the app, before looking at the clock and putting the phone down. Moving her way over to the fridge, she got herself a waterbottle that she started drinking from. She looked at her food in progress and a small smile formed on her face. 
She didn't really like cooking, except when she cooked for Byul. She loved it then. She loved it when  the taller and younger girl would enter the door, and she greeted her happily with the smell of newly cooked food, she loved it when she could watch her eat the food and she specially loved it when Byul liked her food. Not being the best cook, it made her heart melt when Byul complimented her food and ate it all.

Taking another sip of her now almost empty water bottle, she looked st the clock on the wall. 18.42. She then proceeded to look at her phone. No answer from Byul. She really wasn't kidding when she said that she would be late from work. 
Yongsun started heating up the frying pan, while humming a small melody, when her phone started buzzing and her ringtone started - "Pink by Hyejin." It was a ridiculous parody song her friend made, but she lost a bet against them all, so she had to have it as her ringtone for a month. Finally, she is giving signs from herself, Yongsun would have thought Byul didn't want to eat with her if she didn't answer her soon. An automatic snort came when she heard the ringtone; it was ridiculous. "You better have a great excuse for not answering my texts, Moon Byul-yi." She thought to herself, while moving over to her phone.
After looking at her cellphone, she quickly learned it wasn't her moon calling. In fact, it wasn't even a saved number. She rarely got phone calls from anyone else then Byul, especially not from unknown numbers. She looked at the digits, trying to see if she had seen them before. She hadn't. Quickly, she picked up the phone, accepted the call and placed it against her ear.

"Hello?" She asked, her voice clearly full of questions. A dark, male voice answered.
"Hello, am I speaking with Kim Yongsun?" 
"Yes, this is she." Yong answered, anticipating to know the purpose of this phone call. It couldn't last long, Byul would be here soon.
"Yes, this is the Seoul Hospital calling, do you know a Moon Byul-yi? You are under her list of closest family or relatives." 
Yongsun could feel her heart started beating faster immidiatly. Was Byul-yi hurt? Had something happened to her?
"Y-yes, Moon Byul-yi is my-" she stopped herself, coughing and clearing her throuth, before continuing "- Moon Byul-yi is very close to me. Has something happened to her?"
"I'm afriad so, Miss Yongsun. Moon Byul-yi was found in a car reck an hour ago. Fortunalty, someone witnessed the incident of it happening and called ambulance. She is currently at our hospital."

It felt like her world would collide. Like it was falling down around her, and she didn't have anywhere to hold on to. Anywhere to go or anyone to go to. She quickly put her hand over so a crying sound wouldn't be heard by the poor man on the other side of the line, having to deliever these news to the girl.
"I-is she okay?" Yongsun managed to stutter out, hoping and praying with every inch of her body for that answer, the answer she wanted.
"Right now, she's unconscious, but alive. I think it would be better if you can come to the hospital, so I can give you further information here. I think it would be too much over the phone."
Tears started running down her cheeks silently, before she nooded, as a yes, I'll be there, with her hand over again, to keep away the possible sobs.
"Miss?" The man on the other line questioned, since she didn't answer with words.
"Y-yes. Yes, I'll come. "
The man gave her the last information on where to find them, as the hospital was a pretty big one, before hanging up.
Yongsun quickly ran to the kitchen and turned off all the ovens and her food cooking. She didn't even bother cleaning up, as long as her appartment wouldn't burn down. As soon as this buisness was done, she headed to her bedroom. She didn't even think about it twice before she got a backpack out of her closet. If Byul was unconscious she wouldn't leave her side until she woke up again. She put a pair of pyjamas, some socks and underwear and two pairs of t-shirts and jeans. Just in case. A toothbrush, her phone charger, hairbrush and toothpaste was also thrown in the backpack, before it was closed and she picked it up. 

Yong walked quickly from room to room and turned off all her lights and electricity in her home. When she was done, she got into the kitchen again and picked up her car  and house keys. With a quick walk, she was in the hallway, slipping on some small ballerina flats and putting on her coat, before exiting her home and locking the door.

With hurried steps, she made har way down to the parking lot under the building, with her backpack on and keys and phone in her hand. She had acted so quickly, she didn't even get time to think about the situation. But with her whole body and heart filled with with worry for the younger girl, she didn't need to think about it. She had to be with Byul-yi, she couldn't let her be alone. Her heart was beating as fast it had ever done before, and all she wanted to do was get to Byul-yi, and that quick. Finding her car where she last left it, she fimbled with her keys before she could find the right one and insert in into the car. With shaking hands she unlocked the door and entered, throwing her backpack in the backseat. Closing the door, putting on her seatbealt, she breathed out quickly before turning on the car. 



