Reliance (One-shot)


Author: Mariel D.

** I OWN NOTHING of this fanfic, all credit goes to the rightful owner/writer/author

** I re-post it here due to site closed down

** No plagiarism intended

** Purely sharing to all readers and fans


Original owner/ writer/ author  (by Mariel D.)


PS: Story was previously published on Winglin site and completed on August 29, 2009.



LS Challenge: One shot



“Reliance” by Mariel D
Genre: Romance, Adventure

[25] Wu Geng Lin= Aaron Yan
[24] Wu Ying Jie= GuiGui Wu



My mother was murdered; the accused person goes by the name GuiGui, my wife. I have lost my trust on her starting 
that day. Darkness has seemed to conquer the colorful world of love. I want to trust her; I want to believe on 
her, but… What can I do? All evidence was shouting, she was the cause of all this. Will I ever trust her again?


I have lost the most important thing in my life. It is not only trust, it is not only love, but I have lost him. 
Evidence anointed me, but I swear! I am innocent. All I want is he, his trust, his love, to return. They said it 
takes decades to build up trust, but how long will I wait for it to come back?


So, how is my introduction? Is it too short? Not clear? 
COMMENTS! ^_^ before I draft my chapter, I would like to hear your feedbacks, okay? 
So yeah, this story is all about TRUST.

*Background and poster to AAC @ bobolious Thanks for the AMAZING poster! ^_^
*My tutor: Ate Mavic [xD] For inspiring me to do this story. I should thank her Cellphone actually, but since she's the owner, I'll credit her still. LOL

August 17, 2009

Hi Fellow Readers & Friends, I hope you enjoy this story and please do let me know if you find anything error or mistake here


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