The Beginning

A Sight in Heaven

Ally's point of view:

"Ah shoot, I'm getting late"... 

(I don't like school and yet, I'm running until I'm out of breath)

With the surprising face of Camry, "Oh! Ally hurry up! Don't give up now!"

"Wait. I can't. I'm running out of breath. I am so exhausted."
-putting my hands on my knees while I catch my breath-

"We can't be late on our first day of school," said Camry, "now hurry!"
-she grabs my hands and we ran together-

(Camry has been my best friend since elementary school and we knew each other ever since.)

As we walked on our way to class, I saw someone on the corner of the staircase.
(Hm.. I can't see with his head down. Well, I don't care because I don't know him.)

-Class bell rings-

(Phew.. Camry and I made it into class just in time.)

The teacher welcomed us and assigned us our seat. Camry gets to sit next to a guy who wear glasses. He seems pretty smart and aware of his surroundings.

"My name is Camry. Nice to meet you!"
-both shook hands as they greet each other-

And here... I get to sit with nobody....

This is some boring class, sigh.

"All right! Sorry for going over the syllabus. I promise you that this would only be the day that I am going over this and thank you for paying att--..."

Suddenly... someone opened the door.... And at that very moment.....

"Hello, everyone.. My name is Ruyko. Sorry to disrupt your class, sensei. I had trouble getting in here."

....for once, I believe in love at first sight.

"It's all right," the teacher said with a smile, "your seat is next to Ally."

(My heart, for some reason, keeps beating).

Ruyko walked confidently as he goes to his seat. The girl in the class keeps staring at him and Ruyko made an eye contact with her.

"Hey," he said with a smile. "Here's a number of mine when you need me," he slipped the paper on her desk.

Ruyko sat down next to me, but Ruyko doesn't seem to pay attention to me.

(Wow this is ing bull . I can't believe I fell in love with him. He already got his number prepared for girls. I'm so pissed. F this shet.)

-class bell rings-

Camry comes to me and whispered, "Hey, don't you think Ruyko is kind of cute?"

"That bish? His in' ugly. Have him all you want. I don't care."
(All of a sudden, my chest starts to hurt.)

"Ah, no. I think I've got my eyes on Kim. He's smart and cute," she said.

"Well, good luck. Kim doesn't seem to be interested in any kind of relationship. He's kind of mysterious, don't you think?"

"Mysterious guys are hot," Camry said with a smile.

"C'mon lets go home,"Ally said.

Camry and I walked out of class. Then I saw Ruyko with other girls. Sigh, his looks is such a waste. If only he could be such a gentleman and focus on only one person he truly likes.

-Ruyko walks towards Ally-

(Is he coming towards me? Move legs. Move.. Camry and I just stood there... frozen.)

"Hey, what's your name?" he said.


He didn't make an eye contact with me and seems to ignore me.

"Oh me?" Camry chuckled, "my name is Camry."

"I'm Ruyko. Nice to meet you."
-Ruyko takes Camry's hand and looks at it.-

"HEY! Ruyko!" said the guy running on the other side of the hallway.

-Ruyko lets go of Camry's hands and turns around-

"Joey, what's the hurry?"

"I bought Undertale from Steam yesterday. Do you want to come by my house today?"

-Ruyko walks away from Camry and Ally. Then goes with Joey.-

"So whadda ya say, Ruyko? You comin'? You comin'?"

"HAHAHA, dude. We got some things to do.."

"Like.. wha--"

-Ruyko puts his hand around Joey and whispered: "Dude.. I can't let my reputation ruin me. We need to play it cool, okay?"-

"Yes, yes," Joey said, embarrassed.

Camry looks at me. "Ally are you okay?"
-Ally closed her hands as tight as she could, making a fist.-

"What is his problem? him."

"Ally.. I think I'm falling for him."

"HAHAHA. Stop making me laugh. Him? Why him? I thought you had Kim in your mind. Out of all the guys, it's him?"

"Ally you seem mad. Are you sure you don't like him?"

"I'm pretty sure... But you need to be careful around Ruyko... He doesn't seem to be the guy you might expect," I said.

"I know. Thanks for letting me know. You're a great friend, Ally."

Ruyko's point of view:
"Hey Joey. What was that game again? Undertale, right? I'm still hooked up on Iruna. Level 100+ bro haha"

"I hate that game. It keeps disconnecting me. Check out my characters on Brave Frontier. Pretty cool, eh? By the way, who was that girl that you held hands with? Is she your girlfriend?"

"Hm, nah... I've got my eyes on someone else," Ruyko smirked.

"You flirt with girls a lot, but you never actually take them home or take them seriously," said Joey.

"What about you? Don't you ever like someone else, Joey?"

"Hmm.. I'm not interested. All it matters is that I've got Maurien by my side."

"Haha, thought you were gay bro. Oooo. Joey loves Maurien"

"Shut up dude."

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kookoom #1
This is cute~