Yongsun would be so annoyed by now. Byul-yi left the police station, just gotten out of her uniform and into comfy clothes again; a simple pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt, with this college jacket over that had the words "Moon Star" on her back. It was incredibly ridiculous and cheesy, but she and Yong had gotten matching two years ago and Byul absolutely adored wearing it. 
During work hours, her phone had ran out of battery and eventhough she had told her sunshine that she could be late, she was even later than she had anticipated. The clock was 17.48, and Byul-yi headed her way over to her car, feeling really glad over the fact that she would come home to a hot meal that weren't gross, sweaty samdwiches or coffee. Or, if Yongsun would even give her food now, because of how late she was. She would probably scold her, the oldest had probably sent her message after message, but she couldn't reply because of the lack on battery on her phone. She chuckled to herself, thinking about her loved one. And how she had thought 'come home to a hot heal'. Home. It wasn't her home, it was Yongsun's appartment, but it felt like her home. She spent more time there than her actual own appartment, which was only used for sleeping now-a-days. A smile formed on her face, and she felt happiness fill her. For many thing would be an ordinary friday, but for her it would be another wonderful night spent with with the one person she cared more about than any other person in this whole world.
In her own mind, she locked up her car and got inside. Her hand went to grap the seatbelt, when she remembered that it broke this morning. 'I need to get it fixed tomorrow.' She thought to herself while looking at it, before sighing. 'Just be careful and it'll be okay. Almost no one drives the route I drive at this hour anyways.' With that, she started the var, drove out of the parking lot and into the road. 

She was blasting radio. Yong didn't like her blasting in, being afraid of it ruining their hearing, but Byul-yi did it anyways. It made the 30 minute drive more exciting, instead of just sitting in silence. It was the radio she was playing, since her phone had out, no battery, but they usually played good music on the radio at this hours, so it was okay.
While singing along to the music, she took a quickly look at the clock. It was 18:15, maybe five more minutes, max ten, until she would be at the appartment, she counted in her head. She looked up from the clock and panick filled her - there was a deer in the middle of the road who was frozen completely, looking at the caar, maybe only 5 meters away from the car. Her instincts took over amd she pulled the steering wheel as hard as she could and the car started spinning in circles. Desperatly in the moment, she tried to gain control of the car, but she had been driving really fast, so she couldn't stop the spinning. Something big hit the side of the car and she immediatly understood that it was the deer. She had hit the deer. Her heart was beating faster than ever, and she started panicking. The car still spinning, she stepped down hard on the breaks, in hope and desperation the car would stop. The spinning wheels suddenly forced to stop didn't work out as Byul-yi had hoped in her desperate moment, as the car flew forward because of the way too sudden stop, and it flew together with Byul-yi who didn't have seat belts on. On second in the carseat, the next Byul-yi's head hit the front window hard, the airbag was shot out and her left foot got stuck underneath the seet. All this happened so fast, before the car landed upside down and her body was thrown backwards, to what was the ceiling of the car. Her foot was still stuck under the seath, and as she was throw backward to the ceiling, she heard a huge, loud snap. It only took seconds before she realised it was her leg and her body filled in with pain, a scream escaped her. The car was still in movement, and after landing upside down, it quickly started rolling around and to it's side, so Byul-yi was thrown around the car once more, not only a second after her leg had gotten stuck. Her head hit the glass on the side window and everything went black. This whole incident had only taken seconds, all control had been out of her hands, until it all turned black.



Yongsun arrived at the hospital parkinglot. She parked as close to the hospital as she could, got out of the car and locked the door. She could get the backpack later, right now she just needed to get to Byul-yi. Running over the dark parkinglot  with keys and phone in her hand, she got inside the hospital quickly. The hospital was big and she had no idea where Byul-yi would be. Rushing up to the reception, she asked them where she would be, gave the name and waited very impatienly while they search her name. After 30 seconds of waiting, 30 longest seconds in her life, she got told to get to floor 7, Area 35-B. 
After getting this information, she quickly said thanks before running to the closest elevator. She got in and pushed the 7 button as quicklt as she could. The waiting time for the elevator to reach that floor felt like an eternity and she quietly regretted not taking the stairs. Finally, the door opened to revesl to 7 floor for Yong, and she started looking for signs. It wasn't long until she found "Emergencies,  Area 35"  written on a sign, pointing towards a long hallway. The brown haired girl picked up her speed and made her way down the corridor.
After maybe 10 minutes of confusion in the big hospital, she had found the area. She was at a waiting room with chairs, toys, water dispenser and a reception, and she of course made her way over to the last.
"Where is Moon Byul-yi?" She said first when arriving at the counter. The ladies behind it looked at her rather confused.
"I'm sorry, but we would need a name and an certifi-"
"I'm Kim Yongsun. Please, where is Moon Byul-yi?" Desperation in her voice.
"Miss, you need to calm down. We can't tell you where Miss Moon are located if you do-" They got interupted by a male voice.
"Kim Yongsun?" 
Her attention quickly turned to the taller male, wearing a doctor uniform. It was the same voice as the man on the phone with her earlier, she recognized it. She quickly nodded as an answer to the question, and the man smiled half-heartedly, looking at the lovely receptionist ladies.
"It's fine, she can come." He quickly explained, before looking the Yongsun once more.
"Follow me to my office and I can explain it all to you."

