My First Kiss

A Sight in Heaven

"Silly. Don't worry about me bud," Ruyko said as he messes up Joey's hair.
"Fine," Joey said, "so what are we going to do now?"
"Lets wait for Camry."

Ally's point of view:
"Hey Ally," said Kim, "the reason why I wanted to meet you here was because--.."

-Ally turns around-
"Oh it's you Ally," Junyi chuckled, "such a coincidence. I didn't know that I'd meet you here."

-Kim's phone rang-
"Hello?...... I have to go somewhere in urgent. I'm sorry, Ally. I'll talk to you whenever I can."
"Oh, it's oka-"
-Kim runs-

Camry's point of view:
"Hmm, I wonder where Ruyko and Ally is."
-Camry keeps walking and sees Kim.-
"Eh, Kim?"
(He didn't see me, I guess. Where is he running to? It must be something important. I want to follow him, but I need to see Ruyko.)
"Oi, Camry"
-Camry looks around.-
"Yeah. Ruyko's with me. Is your friend with you?"
"You mean Ally?"
"Hang on. Let me call Ally."
-Camry grabs her phone and calls Ally.-

Ally's point of view:
"So its just you and I," said Junyi.
"Haha yeah," Ally looked down on the ground.
"Do you go here a lot?
"Um no... I was asked to meet here."
"I see.... I go here a lot. I have a thing for nature. ^^"
-Ally's phone starts ringing.-
"Where are you? I'm here where the bench is," said Camry.
"I'm sorry. I'll be right there."

"I have to go. I'm sorry."
"Oh, it's all right," said Junyi.

(Well, that was weird. I wonder where Kim went. He was in a rush and he seems frustrated.)

-Ally runs and looks for Camry-
"Over here," said Camry as she waves her hand.

Ruyko and Joey are with her? Why didn't she tell me anything about this?

"Surprise!" said Ruyko.
"Oh it's you again. Why are you here?" Ally asked.
"Because I can," Ruyko smiled.

-In a meanwhile, Camry looks at what Joey is doing on his phone.-

"Ehhh?? Undertale?" Camry shockingly asked.
"Yeah! You know Undertale? Look at this meme, right here. Don't you think this is funny? Hahaha."
-Camry and Joey walked away from them.-

::In a chibi form::
"Hey!!! Where are you two going!!" Ally said.
-The two are walking away from her distance-
::Normal form::

"I'm going home," Ally said.
"I want to talk to you"
"I don't need to. I'm not interested in talking to you."
-Ruyko rans and goes in front of Ally-
"Here's my number. Keep it just in case you need me."
-Ruyko offers her the small piece of paper with his number written on it.-
"I doubt that I'll ever call you."
-Ally left.-

-Ally comes home.-
"Tada-ima! (I'm home!)"
-Ally sees her mother crying at the dining table.-
"Mom....? Why are you crying.."
-Ally's mom tries not to cry and quickly wiped away her tears.-
"Oh Ally? You didn't have to see me like this."
"What's wrong?"
-Piece of paper fell down from the dining table. Ally picks it up and reads it.-
-Ally's mom snatches it from her.-
"Oh no. We will be fine... I just need to work more."
"Mom... I can help you."
"No, Ally. You have to stay focus in school. I don't want you to have a part-time job."
"Ally now is not the time. Please go to your room."
-Ally goes to her room and surfs up in the Internet.-
(I need a job. I really need it. It hurts to see my mom suffer like this.)
-Few minutes later-
(Hm.. Cafe? This seems close to our house and I can totally work there. I'll go there tomorrow after school.)

-Next day at school-
"Hey Ally," said Ruyko.
-Ally ignores him.-
-During lecture while the teacher is teaching the class, Ruyko slipped a paper on her desk that said: Hey, Ally.-
-Ally reads the paper and ignored him again.-
-Ally eating in the cafeteria.-
"Hi, Ally," Ruyko smiled.

School ended, finally. Now I need to go to the cafe shop.

-Ally goes inside the cafe shop.-
"Hello, do you need something?" asked employee 1.
"Oh, I'm here for a job. I saw that you guys are hiring people."
"That's right. You can talk to our manager in the room over there," employee 1 said as she pointed to the room.
-Ally walks inside the room.-
"Junyi? You're the manager?"

"Oh hey, Ally. My dad owns this business and I'm just here to replace him while he is out for vacation. Are you here for a job?"
"Um..." Ally looks down.
"You're hired."
"I can see the look from your face. You need this right? Then take it. Just make sure you are doing your work diligently," Junyi smiled.
"Tha--.. Than--.. Thanks so much. It really means so much to me."
"I trust you. We are really in need of employee and you can start working now if you want, so you can get your paycheck next week."
-Ally grabs her working uniform and starts working as the server.-
-Man comes inside the cafe shop and sits down.-
-Ally comes and asked him what does he likes from the menu.-
"I would like to take a bagel with cream cheese and a hot coffee."
"Okay, is that all?"
-The man is eyeing Ally's chest.-
"Yes," he said."
-As Ally walks back to take his order, the man watches her legs.-

::Few minutes later::
"Here you go sir. Bagel with cream cheese and a hot coffee."
"...thanks," said the man with a grin.

-Man left then Ally went to his table, took the tip, and cleaned the table.-

(Phew, such a long day.)

-Ally starts walking home and its dark. The man stands there beside the phone booth. Ally walks pass through him.-

-Ally keeps walking.. then faster. The man started walking faster too.-

-Ally runs. Then looked behind her back.-
(The man seemed to disappeared.)

-Ally walks again.... Took a glance to her right side. The man is there.-

-Ally tried to calm down and goes inside to the nearest convenience store.-

(Why is he following me? This is not a coincidence right? I mean... he was following me all the way here from the cafe shop. He is totally waiting for me.)

-Ally grabs her phone and peeked at the window. The man is waiting on her.-

-Ally called Camry. No answer.-
(Where are you, Camry? Please pick up your phone. You're the only one who I can depend on, right now. Mom's not at home and you're the only friend I have.)
-Ally cried-
(I don't know what to do. What should I do right now?)
-Ally dropped on the ground. Her school bag fell and the zipper is open. A piece of paper was on the ground. And Ally picks it up.-

Ruyko's point of view:
-Ruyko is at the karaoke place with Joey and the girls.-
"Wooo, this is fun!" said Joey.
"I told you!" Ruyko laughed.
"Heeeyyy, Ruykooo... you should sing too," said girl 1.
-Ruyko's cell phone rings and Ruyko picks it up.-
"It's me. Ally. I need your help right now."
"Where are you?"
-Ruyko rans outside as fast as he can and went inside the convenience store.-

Ally's point of view:
"Are you okay?" asked Ruyko.
"Yes, I don't know if he is stalking me. But he is following me from the place I work on."
-Ruyko looks outside and sees the man.-
"How long have you been here?"
"20 minutes."
"And he is waiting on you?"
"Then he is stalking you!"
"I'm... so--"
-Ruyko went to cashier and bought ice cream.-
"Sorry, I'm feeling very hot right now."
-Ruyko puts his arms around Ally and walks outside of the convenience store.-
"You'll be all right," said Ruyko.
-Man 1 comes towards them.-
"Who are you?" Man 1 said.
-Ruyko looks at Ally.-
"Ally...... anata o aieimasu (i love you)."
-Ruyko leans in and kissed Ally.-
-Man 1 went away.-

(He kissed me. What will happen now?)

"He's gone already," said Ruyko.

Right there....

........ it was my..

-Ally blushed and looked at Ruyko.-

...first kiss.

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kookoom #1
This is cute~