To the Park

A Sight in Heaven

-next day-
Second day of class. Camry and I went to our assigned seats. Looking at Camry... It seems that Kim and her are getting along very well.

-Ally looks next to her, an empty seat-

(I wonder where he might be. . Why would I care?)

Teacher comes in the room and said, "All right class. Today is a fun day. We will be getting to know each other."

-Teacher hands out papers to each student-

"I want you to write 2 facts and one false about yourself. You will start talking by the one on your side."

-A boy comes in the class and the teacher looked at him.-
"Sorry I missed class yesterday. I'll make it up."
-The boy faces the class-
"My name is Junyi Lee. Please take care of me."
-Junyi bows-

The teacher said, "Go sit next to Ally for a while. It seems that Ruyko won't be here."
-Teacher hands Junyi the paper and Junyi sat on his seat."

"Hi, my name is Junyi ^-^"
"I'm Ally," I said shyly.

(He seems friendly and nice.)

"All right class. You need to write two facts and one false about yourself. Once you're done, start talking. You get 5 minutes."

Ally's List:
1. I like ClariS.
2. I love purple.
3. I like roaches.

Junyi's List:
1. I have more than 20 doves in my backyard.
2. I have four siblings.
3. I like the color, green.

-Junyi and Ally traded each other's lists.-

Junyi chuckled, "Haha, I'm pretty sure the third one is not true. You just don't know what to say, don't you?"
"Haha yeah.. i guess. And.. Maybe your number one is not true. That seems unbelievable."
"No it's actually true. My dad raise and breeds them as a hobby ^-^. It's number 2 that's false."

-Ruyko comes in the room-
"Yo sorry, I'm late."
-Ruyko looks at his seat.-

"Oh, Junyi is seating with Ally right now. Once the five minutes is up, you can sit with Ally."

-Ruyko goes towards Junyi.-
"Hey, are you done?"
"That's actually my seat that you're sitting on."
"And so..?"
-Ruyko grabs Junyi's shirt. "Don't play with me and do what I tell you."

-Junyi removes Ruyko's hands-
"What did you say?"
"I said.. ing get off my seat."

-Kim looks at the two of them. Raises his eyeglass up.-
"Hey, this isn't elementary school that you're going into. Although this is entertaining, can you save it up later in the hallway?"

Teacher said, "Enough of that. Junyi, you can sit in the back row."

-Camry stares at Kim-
"That's pretty cool of you to say that," Camry blushed.
"Haha, no big deal. I've seen way more fights in the middle school."

Ruyko's List:
1. I don't like any girls.
2. Like Iruna.
3. You are the one in my mind.

-Ruyko coughs-
"Sorry for the trouble."

-Ruyko and Ally exchanged lists.-
"So.. what do you think is not right about me?"
"Definitely number 3," I said with a frown.

(His lists is ing bull. What the F is his number 3?)

"Wrong... As you can see, if you read the first words of 1, 2, and 3... It says 'I Like You'."


"Just lol? Don't you have any more better reaction than that?"

"Go yourself."

"What's wrong with you? Anyways, let me take a look at your lists. Hm, lets see... 1. I like ClariS 2. I like purple 3. I like roaches. Oh, maybe the number one is incorrect about you. Roaches? I'm thinking you would like that."

(That's it. I'm not liking him anymore. him and his ego. How dare he thinks that I don't like ClariS.)

-Ally takes a deep breathe-
"How can you say that?"

"You would be the one that would like me instead of ClariS."

(Lol, yuck.)

"Lol all right, lets see..."
-Ally grabs her pencil and erased ClariS from number 1 then changed it to Ruyko.-

" there is 2 false and 1 fact."

"One fact would be number 1: I like Ruyko."

-Ally rips the list and saved out number 2 which is I like Purple-

"Wrong... As you can see, you and roaches look alike so I doubt I'd ever like you."

Ruyko laughed. "Haha chill. You think I'd like you?"

"Hmph," Ally looked away from his sight.

"Time's up! Switch places!"
-Ally gets up from her seat.-
"Wait." -Ruyko grabs Ally's hand-
"Stay.. I'll be the one switching places."

(He's such a gentleman though..)
-Ally's face blushed-
(What am I thinking? Focus focus! He is so fake. I hate him.)

-Kim sits next to Ally-
"Hey, you're a friend of Camry, right?"
"Yeah, since middle school ^^"
-Kim and Ally switches lists-

Ruyko's point of view:
-Ruyko sits next to Camry-
"Sorry about yesterday, Camry. I didn't mean to startle you like that."
"Ah, no. It's fine, haha," Camry blushed.
-Ruyko looks at her and with the few minutes time remaining, he slipped a piece of paper on her desk.-

-class bell rings-

"Ruyko!! Ruyko!!" Joey yelled, waiting on the door.
-Ruyko goes to Joey-

(Here he goes again. Those two are really close.)

"Um, hey..." Kim said, "is this your pencil? It was on the floor."
-Kim puts pencil on Ally's desk-
"Listen.. I really had fun talking to you. Do you mind meeting me in the park after school at around 5:30 pm?"
"Uh, I don't mind at all"
"Cool," Kim smiled and left.

Camry's point of view:
-Camry opens up the piece of paper that Ruyko left-
~Come meet me at the park around 6:30pm, bring your friend.~
"ALLY! Lets go to the park together!"
"What time?"
"6:30pm. You're available, right?"

(Ah, crap. It's okay though. I got an hour to hang out with Kim and then I can go with Camry.)

"Uhm, yes," Ally hesitated.

-5:00 PM-
-Ally looks at her watch-
(Hm, I guess I'm thirty minutes early.)
I'll take a walk around...

-Ally walks around where there are no people-
(Peace and quiet... phew... Wait.. Is that Junyi laying down on the grass? What is he doing?)
-Ally stood there behind the tree while looking at him-
(Just one more step.)
-Ally takes one more step then trips up, but before she fell.. Ruyko grabs her. Slammed her against the tree, putting his hand around .-
"Ngrhrhhhh f..k.. ngrraw. mootha-"
"Will you please shut up!"

-All of a sudden... Kim grabs Ruyko's hand and punched him.-

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kookoom #1
This is cute~