Yongsun was sitting down on a couch in an office. It was very white and had some cactuses and childrens drawing on a shelf. The doctor had fixed eye contact with her, or atleast tried, because Yongsun was looking all over the room, trying to figure out why she was here and not with her loved one.
"Do you want somethink to drink? Tea? Water?" The doctor politely asked, and Yongsun quickly shook her head.
"I want to see Byul-yi." 
The doctor sighed. It wasn't a good sign, and she looked at him wirh fear if the worse in her eyes.
"I will be able to see Byul-yi.... right?" Doctor gave her a small smile.
"Yes, you will. But not right now. Miss Moon is currently in surgery. An internal bleeding was noticed in her stomach and lung area, and they are currently trying to fix it."
Yongsun couldn't believe her own ears. They were trying to fix it? Did that mean that there was a possibility it was a problem they wouldn't be able to fix? Heart racing faster than it had ever done before and worry filled up her small body, before she swallowed and looked at the doctor.
"What exactly happened to her? Do you know how she got into the accident? How badly did she get hurt?" Questions poured out of , wanting to get answers as quickly as possible. The doctor sat up a bit and coughed.
"We are not exactly sure what happened to her and how she got into the accident. When arriving at the accident scene, the car was laying on it's side, with both the ceiling and door bulked, plus broken windows. There were also a dead animal on the scene, so we can assume the animal had ran out in front of her, and being too short of a distance between her car and the animal, she either hit the animal and lost control of the car or tried to turn the car away from it, and loosing control that way. Either way, it's safe to say she lost control of the car, most likely stepped on the breaks, and the car being in too high of a speed, was flipped over. All of this must have happened on the matter of seconds On the scene, we discovered the Miss Moon hadn't been wearing her seatbelts, so she had been thrown around the car while this happened, despite the airbag being shot out. It saddens me to say this, but if she had been wearing her seatbelts, the damage done to her would have been much smaller. " 
Yongsun's eyes were filling up with tears and she was speechless. Her moon, her love. 'Why Byul, why didn't you wear your seatbelts? You always, always wear them, you refuse to drive if I don't put them on. Why didn't you wear them this one time?!' Frustration filled her thoughts, the one time she wasn't wearing them was the one time se would get into an accident.
Trying her hardest to form words, despite her body telling her to break down in tears, she got out some more words.
"Ho-how bad is her d-damage? How hurt is she? Will she be okay?"
The doctor sighed on again and looking slightly down, before meeting her eyes. Deep inside, Yongsun felt pity for this man that had to deliever these news to her.
"I'm sad to say we are very unsure if she will be okay, atleast how she used to be. When she first arrived, we got her stable, with help of a machine. Her head had gotten a huge crack and her left leg bone have broken four different places, one place where the bone is broken completely off. Many of her ribs were broken aswell. We got her quickly into surgery, and while they were working on her, the doctors discovered major inner bleedings around stomach and lungs areas, which you already know, and possible damage on the brain and skull."
Yongsun's world turned black, she honestly didn't know what to do with herself. Where to place her hands or where to look. The only thing she did was close and started crying, letting it all out. She didn't care anymore, her moonlight, her star, she could lose her forever. Never be able to talk to her again, never see her smile, never wake up next to her. She couldn't bear the thought and therefore she broke down. Crying was unstopable and she could already feel the headache she would get later slowly coming, but she didn't care, she wanted to cry her eyes out, not accept this reality. 
You could see the pity in the doctors eyes, seeing this young woman break down in his office. This lady, she must have been someone very special to the woman. He wouldn't ask because it wasn't his concern who she was in her life, eventhough he could probably guess it. But he wouldn't speak it outloud, there are people in the hospital that aren't so openminded as he was, and they would possible look at her with disguist, which was the last thing she needed right now. The doctor got up and walked out of the office. A minute later he returned with a cup of water, which he handed the shaking, crying woman who gladly accepted it.

It had only been a couple hours of waiting, but Yongsun felt like she had been sitting in the doctors office for days. The doctor had let her sit in a corner of the room in a comfortable chair, since 1) he felt really sorry for the girl and thought she could at least be comfortable right now until she got to be in Byul's room, 2) she didn't want te other people in the waiting room being bothered by Yongsun. Not that she was loud or annoying or rude, but she would go from completely silent to suddenly breaking out crying and 3) it would be the easiest for him to find her when Byul-yi was out of surgery, stable again. 

The hours went on and Yongsun decided she couldn't sit here anymore, not getting any more information on Byul-yi's state. She just needed some air, getting out of this suffocating room. As soon as the doctor returned to get take a phone call, Yongsun stood up.
"Taemin, I need to go for a walk. Get some fresh air." She had learned the name of the doctor in her hours in his office, plus some other things about him, for example that he was older than her and he had a dog called Puffles.
He looked at her, her red, puffy eyes and tearwet cheeks.
"Are you sure? Do you want me to walk with you?" He asked, clearly worried about the younger woman.
"No, I'm okay. I just need some alone time and fresh air, maybe call some of Byul-yi's friends." Hyejin and Wheein had popped into her mind out of nowhere, and she had realized how selfish it had been crying and being worried to death, without letting her friends know. Taemin simply nodded to her, understanding, before Yongsun exited.
She had found her way to a park inside the complex hospital building, and was sitting at the bench. It was 3.47am, but she wasn't the slightest tired. All she wanted was to Byul to wake up, tell her that she would be okay, that she didn't need to worry. Looking up at the stars, she looked for different starsigns. Byul-yi had taught her the name of some of them. The memory that appeared in her head put a small smile on and a tear escaped her eye, quickly drying it away.
She breathed out, before finally deciding to do what she originallt planned to do when walking outside. She picked up her phone, and while tears started dwelling up in her eyes again, she put both Wheein and Hyejin in a groupcall, before looking at the call button. What felt like an eternity but was only the matter of seconds, she looked at the button. Telling them would make it all so much more real and Yongsun was scared, so scared, to say those words outloud. But she quickly shook it off her and decided to think about her and Byul-yi's friends instead of herself for once. And she pushed the call button and the phone started calling. Gently placing the pgone against her ear, she both hoped and didn't hope they would pick up. It was late, very late, and they were probaby sleeping. After six beeps, Yongsun heard a groggy and sleepy 'hello?' on the other line.
"Yes unnie, it's me. Gosh, it's so late, why are you calling me?" The girl on the other line said. Yongsun quickly looked at her phone and saw Hyejin hadn't picked up yet.
"We have to wait for Hyejin." She simply said, having to use every single inch of her body so Wheein wouldn't hear her rusty, post-crying voice. 
"Okay?" She said confused, and then they waited.
It took about 20 seconds before the third girls voice was to be heard.
"This better be important, it's so late." Hyejin's voice mumbled out and Yongsun swallowed at it. Yes, it was important.
"Now Hyejin is here aswell, what is it unnie? Anything wrong?" Wheein asked, with a hint of curiosity in her voice.
"I- I a-am-" her voice was breaking, bwcause thing was it. She would have to deliever the news. "I'm at the hospital." She managed to get out, before her voice broke into crying again.
"Ah, unnie? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Hyejin's voice showed se was completely awake now.
"What happened to you? Why are you at the hospital?" Wheein was quick to follow up Hyejin.
"No no, I'm fine. It's-" she had to take a break for a second to breath in, so the younger girls wouldn't have to hear her cry over the phone.
"It's Byul-yi. She was in a car accident. A bad one, she may even have damaged on her brain. She has been in surgery for maybe 8 hourse, a-and sh-" buy Yongsun couldn't take it anymore, she broke together once again, tears andloud sobs.
"Unnie, don't cry!" Hyejin said out and you could hear her voice full of shock. She didn't get any response, she could only hear her friend crying.
"Me and Hyejin will come right away!" Wheein decided for them both, and Hyejin of course agreed to this.
"N-no, it's la-" Yongsun sobbing words was cut off right away.
"Of course we will. Time of the day doesn't matter, both you and Byul-yi are out best friends and we won't let you be in this situation alone." Hyejim voice told Yongsun she had already made up her mind, amd it was impossible to change her mind once it was made up.

Thirthythree minutes after the phone call, Wheeim amd Hyejin emtered the waiting area, and it didn't take them long to notice Yongsun sitting in one of the couches, knees up to her chin and a doctor sitting on the couch facing her. The older girls cheeks were wet from tears and the younger girls made their way over quickly.
The current status update from Taemin on Byul-yi was interruped as two shorter girls suddenly appeared, and Yongsun got up quicker than ever to hug them, starting to cry even more. It took the doctor merely a second to realize that these girls were Hyejin and Wheein.
Hands around each other into a big ball, Hyejin was the first to break te hug and place her hands on Yongsun's shoulders carefully, looking in her eyes.
"Yah, unnie~ Don't cry! Byul-yi is very strong, she will make it. She wouldn't leave you, ever." Hyejin said, trying to comfort the older who only let out a sob.
"Unnie, I hate seeing you cry. You look awful. Have she slept at all? Or eaten?" The last question from Wheein got directed towards the doctor, her head facing him. 'These girls may be younger than her, but they sure take care of her like two mothers' the doctor thought to himself, before shaking his head.
"She doesn't want to. She wants to be awake when Miss Moon gets out of surgery."
Wheein's head snapped to quickly to Yongsun again.
"Yah, are you stupid? You need to eat something right now and then sleep. It's soon 5, you can't be awake until the surgery is done, that may take many more hours!" Wheein almost scoulded her unnie, but her voice had a soft tone behind it, and everyone understood she was very worried.
"B-but I need to b-be a-awake wh-whe-" But the sobbing Yongsun was quickly cut off again.
"We will wake you up if she is visitable before you wake up. We promise." Hyejin tried to assure the older girl - she really needed the rest now. After some more but's and if, they finally managed to convince Yongsun - to Taemin's belief, he had tried the same since she had arrived, and she wouldn't move one bit - and they got her a simple sandwich she ate half off and a bottle of water, before Wheein went to her car and got the backpack and also paid for the parking, as Yongsun had forgotten that in her rush. Quickly making her change clothes and brush her teeth, the doctor got her a free room and she went in to rest. Even though her mind was full and would calm down, her body sure was ready too, so it didn't take long until the girl was completely out.

Feeling someone poke her cheek and push her shoulder gently, Yongsun made an unhappy grunt. Her body was not ready to wake up and her head and eyes were hurting like hell - why though? It took her a couple of seconds before she realized she wasn't at home, and then it all came back to her. She quickly sat up and saw Wheein, holding a plastic board you get from the cafeteria, with a sandwich, an orange, a yogurt and some juice on it.
"This is the best excuse of breakfast I could get you from a hospitsl cafe." She said with a small face. "Sleep well?"
Even though Yongsun was already again stressed out so badly because of Byul-yi, she wasn't rude. Giving the younger a smile, before patting the side of her bed for her to sit down with her so they could eat together - she noticed everything had doble up and it was Wheein. Of course she would buy food for herself too. The you ger sat down, and they both had their feetd dingling off the bed.
"Where is Hyejin?" Yongsun asked, placing her eyes on her younger friend.
"In talking with Taemin. Byul-yi is out of surgery, and for now it's all good, thankfully." Yongsun's eyes lit up and she was about to drop the wonderful breakfast, but Wheein continued.
"But she isn't stable enough for us to see her yet. She need to have doctors around her, watching her at all time, so we would just be a burden." She took a bite of her samdwich before continuing. "This is why we didn't wake you immediatly when she was out of surgery, sorry." She said and looked at the oldest, with a pout. Yongsun pushed her a bit.
"Don't be sorry, it was the smart thing to do." Even though Yongsun still was full with worry, she had gotten over the shock from yesterday. Sleep was really the answer to calm her down, the younger girls really had handled the situation so much better than her, like always. Looking at the sandwich Wheein was happily eating, she picked up hers and took a bite aswell. "What time is it?" She then proceeded to ask, with mouth still in prosess of chewing.
"10:50." Wheein swallowed a bit of juice. "Byul-yi got out of surgery two hours ago. Poor doctors." 
Yongsun thought a bit to herself, before looking at the other girl.
"Is she awake?" 
"No, not now. Right now she is still under all the sleep medicine she got during surgery, but the doctors are still unsure when she will wake up after it had worn off, because of the head injury." She said, before sighing out. "But we will keep our hopes up, we know Byul-yi will wake up again, she is too tough to go this early." Wheein said, and it gave Yongsun a little hope she didn't have before. 'Yes, she will wake up. Moon will wake up again. We can't be without the other, it doesn't work that way. She will wake up.' She thought to herself while chewing on the sandwich.

From now on, a lot of waiting took place. They waited in the waiting room, they waited in the doctors office, they waited in the park. Hours went by and they didn't get any update on Byul-yi. Yongsun's mood was changing - one second she was keeping it together, looking at it brightly, the next she was in tears again. Hyejin and Wheein didn't leave her side once, not both at once atleast. Around 11:30 Hyejin went to sleep a bit, and 14:55 they switched and Wheein slept. Yongsun felt like it was an eternity of waiting, and ar one point she started believing she would be stuck here forever, waiting the rest of her life.
The clock hit 19:00 sharp when Taemin came out in the waiting room. Finding the usual trio sitting on one of the couches, reading out of one of the magasines, he quietly couched before speaking up.
"Kim Yongsun?"
Her head turned instantly, and eyes met the older doctor. Hope filled her up instantly.
"Moon Byul-yi can get visitors now. Only one at the time." 
Yongsun couldn't believe it. Was she hearing things? Was this real? She looked confused at the doctor, wanting to hear those words for so long that when she finally heard then they sounded foreign to her. Hyejin and Wheein quickly pushed her gently, making her stand up.
With shaking legs and hands, she made her way over to the doctor, and they started walking in that hallway Yongsun had knew Byul-yi was, but never gone down.
"She isn't awake yet, sadly, but we are getting her more and more stable. Right now, waking up is on her. Her body is fighting against all the damage the car accident did to her body, she's tough." The doctor informed Yongsun while they walked down the hallway. Yongsun could only nod.
The hallway felt like it lasted forever and she had never realized that Byul-yi had been this far away from her, even though they were under the same roof.
But finally the doctor stopped. Yongsun looked at the door and the name 'Moon Byul-yi' written on a yellow stickynote and placed on the door. They probably hadn't had time fixing a proper note. Yongsun's heart started beating harder and harder - she was only seconds away from seeing her. She looked at the doctor to almost get a go sign from him. She assumed since only one visitor at the time, he couldn't come in with her.
Placing her hand around the metal handle, she breathed out and pulled it down, pulling the door away from her.

The door was very bright, with Byul-yi laying in a bed, near a window. She was strapped up to so many machines, Yongsun couldn't even count them. She had two needles in the right hand, one on the hand and one on the lower part of her arm. They both provided her with some sort of liquid in those bags you see on hopsital series. A heart monitor and other screens were also next to the bed, the heart monitor beeping for each of her heartbeats. The girls mouth was slightly open, because of a tube that Yongsun assumed went down and down her throuth. She also had a plastic tubepiece stuck in her nose, also the ones you see in dramas, to help her breathe. Other than that, she got a bandage around her head and a really bad bruised eye. Her left foot was bandaged and hung up a bit. A thin blanket covered her body to under her and all the way down.
Yongsun got this terrible feeling filling her up seeing her like this. She wanted to cry, scream out. Seeing her one love like this was something she had never imagined. But then, again, who would? But it also filled her with relief. She was alive. She was breathing. She was getting help. It would be okay, the situation looked under control. 
She looked terrible, but it was under control. Yongsun walked slowly towards Byul-yi, who wasn't awake to even know she was there. 
"Byul-yi, do you even know how scared I was?" She said softly, while moving up to the younger girl.
"I was waiting for you, and then I got a phone call saying you got in an accident. The fried rice is still in my kitchen at home, do you know that?" Yongsun continued with a soft tone, before sitting down on the chair next to the bed. She tried to keep calm, when all she wanted was to scream out. She didnt even know why she was talking to her like this, but it just came naturally. Like she needed to talk to her. 
"What a waste of food. You hate wasting food, always eating all of my leftovers." She carefully and gently took her girlfriends hand and started drawing circles in the blonde haired girls palm with her thumb finger.
"Ya, you need to wake up soon, okay? Or else your hair roots will grow out." Yongsun said, and mid-sentence gagged on her own words, fighting against her own tears and sobs.
"I'll never forgive you for making me this worried, you know that? You'll have to make it up to me." Her voice was always very soft while saying those words and slowly, she gave up the fight and let her tears dwell up.
"We will go to that ice cream shop in Busan, just us two, okay? As soon as you get good again, we will travel everywhere together, okay? Call?" Yongsun said with a breaking voice, as her feelings were taking over. The tears would stop, but the sobs weren't loud and she continued talking.
"And then we will get that appartment, right? And maybe even a house in the future. And you will propose, because I know you are planning to, I saw you in the jewelery shop looking at rings. Plus, you talk to Hyerin really loudly about it on the phone when you think I'm sleeping. You sounded so excited, so I didn't say anything, didn't want to ruin it for you. I will even act so surprise. And then we will get married, okay?"
She never let go of the youngers hand, squuezing it a tiny bit, while words and more tears came from her.
"And we will marry each other. We will promise to always be together. And we will get kids. I know you keep saying its okay if we dont have because I dont want to, but I can see how you are with kids. You adore them, and they adore you. We will have three kids, just like you want, okay?" Yongsun was crying as she imagined all the plans of them together in the future that she deep inside knew wouldn't happen anymore. Despite all hope in her, her heart told her that their faith would be something different.
"Then we will grow old together. We will never grow tired of the other, because we are perfect. Right? We are perfect. This will be our life, right Byul?"
Her heart was breaking more and more for every single word coming out of and for the brutal reality behind them all. The reality that it may never happen. Not if Byul-yi didn't wake up. 
"You won't leave me, right? You'll stay with me?" Her shaking voice managed to get out these words after some time in silence, before her eyes were blinded with tears and she just broke down. Couldn't stop crying, no matter what. Loud sobs came from her and she let go of Byul-yi's hand to cover her face, ashamed of herself and also feeling so scared - so scared that she may loose her moon forever. So extremely scared for the younger girls life.



Days had gone by. Byul-yi didn't wake up. Yongsun was practicallt living in the youngers room by now, and exiting when she had to. She had gotten used to all the noice from the room. Machines and busy hallway and the constant beeping - the beeping that was giving her hope, assuring that her moon was still breathing, her heart was beeping. At first, the heart monitor had been something she hated, the sound had made her nuts. She had grown to realize that as long as it was making a sound, her moon would be alright. It had grown into a familiar sound. She didn't even think about it anymore - like when you are in a room with air condition. At first, you notice the sound, it stands out, make you annoyed. But you learn to live with it. It makes the room never completely silent, but it's still not registered by you. It's just kind of there, like any other thing in the room. 
But suddenly, there weren't many beeps, like she was used to, like she had blocked out of her mind. It was one long one.
She had been carefully drawing on a piece of paper, when the sound, the beeping, didn't have breaks in between them anymore. Her head almost shot up and panick filled her. No, this wasn't happening. It took her a split second to see the red line on the machine screen and she had never jumped so quickly out of a chair before and hit the button on the wall - the one you call help with. And then she started screaming for help as loud as she could. Panick filling her heart and tears filling her eyes, she didn't want to believe it, she didn't want to believe that Moon Byul-yi's heart had stopped.
What had felt like en eternity with screaming, but had only been 10 seconds, doctors rushed into the room and someone took a hold off her shoulders, trying to get her to leave the room. Yongsun was struggling against.
"Don't let her die! Please, just save her, she can't die!" Yongsun was screaming out of desperation while being dragged out of the room. She saw doctors surround her moon before the door was closed. 



She didn't want to believe it. No, she couldn't believe it. But it was real, it was all so real. Days had gone with denial and days had gone with crying. Right now, she felt empty. No feelings, like everything had been ripped out of her.
She had waited for hours after Byul-yi's heart stopped. Hours of panic screaming and breathing problems, demanding to see her, demanding to get an update, getting mad and violent. Taemin, Hyejin and Wheein had dealed with her, trying to calm her down, only to her getting madder, more panicky, more frustrated and desperate. For hours this had been going on. Making someones heart start again didn't take hours.
Then a doctor had come back from her, and delievered the news. 
Byul-yi's heart was beating.
Yongsun had feel herself filling up with happiness - she would be okay. But this happiness was short, she could see it was something wrong on the doctors face.
Her body had been dead for too long before they got the heart beating again.
The brain hadn't gotten oxygen for that long time.
It had created bad damage to the brain because of the already small brain damage.
And then Yongsun got the final news. The news that made her world fall apart, making everything fall apart. All those plans and all those dreams. The words that came out of the doctors mouth that would change her life forever.
Machines were keeping her alive, making her heart beat. Without them, it would stop. And if her she got a miracle and her heart suddenly managed to beat by itself, it wouldn't help. 
She was braindead. Her body was alive, but her soul wasn't in it. Moon Byul-yi didn't exist in that body anymore. And that was what made it hard for Yongsun, what made her feel like everything was lost. Her world had fallen apart and slipped through her fingers and she couldn't do a single thing about it.

Seeing her body after the news was the hardest for Yongsun. There she was. Her Byul-yi. She looked so peaceful, taking away all the things she was hooked up to. Her face looked so peaceful, like she was just taking a nap. But knowing that her girlfriend, the love of her life wasn't inside there anymore, Yongsun couldn't deal with it. She couldn't make herself have control over her legs, and she collapsed into Taemin, before hitting the floor. She cried and screamed out. It seemed like that was all she did now a days. She felt helpless, nothing she could do would save her moon. She couldn't even remember what they had last talked about together. They would never talk together again. She struggled breathing and Taemin was desperatly trying to make her sit up, but she couldn't. Her breathing didn't come out correctly and her whole body was shaking. The whole world was black for her. She kept crying out Byul-yi's name, so loud everyone in the near rooms would hear her. She didn't want it to be real. It couldn't be real, her Byul. Snot, spit, tears and all other types of liquid were mixing up all over her face, and her makeup was smearing out - but she didn't care. She just let it all out. Taemin managed to sit down on the ground and hold her up against him. They had grew quite close amd he did this to calm her down.
"Byul-yi, we were fonna have such good lives. W-why did this h-happen? It's not fair!" She screamed out into Taemin's shoulder, voice filled with pain. She was hurting so much, it seemed like her world was over. "Byul-yi, don't leave me. We were gonna be married and have kids, d-dont leave m-" she couldn't even finish her crying and screaming before her voice breaking with her and she just let it all out. Taemin was doing his best comforting her, laying up against him on the hospital floor, having the worst breakdown of her whole life.







And now she felt nothing. Empty. She knew the machines was keeping Byul-yi alive. Or, her body. Her body must be tired. Extremely tired of being forced to stay in this place between death and alive.
She also knew it was her decision. When they would turn off the machines. When Byul-yi finally would get rest.
She had been selfish. Every morning, she woke up and prayed for a miracle. Miracles happened, maybe the doctors were wrong. Maybe Byul-yi's heart would work again and maybe her brain wasn't damaged.
But every morning was a disappointment. Byul-yi stayed the same. After a while, Yongsun told herself to stop being selfish, stop holding on the her out of greed. She needed to let go.
But every morning, she convinced herself she would take the decision the next day. And then it continued like this. It was so hard for Yongsun to say goodbye, to let go of her. She knew the youngest body was probably exhausted, she was being forced to stay alive, but Yongsun was so selfish. Even if she didn't want to be selfish, it was hard not to. She loved her. It was the love of her life, and she would be the one to make her take her last breath. Byul-yi would have wanted it, but Yongsun had such a hard time making the decision. It was so unfair. She was so young. She hadn't hurt anyone, she was always kind and adored by everyone. Goofy and greasy, a bit weird and full of energy. Why had the world chose to take her away so early when she still had so much to bring to this horrible world? She was a rare, pure gem that the world needed- so why had it gotten rid of her? It was so unfair, it shouldn't be like this.


One night, Yongsun had dreamed of that memory.
That time she had told those words to the desperate Byul-yi om that bench. That memory that had almost seemed to be erased from her head, but popped back now. They would always be together, no matter what happened to them.

And the next morning, Yongsun woke up and had decided that she would stop being selfish and try selfless instead. As soon as the descision had been made in her head, tears formed in her eyes, but were quickly dried away.

Looking down on the peaceful face laying there on the bed, before looking at all the people surrounding her. Hyejin was standing on the opposite side of the bed and Wheein was next to her, holding her hand. Three doctors, including Taemin was there aswell. Yongsun breathed in, before looking at them, and then Byul-yi. She gently leaned in towards her, so their faces was closer.
"Hey, wait for me, okay? I won't be there quickly with you, but I will come one day. If you can, wait for me please. I'll wait for you." She started whispering to the girl, before breathing in a bit and continuing.
"I'm sorry I made you hold on this long. It was selfish and stupid of me, I didn't want to accept reality. But this is reality Byul, and I'm ready to accept it. I'm ready to give you peace. Don't worry about me and live your life in heaven peacefully, okay? I'll be okay, I have you with me in the heart. As long as I have you in the heary, I'm okay. I promise." The tears were back, bit this would be the last time because of this situation. Yes, she would hurt and tears would come then in the future, but this would be the last time in this hospital. She leaned in and gently kissed Byul-yi's forehead, before sotting up again and sniffing a bit, making sure she wouldn't break out into sobs, not yet.
Hyejin took Byul-yi's hand and squeezed it a bit.
"You're one of the best friends I have and I hope you will have it peaceful now. Me and Wheein will take care of Yongsun, so please don't worry about her. We will miss you, but you will always be with us." Hyejin said silently and sadness was filled in her voice and eyes. 
The doctor asked if anyone had anything more to say and no one did. So, he looked at Yongsun and asked if it was time.
She couldn't look at him, her eyes were fixed om Byul-yi. Her slim face that still had somewhat chubby cheeks, her cute nose that would wrinkle when she smiled, her eyes that could make her forget everything. Her blonde hair that were now showing her black roots, hair soft as silk. She would miss it all. She would miss her so much. Her love, her one love, that she had found against all odds, the one she had contected with more than anyone, ever.
But still, she nodded. Because it was time. It was time for her to let go. And as the doctors moved over to the machine, Yongsun's free hand quickly grabbed Byul-yi's and her eyes were fixed on her. She wouldn't look at anything else, only her. Byul deserved to have someone there completely with her. Tears were falling down Yongsun cheeks and her lips were shaking. Byul-yi's hand in one hand and Wheein's in the other, she kept her eyes on the younger.
And suddenly, the room had that loud beep, the loud on-going beep Yongsun was familiar with. And then it was all quiet. It was all turned off. 
Yongsun closed her eyes and breathed out, tears still falling down her cheeks. She was gone.
"I love you, Moon Byul-yi. Please wait for me."





au; this is 9k words! i have never written a chapter with that many words before, my chapters are usually around 2k-3k!

i killed off byul. and i feel absolutely horrible, i just wanted to wake up byul magically, but i couldnt find a way to do that, so i had to follow my original plan. 

i was really bad at writing yongsun emotions in this, im sorry about that! i struggled finding words that would fit and ended up using the same ones again and again, but i really hope you imagine the sitiation and the feelings she might have been feeling to give yourself a better image of it!

so, what did you think? many of you were right about her being dead, sadly enough :(( many of the things that happened in the white room, a place between life and death which she was stuck at during the hospital time, was hints and conntected to what was happening to her. to not open leave out the door and go to heaven because the machines forced her body to stay alive. receiving her memory back piece by piece as a way to "see your life pass by your eyes when you die" etcetc~ i put in many more things like that in the white room, and if you go back reading it now, many things may make more sense!!

aaaaalso, i might make another chapter. miiiiiight. nothing being promised, but you know, maybe ;) so im not marking it as "complete" yet!


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Rmrocks #1
Chapter 5: Usually I don't like angst and I don't want to read it. But I did for this. And I teared up. But kinda liked the ending. Since they still manage to get together. It's just sad. Really really sad though. I feel bad for wheein and hwasa.
joody107 #2
Chapter 5: Wow. That was something I was not prepared for. I really thought Solar was gonna accept Taemin's feelings omg if she did. This was one big rollercoaster of emotions
I just finished reading this masterpiece. It's so good! Angst is always my cup of tea and my plate of pasta. Btw i want to share my opinion about this great story. It's awesome, indeed. But maybe it would be more 'reasonable' or 'real' if you left it just without the epilogue. Because... the epilogue part is kinda a turn off. I mean it's great, but it would be more 'hurt' and heart clenching if you left it in 'reality' part. Hehe just sharing my opinion tho. Thank you for this awesome peace!
Radish_nyoom #4
I hate you so much for making me feel, author-nim. You really have a talent, No piece of literary ever made me this sad in my 16 years of living. Thank you.
Chapter 5: It's been a long time since i cried for a fic but this one... wow i cried for two chapters straight!
Good job author-nim!
Chapter 5: *Yongsun voice* "Tears"

I am crying and was really captivated by your angsty fic. Thank you for making me a sad mess at 3 AM.
I'm looking forward to your next fics. :D
Chapter 5: Thank you so much
Awesome epilogue
jcxii_ #8
Chapter 5: damn it! I hate you author-nin for making me cry at midnight but that was hell of a story. I started to get nervous that Solar will accept Taemin's love buf hopefully she didn't.Yey! I may sound crazy and a lunatic but this story made me cry so much wishing that my mother won't come in my room to check me up. Thank you author-nim for this story :)) I'll cherish and remember this forever. I might reread this again but too much sadness bruh. Thank you again and hwaiting author!